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Home: Categories: Boats: Classic and Wooden Boats
  • Classic Yacht Register Classic Yacht Register new
    The Classic Yacht Association is dedicated to the promotion, preservation, restoration, and maintenance of fine, old, power-driven pleasure craft. The Association welcomes membership for anyone with an interest in classic motor yachts -- ownership of a yacht is not a requirement. For those who do own classic yachts, the CYA maintains a database of vessel particulars, historical information, and images. This Yacht Register site is a listing of all currently registered CYA yachts, as well as archived listings of yachts previously registered, for sale, or otherwise of special interest.
    (Added: Mon Mar 17 2025) - Report this link as bad!
    Category: Boats/Classic and Wooden Boats
  • A & A Marine Manufacturing A & A Marine Manufacturing
    Antique and classic marine hardware and upholstery. A & A Marine, The Runabout Boat Company offers new, used and custom restoration marine hardware and vintage boat parts to help you in restoring your classic runabout. A & A Marine specializes in Century boats from Century's home port in Manistee, Michigan, and also offers many items for Chris Craft and other fine runabouts. In addition to classic boat parts, A & A Marine also offers a large selection of modern boat gauges including Faria, Teleflex, Medallion and VDO. Manistee, Michigan
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • ACBS, Pacific Northwest Chapter ACBS, Pacific Northwest Chapter
    The Pacific Northwest (PNW) chapter of the Antique & Classic Boat Society (ACBS) connects people who love and enjoy classic boats. As an ACBS member you'll meet a community of active classic boat enthusiasts with a broad range of resources. At monthly meetings we plan events, enjoy speakers or cruise Lake Washington in our runabouts. You don't need to own a boat to join in. We love sharing our expertise with newcomers to this hobby. Arlington, Washington
    (Added: Sat Feb 25 2023) - Report this link as bad!
  • Adirondack Chapter of the ACBS Adirondack Chapter of the ACBS
    Of the 46 chapters in the International Antique and Classic Boat Society, the Adirondack Chapter is one of the most active. Over 250 members, owning and using in excess of 200 boats of various age, classification, and state of restoration, have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of boating-related activities throughout the year. The Adirondack Chapter is based in upstate New York, with coverage from the Lake George and Capital District regions through the Adirondack Park.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • All Muskoka Antique and Classic Wooden Boats All Muskoka Antique and Classic Wooden Boats
    All Muskoka Antique and classic wooden boats such as Chris Craft, Century, Duke, Ditchburn, Dippy, Grew, Greavette, Minett Shields, Sheppard, Port Carling Boats. Muskoka, Ontario, Canada
    (Added: Wed Jan 12 2005) - Report this link as bad!
  • Antique and Classic Boat Society Antique and Classic Boat Society
    The Antique and Classic Boat Society is the largest society in the world dedicated to the preservation & enjoyment of historic, antique & classic boats of all types. We embrace all styles of classic wood, fiberglass and metal boats. With 6,800 family memberships (approximately 11,500 individuals), ACBS connects people with the common interest in classic boats to share fellowship, information, experiences and ideas. Each year ACBS Chapters organize more than 100 classic boat shows, boating events, and gatherings throughout North America. There is truly something for everyone. Clayton, New York
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Antique and Classic Boat Society - Chesapeake Bay Chapter Antique and Classic Boat Society - Chesapeake Bay Chapter
    Our chapter is one of 38 chapters nationwide, and has over 240 enrolled chapter members from over six states. Our chapter hosts a number of activities each year. Among the many are: a spring workshop held at a boat yard or restoration shop; our annual boat show and festival at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in beautiful St. Michaels, Maryland; various cruises, rendezvous and picnics; a fall barbecue party; and the annual "Change of Watch" election of new officers.
    (Added: Mon Jan 12 2009) - Report this link as bad!
  • Antique and Classic Boat Society 1000 Islands Chapter Antique and Classic Boat Society 1000 Islands Chapter
    The Thousand Islands Chapter of ACBS supports and endorses the Vision and Mission statement of ACBS, and is particularly oriented to carrying out its efforts in the St. Lawrence River area. The Thousand Islands Chapter of ACBS is unique in several ways; it is an international chapter of ACBS, having a large number of Canadian as well as US members; it is the home chapter for both the Antique Boat Museum and ACBS Headquarters; and its members are from all over the map, drawn by the incomparable St. Lawrence River. The vision of The Antique and Classic Boat Society, Inc. is to provide an organization wherein people with a common interest in and love of historic, antique and classic boats can come together with friends and colleagues in a spirit of fellowship and fun to share dreams, adventures, knowledge, history and experiences.
    (Added: Mon Dec 22 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • Antique and Classic Boat Society Pacific Northwest Chapter Antique and Classic Boat Society Pacific Northwest Chapter
    The Pacific Northwest Chapter, founded in 1980, is one of the largest and most active in the Antique and Classic Boat Society (ACBS). Online since 1995, our chapter's site was one of the earliest classic boating sites on the web. Today, our website continues our tradition as the preeminent online resource for classic boats. In particular, we draw your attention to our free want-ad department, the largest selection of classic boats and parts on the web. Lake Washington, Washington
    (Added: Tue Jan 28 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Antique and Classic Boat Society: Toronto Antique and Classic Boat Society: Toronto
    ACBS Toronto is made up of volunteers that carry out everthing from administration, Classicboat magazine, event planing, website, accounting, all aspects. We exist to celebrate the beauty and the rich heritage of recreational boating in Ontario, Canada and around the world. ACBS Toronto attracts a wide variety of members, from classic boat owners to builders to people who just simply appreciate these beautiful crafts and the craftsmanship that built them. As a member you will enjoy a full year of memorable outings, events, workshops, gatherings and shows with other enthusiasts just like you. North York, Ontario, Canada
    (Added: Sat Dec 29 2012) - Report this link as bad!
  • Antique Boat America Antique Boat America
    Antique Boat America is the world's largest broker for Antique & Classic Boats. Headquartered in the Heart of the 1000 Islands and operating throughout North America and Worldwide. We facilitate the buying and selling process by bringing together the most comprehensive marketplace of available boats. The listings provide specifications, photos, locations, and all necessary information to facilitate "the hunt". Still looking for that special boat? Let us find it for you! Clayton, New York
    (Added: Sat Jan 05 2013) - Report this link as bad!
  • Antique Boat Museum Antique Boat Museum
    The Antique Boat Museum is the premier fresh water nautical museum in North America. Located in the 1000 Islands on the St. Lawrence River, the ABM's galleries overflow with over 300 unique and beautifully-preserved boats and thousands of recreational boating artifacts. From May through October, our 4.5 acre campus comes alive with speed boat rides, boat shows, educational programs for all ages, special events and more. Clayton, New York
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Antique Outboard Motor Club Antique Outboard Motor Club
    Dedicated to the Preservation and Restoration of Antique Outboards. In 1866, the first outboard device was patented. Since that time, over 160 manufacturers have entered the industry – few remain. Names like Caille, Waterman, Walnut, Lockwood, Motorgo, Columbian, Gray and Ferro are all forgotten except at AOMCI.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Babylon Boat Works Babylon Boat Works
    Classic boat restoration. Babylon Boat Works is not only a working shop specializing in classic restoration and marine fabrication, it is also the hottest new reality show on the web. Each day, viewers can watch the live action on the BBW webcam as the crew faces challenges arising as they restore boats to their former glory. Daily updates from Capt. Al and crew highlight the day's progress and struggles. Viewers will find Babylon Boat Works entertaining as well as educational. Babylon, New York
    (Added: Sun Jan 13 2013) - Report this link as bad!
  • Bay State Classic Boat Club Bay State Classic Boat Club
    BAY STATE CLASSIC BOAT CLUB is the Massachusetts chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society (ACBS), a group of people with the common interest in vintage boats. To share fellowship, experiences and information to maintain and preserve the antique and classic boat. Northampton, Massachusetts
    (Added: Sun Nov 29 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Big Sky Chapter of The Antique and Classic Boat Society Big Sky Chapter of The Antique and Classic Boat Society
    History lives on in this unique, fast growing club of wooden boat enthusiasts. From the casual recreationalists to the professional craftsman, the Big Sky Chapter ACBS offers serious fun as we showcase the best water-craft the Northwest has to offer. Owners of these classic beauties take great pride in being able to play a part in the Flathead Valley’s rich and historic boat building past. Whether you own an armada or a model boat collection, we welcome your membership. Based in Montana
    (Added: Sun Nov 22 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Blackhawk Chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society Blackhawk Chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society
    The mission of the Antique and Classic Boat Society is to bring together people with a common interest in antique boats to preserve them, restore them if necessary, and to promote a love and enjoyment of them. Illinois and Wisconsin
    (Added: Sun Nov 22 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Blue Ridge Chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society Blue Ridge Chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society
    The purposes of this chapter shall be: To provide a means through which individuals, sharing a common interest in historic, antique and classic boating, can meet, share experiences and information, exchange ideas and generate enthusiasm for all aspects of their interest. To protect the heritage of boating by promoting the preservation and restoration of historic, antique and classic boats... Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina
    (Added: Sun Nov 29 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Buckeye Chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society Buckeye Chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society
    Welcome Aboard! The Buckeye Chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society (ACBS) was founded in 1979. It is one of the oldest chapters of the ACBS. Buckeye Lake has a long and rich history of being a play-land and boating destination in central Ohio. A tradition that continues today. Thornville, Ohio
    (Added: Mon Jan 22 2024) - Report this link as bad!
  • Chris Craft Antique Boat Club Chris Craft Antique Boat Club
    The mission of the Chris-Craft Antique Boat Club (CCABC) is to maintain the rich heritage of Chris-Craft through research, communication, and education; to encourage the use, preservation, and restoration of Chris-Craft boats; and to enhance the experience of owning a Chris-Craft. Owning a Chris-Craft is not a prerequisite for membership. Many of our members own boats other than Chris-Craft and some may own no boat at all. We encourage owners and enthusiasts to become active and involved members. The CCABC is a not-for- profit organization whose governing body is elected by the membership. The Club is supported by membership dues, our Sponsorship Program, our advertisers, and through tax-deductible donations. Annual membership includes full access to our website resources and quarterly issues of The Brass Bell, our premium publication. West Bend, Wisconsin
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Chris Craft Rendezvous of the Pacific NorthWest Chris Craft Rendezvous of the Pacific NorthWest
    The Rendezvous is held annually on the third weekend in July at the Port Orchard Marina in Port Orchard, Washington. The purpose of the rendezvous is to provide an opportunity for Chris Craft owners and their families to share the pride and enjoyment of the boats they love. All Chris Crafts are welcome regardless of size, age, model, construction material or condition. The focus is on fun, cameradery and, of course, our Chris Crafts.
    (Added: Fri Dec 09 2005) - Report this link as bad!
  • Chris Parts Chris Parts
    Chris Craft Boat Parts. Rudders, Struts, & related parts our specialty. Bradenton, Florida
    (Added: Sun Dec 11 2005) - Report this link as bad!
  • Classic Australian Wooden Power Boat Association Classic Australian Wooden Power Boat Association
    This site is here for all those interested in classic wooden powerboating in Australia. It covers speedboats, raceboats, racing skiffs, hydroplanes and anything else that floats, is made of wood, goes fast and makes a lot of noise doing it. The Classic Australian Wooden Power Boat Association is made up of enthusiasts from all over Australia.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Classic Boat Connection Classic Boat Connection
    Your one stop source for all of your classic & antique boat restoration needs. Hard to find necessities for classic wood boats. We also specialize in special orders. If you need something for your antique and classic boat, give us a call and we will try to find it for you. Mankato, Minnesota
    (Added: Sat Nov 23 2013) - Report this link as bad!
  • Classic Boat Magazine Classic Boat Magazine
    Magazine focusing on traditional wooden, classic and working craft of the past and present. Classic Boat is the magazine for the world’s most beautiful boats. Packed with stunning images, we have the inside stories of the great classic yachts and motorboats afloat today, as well as fascinating tales from yesteryear and the latest from the wooden boat building scene around the world. For over 25 years Classic Boat has celebrated the world’s most beautiful boats. Each issue showcases the best-designed traditional boats afloat, examining their design, provenance and heritage and championing their classic good looks and craftsmanship. United Kingdom.
    (Added: Sat Dec 11 2004) - Report this link as bad!
  • Classic Launches And Game Fishing Boats New Zealand Classic Launches And Game Fishing Boats New Zealand
    Classic fishing boats and Classic launches from New Zealand compiled by Brian Worthington and Irelene Blakeborough. Brian has taken a personal keen interest in these boats and has collected old photos and as much information as possible to help preserve the history of these classic boats. Classic Boats and Game Fishing Boats web site was made and designed by Irlene and is dedicated to as many of the classic boats and classic charter boats around New Zealand.
    (Added: Fri Jan 16 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Classic Motor Boat Association of Great Britain Classic Motor Boat Association of Great Britain
    Founded in 1998, the Classic Motor Boat Association is the largest organisation in the UK catering for the preservation and enjoyment of classic powerboats and engines from British and Overseas manufacturers. Whether your interests lie in restoration, gentle cruising in company or fulfilling a need for speed, you'll find we have an event to suit every taste. The intention of the association is to gather together enthusiasts of classic motor boats and to enable members to run and display them. We have around 250 members, most of whom own a classic craft of one kind or another. Owning a boat is not a prerequisite for membership, in fact we encourage all with an interest in and enjoyment of classic boats to come and join us. Send, Surrey, England, UK
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Classic Sailboats | Keeping The Legends Alive Classic Sailboats | Keeping The Legends Alive
    We are a not-for-profit maritime publication and the worlds largest independent alliance of vintage, classic and spirit of tradition yacht owners, sailors, merchants, scientists, environmentalist, and preservationist. We are committed to keeping the spirit of the legends of sailing alive and dedicated to our mission to bring STEM (science, technology, math, education to the classrooms our our youth, and to arouse public awareness, action and support for the protection of our precious oceans, and wildlife. The stories, and racing histories of these magnificent craft are important to the overall valuation of each yachts role in history. We encourage our readers to contribute with historical contributions (comments) when possible.
    (Added: Fri Nov 24 2017) - Report this link as bad!
  • Classic Yacht Association Classic Yacht Association
    The Classic Yacht Association is dedicated to the promotion, preservation, restoration and maintenance of fine, old, power-driven pleasure craft. The CYA has become a major influence in the growing awareness and appreciation of the classic motoryacht. The Association is very active with a yearly agenda of yachting and social activities that focus on the unique craftsmanship and designs of the classic era.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Classic Yacht Association Classic Yacht Association
    Since 1969, the Classic Yacht Association is dedicated to the promotion, preservation, restoration and maintenance of fine, old, power-driven craft. The CYA has an active yearly calendar of yachting, educational, and social activities to support this mission. The CYA membership is located across geographies, and members can participate in activities among all the fleets. Join us in focusing attention on the unique craftsmanship and design of the classic era. We welcome and encourage anyone with an interest in fine old motor yachts to join the Classic Yacht Association. At present, the Association is made up of five fleets, the Southern California Fleet includes member boats from Santa Barbara to San Diego. The Northern California Fleet covers San Francisco Bay and the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. The Pacific Northwest Fleet encompasses the waters of the Columbia River, Puget Sound, and Idaho. The Canadian Fleet is centered in Vancouver, B.C., and the growing USA Fleet includes members from any non-West Coast area.
    (Added: Fri Feb 16 2024) - Report this link as bad!
  • Classic Yacht Association of Australia Classic Yacht Association of Australia
    The Classic Yacht Association was formed in 1994 to promote the ownership, knowledge and appreciation of classic sailing craft in Australia and to preserve them for future generations. It now has approximately 250 members and 120 boats on its register. It organises and supports sailing regattas and events in four states, and produces a quality magazine twice a year. Williamstown, Victoria, Australia
    (Added: Tue Jan 01 2013) - Report this link as bad!
  • Classic Yacht Association of New Zealand Classic Yacht Association of New Zealand
    Dedicated to: Promoting the ownership, preservation and restoration of Classic Yachts and Launches; Reflecting the significant role harbour and coastal sea craft have played in the development of New Zealand Communities; Encouraging the fellowship that grow and exists between all men and women who delight in the pleasure of the sea and craft that sail those seas. Auckland, New Zealand
    (Added: Tue Jan 01 2013) - Report this link as bad!
  • Classic Yacht Charitable Trust Classic Yacht Charitable Trust
    Aims and Objectives: To promote public interest and education in aspects of the maritime history of New Zealand, including the design construction and use of vessels of all descriptions. | The preservation restoration purchase acquisition and maintenance of examples of early yachts launches scows and other vessels designed and built in New Zealand and used in or around New Zealand waterways. | To arrange and organise educational opportunities to acquaint the public and young people with the heritage and skills of early New Zealand boat builders, boat designers and the early sailors. | To co-operate with other entities and museums to better promote and achieve the aims of the Trust. Auckland, New Zealand
    (Added: Fri Jan 16 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Classic Yacht Club of America Classic Yacht Club of America
    Classic Yacht Club of America was formed to encourage the preservation and restoration of classic water craft to as near original condition as possible. Further, it was established to encourage rendezvous and other social gatherings, to collect information on classic watercraft, and to act as a reference source. The Club, by design, holds rendezvous at different sites on the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries during the boating season and an annual meeting for installation of Officers. Grasonville, Maryland
    (Added: Tue Jan 01 2013) - Report this link as bad!
  • Classic Yacht Info Classic Yacht Info
    The online directory of classic sailing yachts. Sailing news, classic yachts for sale - we live classic yachting! Site offers Articles, Photos, Videos, Documents, Forum, and more.
    (Added: Tue Dec 10 2019) - Report this link as bad!
  • Classic Yacht Magazine Classic Yacht Magazine
    Authoritative, beautiful online magazine for those who love great boats. Classic Yacht online magazine brings the world of beautiful, capable yachts and their colorful owners to your desktop, laptop, or aft deck. Lovers of great boats, be they power or sail, old or new, fiberglass or not, crewed or car-topped, will discover an intriguing wave of stories to fuel their dreams and enrich their time on the water. Classic Yacht online magazine is devoted to the authentic boating experience.
    (Added: Wed Oct 24 2007) - Report this link as bad!
  • Classic Yacht Owners Association Classic Yacht Owners Association
    Our goals are rooted in a shared passion: the stewardship and enjoyment of classic yachts. We believe we have an opportunity to bring owners together to foster a sense of community – a community that can bring a positive and cohesive voice to the issues, challenges, and opportunities that arise from time to time and need to be addressed. While this organization's members are owners of classic yachts, our partners and collaborators include event organizers, restoration shops, boatbuilders, sailmakers, marine industry service providers, sailors and sponsors – all critical members of the classic yachting community. The membership-driven, nonprofit Classic Yacht Owners Association was established in 2015 to encourage fellowship amongst owners within the classic yacht community. One of the organization’s goals is to help shape the future of the sport by influencing and cultivating long-term regional cooperation amongst those who are dedicated to owning, maintaining, and racing sailing vessels. CYOA also works to promote classic yacht ownership with the objective of attracting new members and creating new funding opportunities to support future classic yacht events. Bristol, Rhode Island
    (Added: Sat Nov 28 2020) - Report this link as bad!
  • Classics Illustrated Classics Illustrated
    This web-site is dedicated to the beauty of classic wooden boats. Sweden is a country with a living woodenboat culture from the vikings to C G Pettersson*, due to its many lakes and long coastline. The Swedish pleasureboats of the last century are well known for their beauty and craftmanship.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
    Welcome to This site is dedicated to the restoration and preservation of vintage / classic boats and the High Performance boat collector. We want to welcome you to a network of Collector Boat enthusiasts that can help you get your dream completed rather than hauling it to the land fill. If you want to preserve a piece of boating history, restore and preserve hard to find classic and vintage fiberglass boats and Outboard Motors, can help you locate Motor Parts, Propellers, Rigging, Boat Parts and accessories from the 1950s through the 1980s. Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota
    (Added: Fri Jan 27 2023) - Report this link as bad!
  • Columbia-Willamette Chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society Columbia-Willamette Chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society
    We are a diverse group of individuals with a passion for classic, antique & historic boats. Our goal, as a chapter, is to provide an opportunity for vintage boat enthusiasts to get together and share knowledge, experience and enjoyment in old boats. We are a volunteer organization who enjoys finding, discussing, restoring and operating classic boats. You don’t need a boat to join. We're always looking for people with a love for boats and there's always room on a member boat at our in-water functions. Portland, Oregon
    (Added: Sun Nov 29 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Dispro Owners Association Dispro Owners Association
    The legendary Disappearing Propeller Motor Boat and its Patented “Device” were both invented in Port Carling, Ontario Canada in 1915. Powered with a 3 hp. inboard marine motor, 3100 boats were produced by four different companies over a 44 year time period. In the ensuing years, it has truly become an icon of classic small motor boats. It is fondly referred to as a Dispro or Dippy. The Dispro Owners Association mandate is to preserve the Disappearing Propeller Motor Boat and offer fellowship and technical information to all Dispro boat owners and enthusiasts. The association was formed in 1979 and has grown to represent approximately 250 operating Dispro boats and 400 family members throughout North America. Dundas, ON Canada
    (Added: Mon Jan 22 2024) - Report this link as bad!
  • Dixieland Chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society Dixieland Chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society
    Representing Alabama, Tennessee, Northern Louisiana, Eastern Mississippi. Today, the Dixieland Chapter membership numbers around one hundred fifty with the majority of those living in Alabama and Tennessee. An effort is made to have a minimum of three boat show events each year. Occasionally, some members will have a loosely organized one or two day river cruise.
    (Added: Sun Nov 29 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • FiberGlassics FiberGlassics
    In July 1998 this site began an attempt to recognize the style and creativity of the original fiberglass boat designs from the 50's & 60's, plus capture the spirit of a time that has since past. This site honors the pioneering minds that conceived and created these beautiful, never to be made again, classic fiberglass boats. Within this site, you will find information on classic fiberglass boats. There are many sections. All libraries, pictures and information are FREE. Enjoy your time here.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Finger Lakes Chapter of The Antique and Classic Boat Society Finger Lakes Chapter of The Antique and Classic Boat Society
    The Finger Lakes Chapter of The Antique and Classic Boat Society, Inc. is located in beautiful Central New York with members who have a common interest in historic, antique and classic boats, sharing fellowship, information, experience and exchange of ideas.
    (Added: Sun Nov 29 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Freundeskreis Klassische Yachten Freundeskreis Klassische Yachten
    German Association for Classic Yachts - an initiative of over 900 fans, freaks and enthusiasts - seeks to capture the growing interest in old yachts and to encourage and bring together all those friendly people who are interested in the preservation of classic yachts for whatever reason, be it their own lifestyle, passion for old boats or just their view of the world. We already hold here many megabytes of data, photos and reference material on the theme of classic yachting in Germany.
    (Added: Sat Nov 15 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Gannon & Benjamin Marine Railway Gannon & Benjamin Marine Railway
    Situated in Vineyard Haven harbor, on Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts, is a small but flourishing boatyard whose mission, and passion, is designing, building, repairing, maintaining and sailing wooden boats. We welcome the opportunity to discuss boat projects with you, whether building a new cockpit coaming, or a major rebuild. We've worked on many boats of all sorts and sizes, from canoes and yacht tenders to the rebuilding and restoration of the 63' Alden schooner WHEN AND IF, and the 72' yawl ZORRA. We are able to assess the needed restoration that a vessel will require, as well as working with the owner when it comes to updating new systems or redesigning an interior to fit your needs. We broker our own boats, as well as other classic wooden boats we are connected with. Our goal is to connect these beautiful vessels with the right caring home port. Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Gar Wood Boats Gar Wood Boats
    Home Page Of Gar Wood Classic Boats. Today Gar Wood boats are among the most sought-after classic boats in the world. The fascinating events that led to the development and production of Gar Wood boats is one of the most interesting stories in boating history. Gar Wood Boats will always be among the most sought after craft among wooden boaters and every one is a classic!
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Geneva Lakes Antique and Classic Boat Show Geneva Lakes Antique and Classic Boat Show
    The Geneva Lakes Boat Show is an annual event held in the Abbey Resort's harbor, presented by the Blackhawk Chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society. The Show will feature classic and vintage boats from all over the country. Fontana, Wisconsin
    (Added: Sun Nov 22 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Georgetown Wooden Boat Show Georgetown Wooden Boat Show
    The Georgetown Wooden Boat Show – always held on the third weekend in October – offers fun for the whole family. The show features one of our nation’s best wooden boat exhibits with more than 140 classic wooden boats displayed on land and water, a wooden boatbuilding competition, children’s model boatbuilding, knot tying, maritime art and crafts, food and music. A special attraction is the Wooden Boat Challenge when teams of two race to build a rowing skiff within a 4 hour time limit and then test their boats for seaworthiness in a rowing relay on the Sampit River. Georgetown, South Carolina
    (Added: Sat Jan 16 2016) - Report this link as bad!
  • Glacier Lake Chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society Glacier Lake Chapter of the Antique and Classic Boat Society
    We bring people together with a common interest in historic, antique and classic boats, sharing fellowship, information and experiences. Our goal is to protect the heritage of boating by promoting, first the preservation and, secondly, the restoration of historic antique and classic boats. Based in Wisconsin
    (Added: Sun Nov 29 2015) - Report this link as bad!
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