Home: Categories: Gear and Equipment: Electronics and Navigation: Dealers: United States: Minnesota
- Fish-Lectronics
Fish-Lectronics, located in the Twin Cities Metro area of Minnesota, specializes in marine electronics parts, accessories, service and rigging. Browse our on-line store or stop in our shop for a full line up of all of your fishing electronics needs. Fish-Lectronics carry a large inventory of parts and accessories for MinnKota, Humminbird, Lowrance, Garmin and Vexilar repairs. Fish-Lectronics is an authorized service center for MinnKota products. Fish-Lectronics has been installing marine electronics and servicing electric fishing motors in the Twin Cites since 1980. Columbia Heights, Minnesota
(Added: Tue Feb 23 2021)
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- Maritronics
Maritronics serves boaters on the Missisippi River, St. Croix River, Lake Superior, and Lake Minnetonka with dock side electronic service. We offer repair, sales, and installation of autopilots, VHF marine radios, radar, GPS, Stereo, speakers, TV, depth meters, chargers, intercoms, inverters, and all types of antennas. Stillwater, Minnesota
(Added: Sun Feb 26 2017)
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- NavStore - Your Pro Marine Source - Since 1995
NavStore - Your Pro Marine Source - Since 1995
NavStore is your online source for NMEA 0183 interfacing devices, NMEA 2000 sensors, displays and interfaces. We also have a great deal of experience in the areas of marine computers, displays and software. We also supply select marine heaters, anchor, docks and other marine accessories. Minneapolis, Minnesota
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- WTN Electronics, Ltd.
WTN Electronics, Ltd.
We sell all marine electronics, marine safety items, electronic instruments, industrial equipment and all their spare parts to clients in the U.S.A. and in over 45 other countries. We sell wholesale and retail with emphasis on High Seas vessels, Commercial Fishing, and Large Yachts. We can ship many products from stock or within a few days from receipt of order. Minneapolis, Minnesota
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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