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Home: Categories: Education and Seamanship: Schools: Boating & Sailing Schools: United States: Tennessee
  • Chatanooga Sail & Power Squadron Chatanooga Sail & Power Squadron new
    Welcome aboard! We are the Chattanooga chapter of the United States Power Squadrons®, the largest boating organization in the US. We are a volunteer organization to promote skillful as well as safe boating fun through public and member education. We also participate in boating civic activities. We offer many varied boating related classes and specificly the American Boating Course as an introduction to boating for new boaters. We can also help you get your TWRA boating license. The introductory class may be all you need for now, but for many it stimulates a desire to learn more. If that is the case, your next step is to become a member and take Advanced Classes. People join for the classes, then discover they have become part of a boating family of like minded people who meet for relaxed social gatherings. Chattanooga, Tennessee
    (Added: Fri Feb 28 2025) - Report this link as bad!
    Category: Education and Seamanship/Schools/Boating & Sailing Schools/United States/Tennessee
  • America's Boating Club - Knoxville America's Boating Club - Knoxville
    If you are looking for general boating know-how, or a complete boating education, you've come to the right place. We provide training for both our members and the general public. If you would like to have some real fun boating and enjoyable squadron activities, join us and the 30,000 members of USPS and help spread the word. America's Boating Club of Knoxville is a Squadron member of the America’s Boating Club District 17, who in turn is a member of the national organization of the America's Boating Club (ABC). Established to further the skill, knowledge, and safety of our fellow boaters, our Squadron endeavors to provide an equal mix of fellowship, training, and on the water boating events. Knoxville, Tennessee
    (Added: Sun Jan 19 2020) - Report this link as bad!
  • Davis Marine Training Davis Marine Training
    When you are destined for success, Davis Marine Training is your only destination for License Preparation and Coast Guard approved Radar Observer courses. For Western Rivers, Great Lakes, Inland, Near Coastal and even Oceans deck and engineer licenses, our staff is ready and able to get you ready for your exams. Bartlett, Tennessee
    (Added: Wed Jan 07 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Memphis Sail and Power Squadron Memphis Sail and Power Squadron updated
    The America's Boating Club – Memphis (aka: Memphis Sail and Power Squadron) is a non-profit organization dedicated to boating education and promoting high standards of seamanship while having fun on the water. We are a unit of District 17 of the United States Power Squadrons (USPS)®. Our Memphis club services Western Tennessee, Eastern Arkansas, and Northern Mississippi. Members include fishermen, paddle boaters, sail and power boaters, including those who had a boat, have a boat, or are just interested in boating. Although our primary emphasis is boater education and making you a more confident boater, we are also a social boating organization with a variety of family-friendly activities. Memphis, Tennessee
    (Added: Sun Jan 19 2020) - Report this link as bad!
  • Music City Power Squadron Music City Power Squadron
    The Music City Power Squadron offers great ways to help satisfy a desire for recreational sail and power boating. The squadron was founded in 1994 as a unit of the United States Power Squadrons whose origin traces back to 1914. The Squadron offers comprehensive Boating Safety Courses and special topic Seminars for the boating public at various times and places during each year. The Music City Power Squadron is made up of men and women who have a common love and appreciation of recreational boating and who are willing to contribute time, energy, and skills to boat safety education and other objectives of the Squadron. Nashville, Tennessee
    (Added: Sun Feb 12 2017) - Report this link as bad!
  • Oak Ridge Power Squadron Oak Ridge Power Squadron
    The primary benefits of membership are 1)socializing and learning from experienced and conscientious boaters; 2) Through USPS you have the opportunity to purchase boat insurance, which is offered at very competetive rates; 3) Members have access to a number of advanced courses related to boating, from piloting to celestial navigation, weather to engine maintenance. The Oak Ridge squadron teaches at least one or two such courses every year. The courses usually begin in March or April and September or October. Sometimes we offer courses during the summer. Participating both on-the-water and off with fellow members who are skilled in boating is a rewarding and enjoyable experience. On-the-water activities include cruises, rendezvous, sailing, possibly even fishing derbies. Activities ashore include meetings with marine programs, parties, dinners, picnics and field trips. Members or guest speakers have recently given interesting presentations such as an overview of a round-the-world sailing trip or a trip to Antarctica. Oak Ridge, Tennessee
    (Added: Fri Jan 22 2021) - Report this link as bad!
  • SailNashville SailNashville
    Learn to sail in just one-two-three days! In just three days, our introductory course, ASA 101 you will give you the knowledge and skills to competently skipper a 20 to 27-foot sailboat. Whether you are a beginner, or just wanting to sail better, this is the place to start. Complete our three courses, ASA 101, ASA, 103, and ASA 104 and you will have the ability to charter a sailboat up to 45 feet anywhere in the world. SailNashville is the only American Sailing Association-affiliated sailing school in Tennessee. Our courses are certified by ASA. With more than 350 affiliated sailing schools worldwide and 1,500 certified instructions, the American Sailing Association is the larger provided of keelboat sailing instruction in the United States. Nashville, Tennessee
    (Added: Sun Feb 09 2020) - Report this link as bad!
  • Spirit of America Premier Youth Boating Education Spirit of America Premier Youth Boating Education
    Spirit of America offers a unique, safe and comprehensive water-based educational and recreational program, the Spirit of America Foundation instills confidence and fosters the Spirit of teamwork in our nations youth. Our underlying goals include developing self-esteem while nurturing responsible behavior and positive, lifelong ambitions. We have been in the business of providing a SAFE and educational introduction to our Country's young people, their families and their communities, to all types of water based recreational activities in one of the most diverse "hands-on" Classrooms in America since 1995. Locations in Ohio, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Hawaii, Virginia, District of Columbia, and Tennessee.
    (Added: Tue Dec 24 2019) - Report this link as bad!
  • Tennessee Boat School Tennessee Boat School
    You will be taught how to bend, mold and assemble wooden pieces to make a simple boat that will bring you hours of fun on the water. Working under the expertise of Karl, your group will experience the pride of completing a wooden boat by hand. Regardless of your skill level you will complete your boat and feel a great deal of pride in your completed boat and accomplishment. Big Sandy, Tennessee
    (Added: Fri Dec 30 2016) - Report this link as bad!

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