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Home: Categories: Gear and Equipment: Fishing Tackle: Fly Fishing: Flies and Fly Tying: Page 3
  • Piscator Flies Piscator Flies
    We pride ourselves on creating the highest quality flies possible. We only use the best hooks(Mustad, Tiemco, Partridge), hackles(Whiting, Metz), feathers(Whiting, Superfly) and materials(UNI, Hareline, Wapsi) and stand behind our flies 100%. All of our flies are hand tied in North America by highly skilled fly tyers whom just happen to fly fish as well. We also offer a huge selection of furs, feathers hooks, tools and synthetics to meet any tyer's needs. Rochester, New York
    (Added: Thu Dec 13 2007) - Report this link as bad!
  • Postfly: The Original Monthly Flybox Postfly: The Original Monthly Flybox
    Premium Flies and Fly Fishing Essentials Delivered Monthly. Premium quality flies curated for the season and what you fish for, for 1/2 the price. Boxes for trout, steelhead, warmwater, saltwater and fly tying! Each month we'll stock you up on essential gear like leader and tippet, so you can get back on the water ASAP. A fresh box each month to keep your lines tight and your wallet full. Newbury, Massachusetts
    (Added: Tue Nov 15 2016) - Report this link as bad!
  • Purple Taco Fly Supply Purple Taco Fly Supply
    We have the Largest Selection of Banded Material Anywhere!! 2 Inch Standard Cut Material, 4 Inch Bandaboo, 4 Inch Standard Cut Material, 6 Inch Magnum Standard Cut Material, Bargain Boat, Beads, Fly Kits and Accessories, and more. Charlotte, Michigan
    (Added: Sun Mar 29 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Radencich Salmon Flies Radencich Salmon Flies
    Specializing in the Classic Atlantic Salmon Fly with four books and other salmon fly tying aids to help you become a master salmon fly tyer. Also offering fly tying classes. Weatherby, Missouri
    (Added: Sat Dec 05 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • RaidZap RaidZap
    RaidZap Was Developed by Fly Tiers for Fly Tying. Our gear is developed in Canada, behind the fly-tying table, with top-of-the-line materials. Our roots are in fly fishing and fly tying. We have gained our knowledge as fly tiers, learned by the others, but met what we all missed from the start. We have developed an amazing UV resin product that is quickly cured, clear, and 100% TACK-free. Based in Canada
    (Added: Fri Apr 05 2024) - Report this link as bad!
  • Rainy's Flies & Supplies Rainy's Flies & Supplies
    The Industry leader in contemporary innovative fly designs tied to the highest standards in the world! Rainy's was founded in 1971 by Rainy Riding. Rainy began fishing with flies on a spin cast rod with her grandfather at age 5. She has always maintained her passion for fly fishing. Over 40 years later, with a lot of hard work and good associates along the way, Rainy and her business partner Ellen Clark run a multi-national fly tying business leading the industry with the highest quality flies and cutting-edge innovation. Logan, Utah
    (Added: Wed Dec 16 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Rambler Angler and Blade Co. Rambler Angler and Blade Co.
    The Nomad Fly Tying Vise from Rambler Angler & Blade Co. combines precision engineering with rugged durability, making it the ultimate tool for fly tiers at home or on the go. Our knife collection includes: Breaking Knives, Boning Knives, Fillet Knives, Butcher Knives, Slicing Knives, Hunting Knives, Chopping Knives, Skinning Knives, Shellfish Knives, and Pocket Knives. Also offering Fly Tying Scissors. Our American-made fly tying vises are designed and manufactured at our facility in Columbus, Indiana and Headquarters located in Spartanburg, South Carolina
    (Added: Fri Jan 24 2025) - Report this link as bad!
  • RD Fly Fishing RD Fly Fishing
    A retail/wholesale distributor of fly tying materials and fly fishing accessories. It has been Andy Renzetti's passion for a long time to provide the angler and rod builder with quality equipment and materials. While there are many great products readily available domestically, we ran into constant issues with availability. This is how R Distribution came about. Our goal is to source quality materials and equipment and commit to have it readily available for the angler. The lines RD represents, Andy Renzetti will stand behind for manufacturer, quality and function. Titusville, Florida
    (Added: Thu Dec 05 2019) - Report this link as bad!
  • Regal Engineering Regal Engineering
    For over 20 years now, the Regal name has become known throughout the fly tying community as the source for the best tying vises on the planet. The object was to build a vise with superior hook-holding power, as few moving parts as possible, and design it with the fly tier in mind. Once these three basic requirements were fulfilled we knew we had something special. Based in Orange, Massachusetts
    (Added: Fri Dec 21 2007) - Report this link as bad!
  • Renomed USA Renomed USA
    The Renomed Fly Tying Scissor Collection is in a class of its own. Some of the world's most renowned fly tiers rely on the Renomed Fly Tying Scissors. With Eleven different models, so you can tie flies from tiny size #20 dry flies to 6/0 monster streamers. Unlike traditional scissors, our products are not forged but bent into shape, meaning a more sustainable production process thanks to less waste. Our scissors are tempered, polished and sharpened manually. They are hand-made by our experienced craftsmen providing finest precision and quality. Based in Poland
    (Added: Sun Feb 04 2024) - Report this link as bad!
  • Renzetti Renzetti
    Manufacturer of quality fly tying Vises, Tools, and Accessories. Titusville, Florida
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
    Flies, tying tools and materials. RG SAGA was established by trained and experienced professional fly tyers & fishermen. The flies, tools & materials are manufactured under strict supervision of skilled personnel in own workshop. Based in Calcutta, India
    (Added: Thu Dec 13 2007) - Report this link as bad!
  • Risen Fly Risen Fly
    Our fly rods are hand built due to our specifications and will have a broad range of prices, components and action as we develop several series. Our fly reels are made of the highest quality aircraft aluminum and CNC machined to produce high performing reels at a very reasonable price. Also offering fly lines, fly boxes, fly tying materials, flies, accessories, and apparel. Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania
    (Added: Tue Mar 10 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Rite Bobbin Rite Bobbin
    Premium Fly Tying Bobbins Made in USA. The Rite Bobbin is the only super-functional, micro-adjustable-tension fly tying bobbin on the market today. Whether you're a beginner or a pro, our bobbins deliver maximum thread control thanks to a unique brass tension wheel and top-quality components. Five bobbin models offer you just the right tool for the job, all made right here in Southwest Montana. For every fly you tie, the bobbin is in your hand -- make sure it's the Rite Bobbin. Nye, Montana
    (Added: Sun Mar 23 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • River Road Creations River Road Creations
    Are you a fly tyer looking for greater speed and consistency in your use of foam and other synthetic fly tying materials? River Road Creations, Inc. produces quality wing and foam body cutters that will allow you to do just that. We are proud to offer the widest variety of cutter styles available on the market today. Custom cutters are also available. Based in Stevensville, Montana
    (Added: Thu Dec 13 2007) - Report this link as bad!
  • RiverBum RiverBum
    Premium Fly Fishing Flies and Fly Fishing Gear. Tired of watching two dollar bills drift down the river? At RiverBum we're serious about our fly fishing gear and we cherish our time on the water. Nothing is more frustrating than having your favorite pattern falling apart while fish are rising. We proudly offer the best quality flies and gear you can find on the market today. Whether they are size 24 dry flies for your favorite trout stream or size 3/0 saltwater flies for tarpon, we tie our flies to the exact quality specifications of our staff of fly fishing and fly tying experts. Spokane Valley, Washington
    (Added: Fri Jan 29 2016) - Report this link as bad!
  • RiverKeeper Flies RiverKeeper Flies
    I’ve been fly fishing and fly tying for a long time. I won’t call myself an expert, but I know a lot of things I hope will help you in your fly fishing journey. I tie custom fly orders for clients and friends, and have been known to give flies away on the river, Central Oregon Flyfishers, and Central Oregon Project Healing Waters. I enjoy teaching people and this website helps me do that. RiverKeeper Flies is loaded with tips and tricks, along with over 200 fly pattern sheets you’ll find on the Fly Patterns page. Sisters, Oregon
    (Added: Mon Dec 11 2023) - Report this link as bad!
  • Rivers Edge Fly Tying Benches Rivers Edge Fly Tying Benches
    Unique And Handcrafted, Portable Fly-Tying Benches For The Discriminating Fly Tier At Home And By Rivers Edge. These benches make it easy to stay organized at home and are great for the fly tier that likes to tie to match the hatch on their favorite river or lake edge. Each bench is custom made to accommodate the individuals needs and style. From the type of wood, to the size of the bench and variety of accessories to choose from, there is something for everyone. Belgrade, Montana
    (Added: Fri Jan 29 2016) - Report this link as bad!
  • RoxStar Fishing RoxStar Fishing
    Created by true anglers who share your same passion for fishing and the great outdoors. Custom Fly Orders Available. You want it we can tie it! One day we will get around to listing the millions of fly patterns there could be. But in the mean time just tell us what you want and we will do it! Have a fly that works great in your area? We can custom make ANY SIZE, ANY WEIGHT & ANY FLY Striker you want! Townsend, Tennessee
    (Added: Sun Feb 12 2023) - Report this link as bad!
  • S.S. Flies - Flies For The Serious Angler S.S. Flies - Flies For The Serious Angler
    Welcome to SSFlies, your source of the finest flats flies. That connection between the angler and the fish in saltwater fly fishing is much more than a hook. Weeks and years of your daydreams are tied on to that hook: the permit's sickle black fin dipping, bonefish materializing out of the flats, that last instant of calm as a tarpon gently inhales. These are moments in the salt when dreams can resolve ecstatic. At S.S. Flies we fish, we tie flies and we daydream. Our passion gets twisted into every fly, each puff of feather we choose and especially into those moments on the flats. Denmark, Maine
    (Added: Fri Dec 11 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Saga Instruments Saga Instruments
    For our 28 years it has been our prime objective to provide High Quality Fly Tying Tools and Materials for Fly Fishing. In this site you’ll find a wide range of Fly Tying Tools & Materials from low priced items for Amateur Fly Tyers to premium tools for the Professional Fly Tyer. Based in Kolkata, India
    (Added: Sat Dec 15 2007) - Report this link as bad!
  • Saltwater Custom Flies Saltwater Custom Flies
    Joe Calcavecchia is a production tier, a saltwater master fly tier, and the creator of many well-renowned fly patterns such as the Striper Dragon, Mojo Squid, and the Bonita Bear. He has been tying commercially for the past twenty-five years for fly shops in the New England region. He is also a fly designer for Spirit River and on the Regal Vise Pro Staff. He is a master teacher in fly tying and instructs students with a jovial manner that is always infectious to everyone in attendance. Joe takes part in many fishing expos where he is able to talk and engage with visitors and showcase his style of tying. Ask him to tie a Clouser on the Regal Revolution and watch the vice smoke! Derry, New Hampshire
    (Added: Wed Dec 25 2019) - Report this link as bad!
  • Saltwater Flies Australia Saltwater Flies Australia
    Saltwater Fly Workshop specialize in Premium hand tied Saltwater Flies and have customers fishing SWFW Flies around the World with many successful captures. With over 28 years experience in Fly Tying & the Fly Fishing industry, Scotty Sparnon has used his years of innovative fly tying skills and knowledge to produce and give his Customers World Class Saltwater Flies. Saltwater Fly Workshop pride themselves on providing High Quality Saltwater Flies tied on GAMAKATSU HOOKS at affordable pricing for all Fly Fisherman who are wanting nothing more but the very Best. We ship world wide. Edithburgh, South Australia
    (Added: Thu Dec 07 2017) - Report this link as bad!
  • Saltwater Flies! Saltwater Flies!
    The finest in saltwater fly fishing. Saltwater flies, fly tying material, and saltwater fly fishing and tying information. Housatonic, Massachusetts
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • ScientificFly ScientificFly
    Fishing product development company, offering top quality products & services to fly-fishers around the globe. Grip Hooks, SciFlies, Grip Components and Grip Tying Materials. Our hooks, components and materials are manufactured from the highest quality raw material and with extreme precision. With our Grip Hooks and Components, combined with high quality fly tying materials in the hands of very experienced fly tiers, we created the most consistent range of flies available in South Africa and fast becoming popular abroad. Nelspruit, South Africa
    (Added: Wed Dec 13 2017) - Report this link as bad!
  • Scottie Products Scottie Products
    Scottie Fly tying vices, fly tying materials and fly tying accessories. Buckworth, Cambridgeshire, England, UK
    (Added: Tue Jan 30 2018) - Report this link as bad!
  • Semperfli Fly Tying Materials & Tools Semperfli Fly Tying Materials & Tools
    Materials & Tools for Discerning Fly Tyers. Semperfli has been developed by angling professionals to provide an unparalleled selection of fly tying materials. Semperfli brings the discerning fly tyer the materials to realise their dreams and tie their ultimate fly! Semperfli is sold via an international dealer and distribution programme and we are delighted to be working with our partners. We have partners in many countries including UK, Ireland, Norway, Finland, Denmark, South Africa, The Netherlands, Germany, France, Poland, Japan, Slovakia, Belgium, USA, Canada, Australia and more. Selby, North Yorkshire, England, UK
    (Added: Tue Jan 09 2018) - Report this link as bad!
  • Shadcreek Flies Shadcreek Flies
    Custom flies hand tied by a New England craftsman. Shadcreek Flies is one way in which I can share what I have learned about flies, fly tying and fly fishing. I offer custom flies tied for your fishing needs. There are thousands of flies in the world and even the largest dealer could not carry them all. There are some "old favorites" made by fly tyers in the past or created by a family member or friend that you simply cannot find in catalogs. I can often tie those old patterns or replicate those old family special designs. Hampstead, New Hampshire
    (Added: Fri Mar 29 2024) - Report this link as bad!
  • Sierra Stream Outdoors Sierra Stream Outdoors
    Sierra Stream and Mountain was developed to provide the fishing industry with affordable high performance equipment. We own and operate Tie-Fast Tools, which manufactures the number one knot-tying tool in the world. Jay Fair Eagle Fly Fishing, which produces high quality, hand dyed fly tying materials in Jay Fair's famous three-dimensional colors. Sierra Stream Fly Shop, which is a full service fly shop to meet all your fishing needs. Making us your resource for all things fly fishing. Chico, California
    (Added: Thu Jan 28 2016) - Report this link as bad!
  • Sight Cast Fishing Company Sight Cast Fishing Company
    Sight Cast Fishing Company provides a line of products that are designed for those that live and breathe the shallow flats and backwater marshes. Our passion is saltwater fly fishing and we aim to provide top quality flies, fly tying materials, and apparel designed for the Gulf Coast fly fisherman. We take great pride in developing flies that work for our local waters and “match our hatch”. If we cant find a material or color on the open market that is ideal for our water types, fishing depths, and grasses, we will make it ourselves or work with a manufacturer to offer that solution to other anglers who require the same attention to detail. We aim to make your days on the water more productive and, in turn, more memorable. Richmond, Texas
    (Added: Wed Dec 23 2020) - Report this link as bad!
  • Siskiyou Aviary Siskiyou Aviary
    Feathers for fly tyers and more. Your online source for specialty feathers and fly tying information. Based in Ashland, Oregon
    (Added: Tue Dec 18 2007) - Report this link as bad!
  • Skeena River Fly Supply Skeena River Fly Supply
    Skeena River Fly Supply (SRFS) produces fly tying materials and fly fishing flies. We are based on innovation and high quality production and participate in both the wholesale and retail fly fishing markets. All of our fly fishing products are processed in Canada and we strive to source locally. All of the flies sold through SRFS are designed and tested by renowned guides and anglers that are regarded as some of the best in the industry. SRFS has extensive resources for sourcing materials and are particularly known for the quality and range of our furs. Smithers, British Columbia, Canada
    (Added: Thu Dec 06 2018) - Report this link as bad!
  • Solitude Fly Company Solitude Fly Company
    Welcome to Solitude Fly, the smallest wholesale fly fishing company in the universe providing unequaled customer service and quality to over 500 fly shops worldwide and two planets! Check out our 1,400 award winning, fish catching flies tied with Daichi and Gamakatsu hooks and the finest fly fishing materials in the industry. And don't forget our jackets, nets and accessories. Based in Alhambra, California
    (Added: Fri Dec 28 2007) - Report this link as bad!
  • Steelhead Connection Custom Flies Steelhead Connection Custom Flies
    Providing high quality custom trolling flies to discriminating fishermen. Originator of the "Hypnotist" and "No-See-Um" Series as well as the original "Blue Bubble" and "Green Bubble". Based in North Muskegon, Michigan
    (Added: Thu Dec 20 2007) - Report this link as bad!
  • Streamer King Flies Streamer King Flies
    Our mission at Streamer King Flies is to tie top quality flies that produce fish. We provide custom color combinations and fly combos upon request to suit your needs. That way no matter where you are in the world you can have flies to fit your forage base and water. All Musky/Pike flies are tied on Misfit Musky Fly Hooks or Gamakatsu Hooks. All streamers for bass and trout are tied on Gamakatsu or Allen hooks. Saltwater flies are tied on Gamakatsu, Mustad or Allen Hooks. For custom orders select custom at checkout and contact me through the contact page and send me your specifications. Coudersport, Pennsylvania
    (Added: Tue Jan 22 2019) - Report this link as bad!
  • Streamworks Streamworks
    Fly Fishing Accessories and Tools. Streamworks has unique and versatile attachment devices that provide convenience and simplicity to anglers so they can focus on fishing, not on gear. Fly Tying Tools including Scissors, Hackle Pliers, Bobbins, Tweezers, Hair Stackers, Whip Finishers, Forceps, Nippers, Pliers, Fly Boxes, and more. Sparks, Nevada
    (Added: Thu Jan 28 2016) - Report this link as bad!
  • Stu's Superior Flies Stu's Superior Flies
    Stu's Fly Shop is a World Famous Fly Shop situated in the small, quiet town of Athol, just a 45-minute scenic drive from Queenstown in the South Island of New Zealand. Also offering guiding services and lessons with Stuart Tripney. Fly fishers come from all over to fly fish in the area, or be taught the art of fly casting and fly fishing from Stu. Large, wary NZ brown trout are mainly found in the area and sight casting for every trout makes it a very exciting fly fishing experience. Athol, Southland, New Zealand
    (Added: Tue Dec 18 2007) - Report this link as bad!
  • Superflies Superflies
    As lifelong fly tyers and fanatic fishermen ourselves, we were missing a consistent and convenient way to buy premium flies. “Premium” meaning the top-notch standard we are used to, when putting our heart and soul into tying our own flies for the trip of a lifetime. We first wanted to replicate this quality for ourselves, but soon decided that we want to make it easily accessible to all of us, who won’t settle for average but lack the time to tie everything ourselves. Check out our selection and grab a few of your favorites, or get inspired and experiment some new styles. We are always looking to develop our selection, so do let us know if we are still missing your secret weapon! Our mission is to have you by the water with your favorite patterns in full confidence that they are tied just the way they should. Denver, Colorado
    (Added: Tue Nov 24 2020) - Report this link as bad!
  • Superfly Flies Superfly Flies
    Superfly Flies is the best hand made trolling flies in the pacific northwest. All of our products our made in the USA in Sandpoint Idaho. We are a family owned and operated tackle manufacturer, developing our product based on many years of fishing all of the lakes and rivers in Idaho, Washington and Montana. Our fine hand crafted flies are made from high quality material with colors you will have to see to believe, including our ultra violet, glow, and light particle grabber. These are designed to target Rainbow Trout, German Brown, Mackinaw and Kokanee and my favorite Land lock Salmon! All of our product have been fisherman tested and fish approved. Sandpoint, Idaho
    (Added: Sun Dec 24 2023) - Report this link as bad!
  • Superfly International Inc. Superfly International Inc.
    Superfly started with a good idea and a passion for fly tying in a small basement hobby-room more than 30 years ago. Today Superfly continues as a family business that has grown into an internationally respected company recognized as a leading manufacturer of fly fishing and fly tying products. Rods and Reels, Line, Leaders, Tippet, Complete Fly Fishing Kit, Fly Fishing Accessories, and Fly Tying materials, including Feathers, Fur & Dubbing, Hooks & Eyes, Synthetic Materials, Thread & Wire, Fly Tying Tools and Aids. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
    (Added: Fri Jan 29 2016) - Report this link as bad!
  • T.V. Tyr - Flytying Furniture T.V. Tyr - Flytying Furniture
    Tv Tyr is the most functional, affordable piece of flytying furniture on the market, you love our fly tying bench perfect for your favorite fly fisherman. Handcrafted by George Roberts in Oak, Cherry and Walnut, it can be finished to match your decor. Tie anywhere with everything at your fingertips; no setup or teardown. Now available in the new rolltop or standard model. Tv Tyr is the most functional, affordable piece of flytying furniture on the market. St. Louis, Missouri
    (Added: Fri Jan 29 2016) - Report this link as bad!
  • The Canadian Llama Company The Canadian Llama Company
    Fly Tying Materials. If you're not already one of our 2,000 repeating web store customers, you may well be using our beads when you buy at your favorite fly shop or other fly tying materials outlet and we thank you for supporting them and our business! We began with dyeing and packaging llama dubbing more than 15 years ago, quickly grew into adding llama streamer hair, then as a result of requests from our many individual customers - began distributing brass nymph beads and cone heads. Today we sell many millions of brass and tungsten items a year. We supply in bulk to several of the best known and largest fly producing factories in the World and to our Wholesale customers. We package in retail size packs for fly shops,wholesale distributors who sell to fly shops and for two of the largest big box stores in the Sporting Goods Industry. Kamloops, BC Canada
    (Added: Wed Feb 25 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • The Canadian Tube Fly Company The Canadian Tube Fly Company
    Tube flies are exactly what they sound like.... They are tied up on a tube instead of a standard hook shank. Tubes are thicker than a conventional fly, an attribute most steelhead and salmon fishermen find desirable. Hook size and style can be varied for whatever situation you are fishing. Single, double and even treble hooks (regulations permitting) are all possibilities. We have taken the traditional style of tube flies and redeveloped both standard patterns, as well as created brand new flies that are specifically made for steelhead and salmon along the west coast of North America. We also offer fly tying materials and tools. Based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
    (Added: Mon Dec 17 2007) - Report this link as bad!
  • The Essential Fly The Essential Fly
    Fly fishing shop for flies, fly tying materials & fly fishing tackle. The Essential Fly is the premier source for all requirements including your trout flies, salmon flies, grayling flies, pike flies or muskie flies, saltwater flies, carp flies or any other specialist fishing flies. We stock a vast range from size 2 saltwater to size 24 midges. Aberford, West Yorkshire, England
    (Added: Tue Feb 08 2011) - Report this link as bad!
  • The Feather Bender The Feather Bender
    Welcome to The Feather Bender's, Fly tying recipes website. Here I share all my knowledge about tying fly fishing flies and the materials used to make them. You will find, not only my own patterns and tying techniques, but also many of the most popular international patterns and how to tie them. All illustrated in professional step by step photo’s and the best quality fly tying videos. Skien, Norway
    (Added: Sun Jan 01 2023) - Report this link as bad!
  • The Fly Tying Company The Fly Tying Company
    Suppliers of fly tying materials, worldwide shipping available, Huge range of stock. Trade welcome. We supply a great range of quality materials, tools and accessories to fly-fishers across the globe. We pride ourselves on our 'customer first' ethos which has enabled us to built a reputation for exceptional service. Although our core business is the supply of materials, we have also started to branch out into other area's of fly fishing and now carry a line of fly rods from Scierra and Marryat, leaders, tippets, running lines and terminal tackle from leading manufacturers. Bignall End, Staffordshire, England, UK
    (Added: Tue Feb 10 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • The Perfect Fly Store The Perfect Fly Store
    Welcome to The Perfect Fly Store, home of the World's Best Fishing Flies. We have hundreds of new flies that imitate the specific foods fish eat. Keep in mind that fish are not fooled by your expensive fly rod, fly reel or your fly line. They are fooled by the fly. The more your fly looks and acts like what the fish are eating, the better your chances of success. The Perfect Fly Store is based in Sevier County, Tennessee.
    (Added: Fri Mar 07 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • TheFlyStop TheFlyStop
    Trout Flies, Fly Fishing Gear, Patagonia, Orvis, salmon, and saltwater flies. The best discount fly fishing deals on flies, rods, reels, and all the gear you want to get you out of the house and out on your next adventure. The bulk of materials used in the production of our flies are purchased from Hareline, The Bug Shop, Fly Men Fishing Company, as well as Whiting Farms. La Jolla, California
    (Added: Tue Dec 16 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • Tie the Flies | Fly Tying Recipes | Fly Tying Patterns Tie the Flies | Fly Tying Recipes | Fly Tying Patterns
    Inevitably, every fly fisherman ends up picking up the hobby of tying flies. Check out our directory of fly tying patterns for the full fly pattern recipe, instructional videos, step-by-step directions, and more!
    (Added: Sun Jan 01 2023) - Report this link as bad!
  • Togen Fly Shop Togen Fly Shop
    Togen hooks, fly tying hooks, reels, tying materials and supplies, beads, super flash, hackle, capes, saddles, fly tying tools, fly fishing supplies, strike indicators, chironomid flies. fly rods, larva lace,fly lines, fluorocarbon tippet. Our hooks are custom manufactured to exact specifications under strict quality control procedures. The hook sizes are the same as all leading brands. Maple Ridge, B.C. Canada
    (Added: Wed Dec 13 2017) - Report this link as bad!
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