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Home: Categories: Boats: Classic and Wooden Boats: Page 3
  • Traditional Boat Squadron of Australia Traditional Boat Squadron of Australia
    Our club is about all things to do with traditional boats - their construction, maintenance, restoration and of course enjoying them on water and other forms of public display. We are located in Canberra - Australia's national capital - and you will find us regularly on Lake Burley Griffin and occasionally elsewhere. Canberra, ACT Australia
    (Added: Sun Nov 22 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Traditional Boats at TradBoat, the UK Site Traditional Boats at TradBoat, the UK Site
    Traditional Boats and Classic Boats both Power and Sail. Gaff Rig, Square Rig, Class Associations, One Designs. Maritime Museums, Models and Motor Boats. Here you will find something useful on every topic.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Traditional Small Craft Association Traditional Small Craft Association
    Organization which works to preserve and continue the living traditions, skills, lore, and legends surrounding working and pleasure watercraft whose origins predate the marine gasoline engine. It encourages the design, construction, and use of these boats, and it embraces contemporary variants and adaptations of traditional designs. 19th-century America saw the development of boats that rank as some of the most beautiful, most efficient, and most perfectly adapted boats ever conceived. Catboats, Whitehalls, wherries, peapods, dories, sharpies -- the list is seemingly endless and filled with wildly different designs and uses that share one thing in common: they each represent a long line of development that resulted in boats that were, and remain, virtually unsurpassable for their intended purposes. Mystic, Connecticut
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Trent Severn Antique & Classic Boat Association Trent Severn Antique & Classic Boat Association
    The purpose of this Association is to promote and enjoy the preservation and usage of antique watercraft by including its members in social events and communication. Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
    (Added: Tue Jan 01 2013) - Report this link as bad!
  • Vancouver Wooden Boat Society Vancouver Wooden Boat Society
    As a non-profit society in the province of British Columbia, Canada, we are a membership driven organization with a focus on promoting, encouraging and facilitating interest in wooden boats and operating the Wooden Boat Centre in New Westminster. Our mission is to promote, encourage and facilitate interest in wooden boats and any and all activities involving and related to wooden boats. New Westminster, B.C. Canada
    (Added: Sat Feb 06 2021) - Report this link as bad!
  • – the classic wooden boat blog – the classic wooden boat blog
    Dedicated to the study and appreciation of classic kiwi wooden boats. WW was founded upon a desire to tell the stories and a need to archive history of our classic wooden boats, the craftsman who built them & characters that owned and crewed on them. Visiting this blog is like a bunch of people in the boat club bar, there will be stuff discussed you know, stuff you know nothing about and stuff you want to know more about. That's what waitematawoodys is about – gathering stories, photos, history, reminiscences. New Zealand
    (Added: Mon Feb 23 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Water Wonderland Chapter ot the Antique and Classic Boat Society Water Wonderland Chapter ot the Antique and Classic Boat Society
    The Water Wonderland Chapter is one of the largest chapters of The Antique and Classic Boat Society, Inc. Although the Chapter was founded in Traverse City (northwest region of Michigan's Lower Peninsula), its members not only hail from throughout the state, but across the Midwest. With the many beautiful lakes throughout the state along with the long standing boat building companies and notable restorators, Michigan is rich in boating history, activities and opportunities. Traverse City, Michigan
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Western Canadian Antique & Classic Boat Society Western Canadian Antique & Classic Boat Society
    To Promote the Love and Enjoyment of Historical, Antique and Classic Boating. Our membership covers most of Western Canada with members from as far east as Calgary and as far west as Victoria. Kelowna, BC Canada
    (Added: Tue Jan 14 2025) - Report this link as bad!
  • Wooden Boat Association Australia Wooden Boat Association Australia
    The Wooden Boat Association was formed in 1989 for people who enjoy wooden boats and wooden boat building. Members appreciate wooden boats for their aesthetic qualities, the beauty of the boats and the materials from which they are constructed, and the pure romance of wooden boats. Membership is open to all wooden boat enthusiasts. Many members own boats, others do not, but all enjoy the chance to get together and "muck about with boats". Their boats include rowing boats, putt-putts, radio controlled models, pond yachts, canoes, kayaks, steam-powered boats, sailing dinghies, dayboats and ocean-going yachts. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
    (Added: Sun Nov 22 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Wooden Boat Association NSW Wooden Boat Association NSW
    The Association is based in Sydney and is part of a national community of male and female wooden boat enthusiasts whose purpose is to enjoy, share and promote an appreciation of wooden boats of all sizes. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
    (Added: Sun Nov 22 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Wooden Boat Association of Cairns Wooden Boat Association of Cairns
    The Wooden Boat Association of Cairns (WBAC) is an energetic group sharing a passionate interest in the building and maintenance of wooden boats. Members combine their skills, knowledge and expertise to assist each other in the construction of boats in the club and for individual members. Traditional boat building skills and knowledge are passed on from members with a lifetime of experience in the industry to those of us with no knowledge at all! Cairns, Queensland, Australia
    (Added: Mon Dec 19 2016) - Report this link as bad!
  • Wooden Boat Association of Queensland Wooden Boat Association of Queensland
    We are an association of enthusiasts with a shared passion for wooden boats. Our members variously enjoy designing, building, sailing, messing about in and talking about wooden boats. We welcome all current and potential wooden boat enthusiasts to our association. Our subscription is inexpensive, our activities are varied and interesting, and our culture is open, friendly and inclusive. Albion QLD Australia
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Wooden Boat Association of South Australia Wooden Boat Association of South Australia
    The Wooden Boat Association of South Australia (WBASA) is a collective of very interesting people. But no where near as interesting as the boats they own, love and muck about in! The WBASA was formed over 20 years ago. Having just compiled the history of those first 20 years has reinforced the fact that the original ideals of the Association are still very relevant today. Our members are men and woman from all walks of life, all ages and differing levels of experience. Our boats are big and small, they are sail, electric, power or people propelled and they range from the very new and pristine to the very old and "rustic" in appearance. Whatever their characteristics they are all built predominantly using that most magical of boat building materials, the one that is environmentally friendly and a renewable resource, wood. And apart from anything else, we just love to talk about them, compare them and have fun in them. Halifax St, SA, Australia
    (Added: Sun Nov 22 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Wooden Boat Fittings Wooden Boat Fittings
    We help people complete classic boats authentically by providing traditional timber boat fittings made by hand. Formerly situated on the banks of Western Port in south-eastern Australia and now in the Australian Capital Territory, we provide traditional boat fittings hand-made from wood -- the way it used to happen. Our range of products includes cleats and belaying pins, saddles and fairleads, pennant staffs, jackstaffs, and beeblocks, bullseyes and boathooks, masthoops, deadeyes, thimbles, toggles.... pretty well any fitting from the mooring cleat on the foredeck to the jackstaff on the counter. Wanniassa, ACT Australia
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Wooden Boat Guild of Tasmania Wooden Boat Guild of Tasmania
    Many of our members have boats, from small canoes and punts to large yachts and working boats. But you don't have to own a boat to be a member — the Guild owns boats which members can use! The Wooden Boat Guild of Tasmania Incorporated was formed in 1994 by a group wishing to keep and support wooden boat heritage and craft in Tasmania. Members of the Wooden Boat Guild of Tasmania see their role as being one of nurturing and educating in the art of wooden boat building and restoration. Tasmania is home to one of the world's finest boat building timbers, Huon Pine, so it's not surprising that it is also home to some of Australia's finest wooden boats. As well as being the destination for one of the world's premier off-shore yacht races, Hobart is also host to Australia's premier wooden boat festival. Battery Point, Tasmania, Australia
    (Added: Fri Jan 20 2023) - Report this link as bad!
  • Wooden Boat People Wooden Boat People
    By Forums, Blogs, Photos, Classifieds, and more. Share your love of wooden boats and the river lifestyle.
    (Added: Sat Nov 30 2013) - Report this link as bad!
  • Wooden Boatbuilders' Trade Association Wooden Boatbuilders' Trade Association
    Established in 1990, the WBTA has an evolving membership of boatbuilders and allied trades spread throughout the United Kingdom and beyond. Boatbuilding contains a broad spectrum of materials, methods and skills, and the Association provides a centralised resource to both customers and those in the industry. Enquirers may be assured that whatever their requirements, be it construction, rebuild, repair, maintenance, or any associated service, a member will be able to provide the solution. This website provides an overview of the scope of services to the public. Llandysul, Ceredigion, Wales, UK
    (Added: Fri Jan 15 2016) - Report this link as bad!
  • Wooden Canoe Heritage Association Wooden Canoe Heritage Association
    The Wooden Canoe Heritage Association, Ltd. (WCHA) is a non-profit membership association devoted to preserving, studying, building, restoring, and using wood, wood-canvas, cedar strip and birchbark canoes, and to disseminating information about canoeing. The Wooden Canoe Heritage Association began 40 years ago in Madison, Wisconsin as a way to unite the wooden canoe community as well as to educate the general public about the beauty and history of these wonderful watercraft. Tamworth, New Hampshire
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • WoodenBoat Forum WoodenBoat Forum
    WoodenBoat Forum is open to all discussions about wooden boats and related topics. From WoodenBoat Magazine
    (Added: Sat Jan 05 2013) - Report this link as bad!
  • WoodenBoat Magazine WoodenBoat Magazine
    The Magazine for Wooden Boat Owners, Builders, and Designers. For over 30 years WoodenBoat Publications has provided readers with a dynamic editorial environment that combines emerging technologies with traditional methods of boat design, construction and repair. Brooklin, Maine
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Woody Boater Woody Boater
    Antique and Classic Boat News. Woody Boater is a state of mind, a place to enjoy Classic boating when you are not out on your boat, or if you just want to enjoy the world that surrounds these fun Classic water craft.
    (Added: Wed Jan 02 2013) - Report this link as bad!
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