Home: Categories: Education and Seamanship: Law and Regulations
- Alaska Association of Harbormasters and Port Administrators
Alaska Association of Harbormasters and Port Administrators
The objectives of the association are to: Exchange information relative to construction, maintenance, operation, regulation, enforcement, administration and management of boats, marinas, ports and harbors; Formulate policies and plans to standardize and establish uniformity in operation and management of port, harbor and marina facilities; Promote and encourage development of ports, harbors and marinas along sound and economic lines and to assist whenever and wherever possible in the development of new ports, harbors and marinas.
(Added: Wed Dec 14 2005)
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- Boat Operations and Training (BOAT) Program
Boat Operations and Training (BOAT) Program
The Boat Operations and Training (BOAT) Program establishes a national standard for the training, qualification, credentialing and typing of maritime law enforcement and rescue personnel. While the BOAT Program is not mandatory, adoption and implementation of the program will provide a true national standard for the purpose of maritime interoperability at the federal, state and local levels. Standardization ensures maritime agencies can interact together and will bolster their ability to act as force multipliers nationwide.
(Added: Wed Nov 25 2009)
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- Federal Maritime Commission
Federal Maritime Commission
The Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) is the independent federal agency responsible for regulating the U.S. international ocean transportation system for the benefit of U.S. exporters, importers, and the U.S. consumer. Washington, D.C.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- IMO - International Maritime Organization
IMO - International Maritime Organization
The International Maritime Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations which is responsible for measures to improve the safety and security of international shipping and to prevent marine pollution from ships. It is also involved in legal matters, including liability and compensation issues and the facilitation of international maritime traffic. Based in London, England
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- International Harbour Masters' Association
International Harbour Masters' Association
The International Harbour Masters' Association is the professional body for those with responsibility for the safe, secure, efficient and environmentally sound conduct of marine operations in port waters. With members in more than 50 countries, the Association brings together Harbour Masters and all those who hold a managerial position in aspects of the control of marine operations within a port. Banstead, Surrey, England, UK
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- MARAD - Maritime Administration
MARAD - Maritime Administration
The Maritime Administration is the agency within the U.S. Department of Transportation dealing with waterborne transportation. Its programs promote the use of waterborne transportation and its seamless integration with other segments of the transportation system, and the viability of the U.S. merchant marine. The Maritime Administration works in many areas involving ships and shipping, shipbuilding, port operations, vessel operations, national security, environment, and safety.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Massachusetts Harbormasters Association
Massachusetts Harbormasters Association
The Massachusetts Harbormasters Association is an organization of regional Chapters of harbormasters working together to promote safe boating on the waters of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. We endeavor to bring better administration to the waters of the Commonwealth; to assist in the adoption of any new legislative programs which the Association believes would be beneficial to the boating public, and to aid and inform the Harbormasters and Assistant Harbormasters of the Commonwealth.
(Added: Thu Nov 11 2010)
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- National Harbormaster Appreciation Day
National Harbormaster Appreciation Day
Harbormasters are the stewards of our harbors – the center of our coastal communities. They manage the overall ecosystem, including moorings and docks, harbor uses and harbor users, and interactions between local, state and federal government. Of all of our public stewards (police, EMT, fire etc.) these men and women receive the least recognition. Harbormaster Appreciation Day* -- a day to honor our U.S. Harbormasters and the great work they do -- occurs annually on October 8th.
(Added: Thu Oct 10 2019)
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- National Ocean Service
National Ocean Service
The nation's ocean and coastal agency: Supporting coastal communities, promoting a robust economy, and protecting coastal and marine ecosystems. Our mission is to provide science-based solutions through collaborative partnerships to address evolving economic, environmental, and social pressures on our oceans and coasts.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- NOAA Fisheries
NOAA Fisheries
NOAA Fisheries is responsible for the stewardship of the nation's ocean resources and their habitat. We provide vital services for the nation: productive and sustainable fisheries, safe sources of seafood, the recovery and conservation of protected resources, and healthy ecosystems—all backed by sound science and an ecosystem-based approach to management. U.S. fisheries are among the world’s largest and most sustainable. Seafood harvested from U.S. federally managed fisheries is inherently sustainable as a result of the U.S. fishery management process. Using the Magnuson-Stevens Act as the guide, NOAA Fisheries works in partnership with Regional Fishery Management Councils to assess and predict the status of fish stocks, set catch limits, ensure compliance with fisheries regulations, and reduce bycatch. Formally known as the National Marine Fisheries Service, we are an office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration within the Department of Commerce.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- State of Maine Harbormasters Association
State of Maine Harbormasters Association
An organization numbering 200+ harbormasters and deputy harbormasters from the New Hampshire border to the Canadian border, maintaining unobstructed navigation in one of Maine's natural resources, the beautiful harbors and coastline.
(Added: Mon Mar 04 2013)
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- U.S. Coast Guard Office of Boating Safety
U.S. Coast Guard Office of Boating Safety
Protect your safety and your loved ones while afloat. Learn how to prevent accidents, injuries, and fatalities while boating. Review safety tips, news, recalls, defects, and laws and regulations you should know.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the premier government agency dedicated to the conservation, protection, and enhancement of fish, wildlife and plants, and their habitats.We are the only agency in the federal government whose primary responsibility is the conservation and management of these important natural resources for the American public. The Fish and Aquatic Conservation program works with partners and the public to manage fish and other aquatic resources to achieve the goals of healthy, self-sustaining populations, and the conservation or restoration of their habitats.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- USCG National Vessel Documentation Center
USCG National Vessel Documentation Center
Includes Frequently Asked Questions, Vessel Documentation Forms, Instructions, Fees, and more. The National Vessel Documentation Center facilitates maritime commerce and the availability of financing while protecting economic privileges of United States citizens through the enforcement of regulations, and provides a register of vessels available in time of war or emergency to defend and protect the United States of America.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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Sailing Scuttlebutt
World on Water Video
Learning Center