Racing Rules of SailingWithout rules, sailboat racing would not exist. From small boat dinghy racing to the America's Cup, the Racing Rules of Sailing strive to give everyone a fair shot at bringing home a trophy based upon sailing skills and a level playing ground. The ISAF (International Sailing Federation) Racing Rules of Sailing govern the sport of sailboat racing. They are revised and published every four years by the International Sailing Federation. The national governing body for sailing in the United States is US SAILING. The US SAILING Racing Rules Committee (RRC) is primarily responsible for proposing changes in the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) to submit to the International Sailing Federation (ISAF). US SAILING and other National Authorities must submit to ISAF any changes which they would like to see made in the RRS. US SAILING publishes "Prescriptions" to the RRS which are valid in the United States. Here are the Current RRS and US SAILING Prescriptions: For more information on the rules and the organizations governing the sport:
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