Home: Categories: Gear and Equipment: Safety Equipment: Flares & Signals
- C-I-L Explosives
C-I-L Explosives
C-I-L has served industry with explosives for 140 years. The tradition continues with specialty explosives for every need. Police, military, industry and even entertainment people trust our products. We are the leading provider of marine safety and signaling products for North American boaters and the largest manufacturer and distributor of marine visual distress signals (VDS) in the United States. We offer a complete line of United States Coast Guard (USCG) approved day and nighttime signals. Our aerial and handheld flares are engineered to burn brighter and longer than the USCG requirements. Our SOLAS (Safety Of Life At Sea) approved signal products meet all international signal requirements. Lachute, Quebec, Canada
(Added: Wed Mar 05 2025)
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Category: Gear and Equipment/Safety Equipment/Flares & Signals
- C-I-L Explosives
C-I-L Explosives
C-I-L has served industry with explosives for 140 years. The tradition continues with specialty explosives for every need. Police, military, industry and even entertainment people trust our products. We are the leading provider of marine safety and signaling products for North American boaters and the largest manufacturer and distributor of marine visual distress signals (VDS) in the United States. We offer a complete line of United States Coast Guard (USCG) approved day and nighttime signals. Our aerial and handheld flares are engineered to burn brighter and longer than the USCG requirements. Our SOLAS (Safety Of Life At Sea) approved signal products meet all international signal requirements. Lachute, Quebec, Canada
(Added: Wed Mar 05 2025)
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Category: Gear and Equipment/Safety Equipment/Flares & Signals
- Sirius Signal Boat Flares and Distress Signals
Sirius Signal Boat Flares and Distress Signals
USCG-Approved Safety Solutions. Our electronic flare (SOS eVDSD) is a safer way to satisfy Coast Guard distress signal requirements and take perchlorate out of our water. The Coast Guard is incrementally updating Visual Distress Carriage requirements in cooperation with marine safety product manufacturers like Sirius Signal. Boaters now have a choice between traditional flares and SOS pattern eVDSDs (Electronic Visual Distress Signal Devices). Sirius Signal eVDSDs are thoroughly tested to not just meet US Coast Guard requirements, but to exceed them. Quality and keeping our environment safe are two of our utmost concerns — which is why we’re always testing our devices and will continue to keep count of how many pyrotechnic flares we — and our customers — have helped keep out of the water. San Diego, California
(Added: Mon Feb 10 2025)
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Category: Gear and Equipment/Safety Equipment/Flares & Signals
- Datrex Marine Safety Equipment
Datrex Marine Safety Equipment
Emergency Rations, Datrex Buoys, Sea-Safe Life Rafts, Survival Craft Spares, First Aid, Marine Distress Signals, Linethrowing Appliances, Immersion/Anti-Exposure Suits, Lifejackets & Work Vests, Hydrostatic Release, Photoluminescent Products, and more. Kinder, Louisiana
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Landfall Navigation
Landfall Navigation
Navigation & Marine Software, Charts, Chart Plotters, Navigation Computers, Electronics, Navigation & Plotting Tools, Offshore Safety Gear, EPIRBs, Flares, Weather Instruments, and more. Landfall has been providing top quality equipment to boaters since 1982 and on the web since 1997. Since that time Landfall’s unwavering commitment to safety has remained constant. That commitment is reflected in the products we sell and the advice we give. Landfall is committed to meeting the needs of the marine community, including recreational boaters, professional mariners and law enforcement, & emergency personnel. Stamford, Connecticut
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Life Raft & Survival Equipment
Life Raft & Survival Equipment
Life Raft & Survival Equipment, Inc. has been servicing and supplying major brands of life rafts, inflatable boats and safety equipment to the public for over 30 years. We invite you to visit our state of the art, modern service facility in Tiverton, Rhode Island or call one of our expert Marine Safety Consultants for advice on outfitting for a cruise or a race or for a commercial vessel. Life Rafts, EPIRBs & PLBs, Life Jackets, Immersion Suits, Crew Overboard, Abandon Ship Ditch Bags, Medical Kits, Flares, Drogues, and more. Tiverton, Rhode Island
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Orion Safety Products
Orion Safety Products
Orion is the largest manufacturer and distributor of marine visual distress signals in the United States. Orion is the leading provider of marine safety and signal products for the recreational and commercial boater. With a marine heritage that dates back nearly 50 years, we have decades of experience in designing and manufacturing the world's safest, brightest, most effective emergency marine signals and other safety products. We offer a complete line of United States Coast Guard approved day and nighttime signals. Our aerial and hand-held flares are engineered to burn brighter and longer than the USCG requires. Our SOLAS (Safety Of Life At Sea) approved signal products meet all international signal standards. Peru, Indiana
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Pains-Wessex Marine Safety Equipment
Pains-Wessex Marine Safety Equipment
Pains Wessex has been a leading supplier of marine distress signals for over 100 years. Pains Wessex is the world's leading supplier of SOLAS, MED & USCG-approved marine distress signals to commercial and leisure marine markets. With Pains Wessex advanced pyrotechnic marine distress signals, you can be sure you have made the right choice. Havant, Hampshire, UK
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- See/Rescue Streamer
See/Rescue Streamer
We have created the See/Rescue® Streamer to ensure that you can be rescued, land or sea, day and night, 24/7 until you are found. To a rescue helicopter or search party in a boat, your head is the size of a coconut. Sea dye washes away, flares last for seconds, and EPIRBS (GPS) only get you to the general area - you still need a visual! See/Rescue® is the only passive and continuous signaling device that can help rescuers find you fast. Whether you are stranded in snowy backcountry or lost on a hiking trail, the See/Rescue® Streamer highlights your location so you stand out against your surroundings. The personal See/Rescue® is the size of a cell phone, providing safety and peace of mind that can be stowed or clipped anywhere. Honolulu, Hawaii
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Specialty Products & Services, Inc.
Specialty Products & Services, Inc.
Specialty Products & Services, Inc. is a worldwide supplier and manufacturer of Mil-Spec safety & survival equipment for mission critical operations. From our battlefield-ready first aid kits to our survival equipment designed for the personnel & vehicles that patrol land, air and sea we are able to meet and exceed today's standards. Life Rafts, Life Vests, Emergency Rations, Distress Signals, First Aid Kits, Survival & Rescue Equipment, Mil Spec Fabric & Hardware, and more. Pipersville, Pennsylvania
(Added: Mon Jan 30 2017)
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- Vancouver Liferaft & Safety Inc.
Vancouver Liferaft & Safety Inc.
The ultimate liferaft for all types of yachting and the perfect choice for ocean sailing. We take pride in our ability to service and supply only highest quality Life Saving Equipment. Offshore life rafts, Offshore self righting rafts, Coastal life rafts, Pyrotechnics, Lifejackets, and more. North Vancouver, BC, Canada
(Added: Sat Jan 28 2017)
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