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- Boating Safety Sidekicks
Boating Safety Sidekicks
A youth safe boating program produced under a partnership with the National Safe Boating Council. Boating Safety “Sidekicks” introduces kids to the world of boating with safety in mind and with the hope of developing a lifelong love and respect for boating. The activities and "just-plain-fun things to do" are presented for kids to enjoy on their own or with the help of a grown-up.
Designed for ages 4 to 12. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
(Added: Tue Mar 04 2025)
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Category: Education and Seamanship/Safety Resources
- Electric Shock Drowning Prevention Association
Electric Shock Drowning Prevention Association
The Electric Shock Drowning Prevention Association is a 501(c) nonprofit organization devoted to saving the lives of those who frequent our recreational waters. We invite you to browse our website to learn how to protect your family from the danger of Electric Shock Drowning. Awareness is the first step to preventing such a tragedy from occurring to your family and friends. Although Electric Shock Drowning can occur virtually in any location where electricity is provided near water, the majority of Electric Shock Drowning deaths have occurred in public and private marinas and docks. The typical victim of Electric Shock Drowning is a child swimming in or around a marina or dock where electricity is present. The electricity that enters the water and causes Electric Shock Drowning originates from the wiring of the dock or marina, or from boats that are connected to the marina’s or dock’s power supply. Lexington, Kentucky
(Added: Mon Feb 03 2025)
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Category: Education and Seamanship/Safety Resources
- 406 EPIRB Registration Form
406 EPIRB Registration Form
Beacon registration is required by Federal regulations (Title 47 of the CFR, Parts 80.1061, 87.199, and 95.1402). Failure to register the beacon, or to notify the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of a change in beacon ownership, could result in penalties and/or fines issued to the owner by the Federal Communications Commission.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- America's Boating Channel
America's Boating Channel
Welcome to America's Boating Channel featuring safe boating videos and boater education digital media created especially for boaters, by boaters. Brought to you by United States Power Squadrons®, America's Boating Channel is produced under a grant from the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund administered by the U.S. Coast Guard. For more than 100 years, United States Power Squadrons has been leading the way in boater safety education. And as any one of our members will tell you, an educated boater is a better, safer boater.
(Added: Sat Jan 23 2021)
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- America's Waterway Watch
America's Waterway Watch
If you are a tow boat operator, a recreational boater, a fisherman, a marina operator, or otherwise live, work or engage in recreational activities around America's waterways, the United States Coast Guard wants your help in keeping these areas safe and secure. You can do this by participating in its America's Waterway Watch (AWW) program, a nationwide initiative similar to the well known and successful Neighborhood Watch program that asks community members to report suspicious activities to local law enforcement agencies.
(Added: Mon Dec 12 2005)
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- American Boat & Yacht Council Inc.
American Boat & Yacht Council Inc.
The American Boat & Yacht Council, ABYC, was created in 1954 as a non-profit organization to develop safety standards for the design, construction, equipage, repair and maintenance of boats. The American Boat & Yacht Council, ABYC, was created in 1954 as a non-profit organization to develop safety standards for the design, construction, equipage, repair and maintenance of boats. Annapolis, Maryland
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- American Boating Association Online
American Boating Association Online
Working to promote boating safety, affordability, growth and a clean environment. If you have a love of the water and boats, the American Boating Association website has a lot to offer you. Members and non-members alike find tremendous value at the ABA website. Whether you are currently a member or a visitor exploring the site for the first time, you'll benefit from exceptional offers, including affordable boat insurance, boat financing and more. New Market, Maryland
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- American Maritime Safety Inc.
American Maritime Safety Inc.
American Maritime Safety, Inc. , is a non-profit and tax exempt, Section 501(C)(6), maritime trade association established in 1988 to facilitate the U.S. flag maritime industry's compliance with the U.S. Department of Transportation and U.S. Coast Guard drug and alcohol testing regulations. Our consortium serves over two-thirds of the U.S. maritime industry, and administers a drug and alcohol testing compliance program for over 400 vessel operators. Our members include passenger cruise lines, tug and barge companies, oil tankers, maritime colleges, marine pilot associations, yacht clubs and sailing schools. White Plains, New York
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- AMSEA: Alaska Marine Safety Education Association
AMSEA: Alaska Marine Safety Education Association
AMSEA'S mission: Reduce injury and death in the marine and freshwater environment through education and training provided by a network of qualified marine safety instructors. AMSEA is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit corporation dedicated to developing and supporting a cold water safety information and training network. The network has expanded from its beginning in Alaska to instructors on all four U.S. coastlines. AMSEA's education and training is based on practical information delivered in a hands-on format. It has been proven effective at saving lives. Since its founding in 1985, AMSEA has trained more than 1,000 instructors, and 390 teachers and other youth educators. Each year this network of instructors, supported by AMSEA with equipment and educational materials, provides cold water safety education to more than 10,000 school children, commercial fishermen, recreational boaters and agency personnel each year. Since AMSEA's beginning we have trained over 110,000 people in total. Sitka, Alaska
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Amver.com - Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue System
Amver.com - Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue System
The genesis of the Amver system ultimately finds its roots in the RMS TITANIC disaster in 1912. Ships passing within sight of the ill-fated passenger liner were unaware that it had hit an iceberg and was sinking. Upon later investigation, those who had seen the distress flares from the stricken ship admitted they thought they were merely part of the maiden voyage celebrations! However, the resultant idea of a ship reporting system that could identify other ships in the area of a ship in distress, which could then be sent to its assistance, would not become a reality until the advent of computer technology. Originally known as the Atlantic Merchant Vessel Emergency Reporting (AMVER) System, it became operational on July 18, 1958. Today, over 22,000 ships from hundreds of nations participate in Amver. An average of 4,000 ships are on the Amver plot each day and those numbers continue to increase.
(Added: Mon Nov 23 2015)
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- Association of Boat Safety Examiners
Association of Boat Safety Examiners
Thank you for visiting the Website of the Association of Boat Safety Examiners (ABSE) where we hope you will be able to find sufficient information to convince you of the benefits of employing an ABSE member when seeking an Examiner or Surveyor to carry out your Boat Safety Scheme (BSS) Examination. The BSS was jointly established in 1996 by the Environment Agency and British Waterways to promote safety on the inland waterways in respect of boats, their installations and components. Meeting these safety standards in order to obtain a navigation licence became a requirement at the same time. To date, more than 45,000 powered craft have successfully met these requirements. Based in the United Kingdom
(Added: Thu Feb 22 2018)
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- Australia New Zealand Safe Boating Education Group (ANZSBEG)
Australia New Zealand Safe Boating Education Group (ANZSBEG)
ANZSBEG was established in 1994 following a national review into safe recreational boating and boating safety education undertaken by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA). The objective of the group is to identify national safe boating issues, address them through coordinated public education strategies and provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and knowledge.
(Added: Fri Jan 23 2015)
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- Australian Maritime Safety Authority
Australian Maritime Safety Authority
AMSA is responsible for maintaining and developing a nationally consistent regulatory framework (the National System) that includes standards setting (National Standard for the Administration of Marine Safety, National Standard for Commercial Vessels, National Standard for General Safety Requirements for Vessels) and National System Regulations and Marine Orders. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) is the national agency responsible for maritime safety, protection of the marine environment, and maritime and aviation search and rescue. In relation to maritime safety, AMSA accords very high priority to the safety of navigation in Australian waters.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Boat Ed - Boating Safety Course and Exam
Boat Ed - Boating Safety Course and Exam
Official Boater Safety Courses and Boat Safety Education Materials. Recognized by the U.S. Coast Guard, approved by NASBLA and your state boating license agency, and approved by Transport Canada. Covers most states in the U.S. In the United States, more than 40 states have educational requirements for operating a boat or PWC on state waters. In Canada, all provinces have educational requirements for operating pleasure craft. All Boat Ed boating education resources and boater’s license courses have been developed in conjunction with the boating safety agencies responsible for boater education in states and provinces.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Boat Live 365
Boat Live 365
Boat Live 365 is a movement to empower recreational boating advocates to create a safe boating culture 365 days a year. Our goal is to curate and create a collection of educational materials and resources for recreational boating advocates that help make our communities, families and friends safer on the water. Boating is at the top of the fun chain, but it's serious fun. When we recognize that, together we can make a difference, 365 days a year.
(Added: Thu Jan 23 2020)
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- Boat Owner's Association of The United States | BoatUS
Boat Owner's Association of The United States | BoatUS
Boat Owners Association of the United States. BoatUS provides boat insurance, water & roadside boat towing, boat lettering, & more! Discover why over half a million boaters trust our boating association. The site contains tons of useful information for boaters. Alexandria, Virginia
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Boat Safety Scheme
Boat Safety Scheme
The Boat Safety Scheme, or BSS, is a public safety initiative owned by the Canal & River Trust and the Environment Agency. Its purpose is to help minimise the risk of boat fires, explosions, or pollution harming visitors to the inland waterways, the waterways' workforce and any other users. The Scheme is administered by Canal & River Trust which is registered charity in England and Wales. Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, England
(Added: Sun Mar 03 2013)
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- Boating Safety - Coast Guard Foundation
Boating Safety - Coast Guard Foundation
Boating is a wonderful recreational activity. You can help keep it fun by following basic boating safety principles. Download the Boating Safety Guide and Equipment and Departure Checklists to help you know what safety equipment is required on a boat, as well as preventative measures the U.S. Coast Guard recommends to enjoy a safe boating experience.
(Added: Fri Nov 11 2016)
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- BoatOnCourse.com
Boat On Course, educational boating safety videos from the National Safe Boating Council, teach the basic navigation rules of boating. Watch at your own pace, and test your knowledge at the end of each video. Boat On Course takes a practical approach to boating by relating it to something you're already familiar with – the "rules of the road" when driving a car. Of course, there are no painted lanes or traffic signals to follow on the water. And, what about sharing the waterway with kayakers and paddleboarders? Boat On Course is here to get you started and excited about learning more in boating safety courses.
(Added: Sun Mar 18 2012)
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- BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water
BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water
The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water is an innovative leader promoting safe, clean and responsible boating. The Foundation provides educational outreach directly to boaters and supports partner organizations nationwide. With millions of boaters on the water, our aim is to reduce accidents and fatalities, increase stewardship of our waterways and keep boating a safe and enjoyable pastime. Annapolis, Maryland
(Added: Mon Dec 03 2018)
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- BoatUS MMSI Application
BoatUS MMSI Application
Take the search out of search & rescue! Your VHF radio equipped with Digital Selective Calling (DSC) is the single most important piece of safety equipment you can have on board your vessel. DSC allows the radio to transfer information digitally, not just by voice, and to instantly send a digital distress alert to the Coast Guard. Part of that alert is a nine-digit Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) number that identifies your boat. The MMSI number is a bit like a phone number for your boat, and all DSC capable equipment (including AIS units) associated with the specific vessel should use the same MMSI number, since the MMSI serves to identify the vessel, not the equipment. If you sell your boat, the MMSI number is normally transferred with it.
(Added: Mon Nov 21 2016)
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- Canadian Notices to Mariners
Canadian Notices to Mariners
Welcome to the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) Notices to Mariners (NOTMAR) Web site. It provides you with the necessary information to update all of your charts and nautical publications. It will advise you of our new initiatives, services and also of some important announcements concerning the maritime community.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Canadian Power & Sail Squadrons
Canadian Power & Sail Squadrons
We are a nationwide organization of recreational boating enthusiasts with over 26,000 active members. Our instructors help recreational boaters improve their boating safety knowledge as well as their vessel handling and navigation skills. Courses in boating safety, navigation, and boating maintenance provided by local Squadrons coast to coast in Canada and on-line. CPS is the sole provider in Canada of courses and examinations for the Restricted Operator Certificates (Maritime) - VHF radio.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Commander Bob's Boating Safety Notebook
Commander Bob's Boating Safety Notebook
With nautical trivia, boating hints and tips, boating weather, a boating checklist, sources for boating courses, marlinespike, personal watercraft, tips for boating safety.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- DAN Boater Travel Safety Association
DAN Boater Travel Safety Association
The DAN Boater travel safety association provides emergency medical services & travel safety resources to recreational boaters, cruisers, and sailors. We provide emergency evacuation and transportation worldwide, up to $150,000. And you only have to be 50 miles away from home for that to become effective. We've been doing evacuations and transportations in the scuba industry for 35 years and we know there's cross-over between our scuba members into the boating industry so we've introduced the new DAN Boater product for boaters. With more than 35 years of handling medical emergencies around the world, including more than 10,000 emergency medical evacuations, 40,000 emergency calls fielded, and 300,000 medical resource hours on duty, DAN knows how to keep you safe during your travels. Durham, North Carolina
(Added: Mon Jan 23 2017)
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- Drowning Prevention Auckland
Drowning Prevention Auckland
Water safety coordination and education in the Auckland region. Drowning Prevention Auckland was formed in 1994 with a vision of an Auckland free from drowning achieved through the development of our water competence and changing knowledge, attitudes and behaviours. Our connection with wai (water) is because we have some of the most beautiful water environments in Tāmaki Makaurau. We have the Waitemāta, Manukau, and Kaipara harbours; 411 km of rivers; 128 km of lake edge; and 3700 km of coastlines. Wai is the source of life, but it can also be the cause of death through drowning. We need to respect and understand wai. Drowning Prevention education, research, and advocacy is paramount for Tāmaki Makaurau's wellbeing and safety in, on and around water environments. Westhaven, Auckland, New Zealand
(Added: Fri Jan 20 2023)
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- Drowning Prevention Coalition of Arizona
Drowning Prevention Coalition of Arizona
The Drowning Prevention Coalition of Arizona, a community based organization comprised of parents, health and safety professionals and business leaders, exists to provide a forum to prevent drowning and non-fatal drownings through the promotion of education, legislative action and enhanced product safety. Phoenix, Arizona
(Added: Mon Jan 05 2015)
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- Drowning Prevention Foundation
Drowning Prevention Foundation
Our mission is to prevent drowning through public education, access to water safety resources, and policy change. The term drowning includes non-fatal near-drownings. San Francisco, California
(Added: Thu Dec 09 2004)
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- EPA's Sun Safety
EPA's Sun Safety
UV Index Home Page - Developed by the National Weather Service (NWS) and EPA, the UV Index predicts the next day's ultraviolet radiation levels on a 0-10+ scale, helping people determine appropriate sun-protective behaviors. Washington, D.C.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- FEMA: Plan Ahead for Disasters
FEMA: Plan Ahead for Disasters
Preparedness from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. There are actions that should be taken before, during and after an event that are unique to each hazard. Identify the hazards that have happened or could happen in your area and plan for the unique actions for each. Local Emergency management offices can help identify the hazards in your area and outline the local plans and recommendations for each. Share the hazard-specific information with family members and include pertinent materials in your family disaster plan.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- FleetMon Explorer
FleetMon Explorer
Live AIS Vessel Tracker with Ship and Port Database. Have access to real-time AIS position data, technical information and photos from more than 500000 vessels. Look up ship particulars, their schedules and port arrivals for the coming weeks, or analyze ship trading patterns. FleetMon Explorer is your interactive tool for live AIS vessel tracking. Providing you with a real-time view of the marine traffic, from global overview to the single ship, it is an outstanding and powerful tool for operations monitoring, fleet tracking, logistics scheduling, research and traffic analysis that runs right in your browser. Several map types are available, including satellite maps and navigation charts. Start FleetMon Explorer and enjoy a stunning new perspective on the world of ships! Rostock, Germany
(Added: Mon Dec 16 2019)
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- Float Plan Central
Float Plan Central
Welcome to Float Plan Central, a public service of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Department of Public Affairs, and the official site of the float plan--including products and services that support and promote its use. Float plans save lives. Now world's most effective float plan offers unprecedented flexibility, and ease of use. Gone are the days of having to prepare a float plan from scratch each and every time you go boating. Now, you can do it all electronically, using Adobe Reader version 8 or later. You can set up a basic plan ahead of time and save it. Update it when you decide where you’re going to go. Then e-mail the completed plan to whoever you choose to follow up should you not return or check-in as planned.
(Added: Fri Feb 22 2008)
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- Hawaii Ocean Safety Team: H.O.S.T.
Hawaii Ocean Safety Team: H.O.S.T.
Hawaii Ocean Safety Team (HOST) is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote stewardship of Hawaii's waters and enhance ocean safety. Everyone has responsibility for the care of Hawaii's oceans, and as our name implies, we believe this commitment can only be fulfilled by working as a team.
(Added: Mon Nov 26 2012)
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- International Boat Watch
International Boat Watch
If you have lost track of loved ones at sea or you need to get an urgent message to them concerning a medical emergency or perhaps a death in the family, then we believe we can help. This network consists of all known amateur radio networks having to do with mariners. The motivation for a “Boat Watch” organization dates back to 1998 when members of the Ham and Maritime Radio Services were contacted to broadcast a “BOLO” (Be On the LookOut) for vessels overdue at their intended destination, or had gone all together missing. Since then, BoatWatch.org has become recognized as the authority and repository for information on Overdue, Missing and Stolen Vessels throughout the world. BoatWatch.org works closely with the USCG Rescue Coordination Centers around the country and the world.
(Added: Wed Mar 10 2004)
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- International Life Saving Federation
International Life Saving Federation
The International Lifesaving Federation (ILS) is the world authority for drowning prevention, lifesaving and lifesaving sport. ILS leads, supports and collaborates with national and international organisations engaged in drowning prevention, water safety, water rescue, lifesaving, lifeguarding and lifesaving sport. The International Life Saving Federation is composed of national aquatic lifesaving organisations (known as Member Federations) from around the world.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- International Life-saving Appliance Manufacturers' Association (ILAMA)
International Life-saving Appliance Manufacturers' Association (ILAMA)
ILAMA plays a significant role in the international maritime and offshore oil and gas safety scene. By sharing its members’ views, experience and technical papers, ILAMA ensures that Regulatory Bodies including the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) are made aware of collective concerns. ILAMA members design, manufacture, inspect, repair, service and test a wide variety of certified life-saving equipment, meeting the appropriate national and international requirements. The continuous development of products which enhance safety at sea relies on ILAMA members maintaining contact with regulatory and standardisation bodies in order that proposals and changing requirements have industry and practical relevance. Shoreham, West Sussex, England UK
(Added: Thu Nov 25 2021)
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- International Shipmasters Association
International Shipmasters Association
The International Shipmasters Association is a voluntary organization of dues-paying licensed professional mariners and others associated with the vessel industry. Our association's roots extend to 1883. Our mission: To be the respected voice of licensed professional mariners in matters related to navigation and safety on waters of the Great lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway System. In this process, we work with, and provide input to, regulatory agencies, legislative bodies, industry associations and other working groups on matters affecting navigational safety.
(Added: Sat Jan 11 2014)
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- International SOS
International SOS
International SOS is the world's leading medical and travel security services company. We help organizations protect their people across the globe. Our teams work night and day from more than 700 locations in 76 countries. Every day, millions of International SOS members put their trust in us to provide solutions that help them wherever they live or travel, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Through our worldwide network of assistance centres, clinics, and health and logistics providers, we offer local expertise, preventative advice, and emergency assistance during critical illness, accident, or civil unrest.
(Added: Mon Jan 12 2015)
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- Life Jacket Association
Life Jacket Association
The Life Jacket Association is an industry association dedicated to increasing lifejacket wear in all appropriate activities: through education, product innovation, standards development, and enhancing communication between members and stakeholders. Lexington, Kentucky
(Added: Wed Dec 26 2018)
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- Life Saving Victoria
Life Saving Victoria
Life Saving Victoria (est. 2002) is an initiative of the Royal Life Saving Society Australia Victoria Branch (est. 1904) and Surf Life Saving Victoria (est. 1947). It has the mission to prevent aquatic related death and injury in all Victorian communities and the vision that all Victorians will learn water safety, swimming and resuscitation, and be provided with safe beaches, water environments and aquatic venues. Life Saving Victoria is forging new lifesaving and water safety initiatives while respecting the proud traditions and programs of the Royal Life Saving and Surf Life Saving National organisations. South Melbourne, VIC Australia
(Added: Fri Oct 31 2014)
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- Lifesaving Society
Lifesaving Society
The Lifesaving Society has a long and proud history of teaching lifesaving to Canadians. The Lifesaving Society offers its Canadian Lifesaving Program and Leadership Training Program in all provinces and territories. The Canadian Lifesaving program includes the Canadian Swim Patrol Program, Bronze Medal awards, National Lifeguard Service (NLS) awards, and other awards and programs. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Wed Jan 10 2007)
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- Lifesaving Society
Lifesaving Society
The Lifesaving Society is a full-service provider of programs, products and services designed to prevent drowning. We save lives and prevent water-related injury through our training programs, Water Smart public education, drowning research, aquatic safety management and lifesaving sport. We are a national, volunteer organization and registered charity composed of 10 provincial / territorial branches, tens of thousands of individual members, and over 4,000 affiliated swimming pools, waterfronts, schools and clubs. We are a leader and partner in the delivery of water safety education throughout Canada and around the world. Toronto, Ontario, Canada
(Added: Thu Jan 26 2023)
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- Marine and Safety Tasmania
Marine and Safety Tasmania
Marine and Safety Tasmania (MAST) is a statutory authority that was established on 30 July 1997 to ensure the safe operation of vessels, provide and manage marine facilities and manage environmental issues relating to vessels. MAST has three primary functions which are conferred by the Marine and Safety Authority Act 1997 as follows: To ensure the safe operation of vessels; To provide and manage marine facilities; and To manage environmental issues relating to vessels. Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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World on Water Video
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