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- Encyclopedia Titanica
Encyclopedia Titanica
Keeping the memory of RMS Titanic alive since 1996. Encyclopedia Titanica began in 1996 as a simple attempt to tell the story of each and every person that travelled on the Titanic. The starting point was a passenger list provided by Mike Findlay which origianlly appeared in the book Titanic Triumph and Tragedy. "ET" quickly attracted a large following among Titanic historians and enthusiasts. In 1999 our special community message board was started and since then has become a hub for friendly (sometimes heated!) Titanic discussions. Much like the Titanic herself was built by a small army of dedicated workers, Encyclopedia Titanica is built by its members. People interested and generous enough to research their local connections to the Titanic and submit their findings... and you can join them.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Titanic Historical Society
Titanic Historical Society
The Titanic Historical Society, Inc. (THS), established in 1963, is the premier source for Titanic and White Star Line information. THS is the original and largest Titanic society in the world. Nearing the half-century mark, our mission of preserving the great ship's history can be seen in our outstanding publications, Titanic Museum and annual themed events. Our experienced and knowledgeable officers and members include maritime historians, authors, artists, etc. who have been consultants and/or actively worked on numerous Robert Ballard (Nat Geo) and James Cameron (Fox/Discovery) projects, not to mention History Channel investigations et al., the THS has already proved itself a worthy source of qualified researchers. In addition, the THS has one of the largest available Titanic/White Star related photographic archives in the world. Indian Orchard, Massachusetts
(Added: Fri Dec 07 2018)
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