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Home: Categories: Gear and Equipment: Propellers and Drives: Stern Drives
- Konrad Marine Inc. Stern Drives
Konrad Marine Inc. Stern Drives
Manufacturer of the World's Toughest Stern Drives. Konrad Marine designs and manufactures stern drives for commerical, military, recreational and high performance applications. Hudson, Wisconsin
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Sterndrive Engineering
Sterndrive Engineering
Sterndrive Engineering (SEI) is the largest supplier of aftermarket sterndrives and our own line of outboards in the world. The company makes replacement sterndrives for MerCruiser's Alpha One and Gen II stern drives and replacement outboard lower units for Mercury, Johnson/Evinrude and Yamaha. Sterndrive Engineering's Outdrives are not remanufactured, they are entirely new. The SEI drives are made of parts that are completely compatible and interchangeable with the OEM. The drives are assembled at SEI's factory in Oldsmar, Florida.
(Added: Fri Feb 01 2013)
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- Yanmar Marine
Yanmar Marine
Diesel engines for sailboats and powerboats. Also offering Stern Drives, Saildrives, Commercial Engines and Generators. Yanmar Marine is a global business dedicated to boating. Within the international YANMAR organisation, we are responsible for all leisure marine products, markets and customer service. Yanmar Marine is completely dedicated to boating. With regional headquarters in Europe, the United States, South East Asia and Japan, plus full-scale sales and service support facilities in more than 130 countries, it is dedicated to all the needs of boat builders, dealers and their customers across the world. Yanmar Marine has its headquarters in The Netherlands
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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