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Home: Categories: Gear and Equipment: Safety Equipment: Drogues & Sea Anchors
- Jim-Buoy
Manufacturer of a wide range of marine and pool safety products. Life Rings, Channel Markers, Mooring & Inflatable Buoys, Horseshoe Buoys, Man Overboard Lights, Life Preservers, Sea Anchors, Lights, Fenders, Safety Harnesses, and more. Also offering Regulatory Buoys, Channel Markers, River Buoys, Mooring Buoys. North Hollywood, California
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Jordan Series Drogue
Jordan Series Drogue
Jordan Series Drogue is a safety device designed to prevent the capsize and damage of both monohull and multihull sailing yachts and other vessels operating in the open ocean, in the event of a "worst case" breaking wave strike, as well as improving the motion of the boat in storm waves and to reduce drift. The Jordan Series Drogue has been at sea for over 15 years. At least 1000 are in use all over the world. The drogue has been deployed through many storms including several hurricanes. No boat has ever been damaged and no crew injured. A typical comment from the skipper is "I did not feel threatened." East Lyme, Connecticut
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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