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Home: Categories: Education and Seamanship: Museums and History: Worldwide: Caribbean
  • National Parks Antigua National Parks Antigua
    There are four National Parks in Antigua. Nelson's Dockyard is the largest and most often visited. The island's most famous view is from Shirley Heights in this park. The other parks are much smaller but are equally stunning in their own way: the enigmatic Greencastle Hill, always popular Devil's Bridge and the impressive Fort Barrington. If you have a taste for history, Nelson's Dockyard is a must. It is the only continually working Georgian Dockyard in the world and was of great importance in the 18th and 19th centuries. Many other historic building dot the landscape around the harbour offering a wide variety of amenities including shops, bars and restaurants and you can visit the Dockyard Museum to learn more of the life and times.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • The Nina & Pinta - Sanger Ships LLC The Nina & Pinta - Sanger Ships LLC
    Welcome to Sanger Ships LLC and our two Columbus replica ships - our original Niña, the most historically accurate replica of a Columbus Ship ever built, and our newer Pinta. The Niña is a replica of the ship on which Columbus sailed across the Atlantic on his three voyages of discovery to the new world beginning in 1492. Columbus sailed the tiny ship over 25,000 miles. That ship was last heard of in 1501, but the new Niña has a different mission. We are a floating museum, and we visit ports all over the Western Hemisphere. Pinta was recently built in Brazil to accompany the Nina on all of her travels. She is a larger version of the archetypal caravel and offers larger deck space for walk-aboard tours and has a 40 ft air conditioned main cabin down below with seating. Pinta is available for private parties and charters. Tortola, British Virgin Islands
    (Added: Mon Dec 10 2012) - Report this link as bad!
  • Turks and Caicos National Museum Turks and Caicos National Museum
    Welcome to the Official site for the Turks and Caicos National Museum. On this site you will find out about all of our displays and collections, our ongoing research and the work of the Museum.
    (Added: Wed Feb 16 2005) - Report this link as bad!

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