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Home: Categories: Gear and Equipment: Safety Equipment: Page 2
  • Lifesaving Equipment Repair Co Inc Lifesaving Equipment Repair Co Inc
    A full range of marine safety equipment, buoys, diving equipment, nets, ladders, signs and geophysical supplies. Life Preservers, PFD Rescue Lights, Signaling Devices, Life Rings, Throwline Bag, First Aid, EPIRB's, Safety Lights, Life Slings, Whistles, Fire Blankets, Personal Protective Equipment, and more. Morgan City, Louisiana
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Magid Work Gloves Magid Work Gloves
    World's largest manufacturer, importer and distributor of work gloves, safety glasses, protective clothing and industrial safety equipment. Romeoville, Illinois
    (Added: Sat Nov 06 2010) - Report this link as bad!
  • Marine Lightning Protection Inc. Marine Lightning Protection Inc.
    Being at the forefront of both the basic science and product development in this area, we are uniquely qualified to address all of the problems inherent in lightning protection on the water. Whether for a fiberglass jet ski or a superyacht our method is the same - to place lightning conductors on the outside of the vessel with multiple air terminals at the top and multiple grounding terminals at the waterline. This provides a shielding enclosure, external current pathways, and more effective grounding to the water surface. We can also address lightning issues with metal-hulled vessels ranging from jon boats to supertankers, and can give advice on electronics protection by considering wire routing, shielding and surge suppression. Gainesville, Florida
    (Added: Fri Jan 01 2016) - Report this link as bad!
  • Marine Rescue Products Marine Rescue Products
    Serving the world's best lifeguards since 1970. Offering: Lifeguard Swimwear/Apparel, Lifeguard Gear, Rescue Equipment, EMS & Fire Gear, Facilities Equipment, and more. Middletown, Rhode Island
    (Added: Mon Jan 02 2023) - Report this link as bad!
  • Marine Safety Services, Inc Marine Safety Services, Inc
    We sell, rent and service marine safety equipment such as Life Rafts, Immersion Suits, EPIRBs, Pyrotechnics, and more. Seattle, Washington
    (Added: Sun Jan 29 2017) - Report this link as bad!
  • Marine | Safe-T-Alert Marine | Safe-T-Alert
    Marine Safety Alarms. Safe-T-Alert alarms have been trusted to protect Boaters since 1987. Visit this site often for valuable information about marine alarm safety. View our full product listings on our Carbon Monoxide Alarms, High Bilge Water Alarms, Smoke Alarms, and Fume Detectors. Destin, Florida
    (Added: Mon Feb 17 2025) - Report this link as bad!
  • Maritime Progress Maritime Progress
    Maritime Progress is one of the largest, worldwide suppliers of photoluminescent marine signs and related safety products such as posters, software, training manuals and logbooks etc. Highest quality approved products. ISO 9001 / BSI / Lloyds Register / IMPA approved. Legislatively compliant safety signs and posters manufactured in the UK. Redhill, Surrey, England, UK
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • MARSS | Extrasensory Protection MARSS | Extrasensory Protection
    MARSS develops innovative marine and land-based systems for asset protection and life-saving. Our technology leadership is founded on over 10 years of research and development collaboration with the European Union, defence agencies, NATO, academia and industry. MARSS products include NiDAR™, RADIRguard™ and MOBtronic™. The MARSS product family combines multiple sensors with proprietary integration software, open-source intelligence and artificial intelligence delivering smart but simplified systems to meet client requirements. NiDAR is a long range surveillance system protecting high value maritime and land-based assets from air, surface and underwater approaches. RADiRguard represents a modular and scaleable all-in-one perimeter surveillance solution, reliably detecting and classifying objects before reaching a perimeter. MOBtronic is an automatic man-overboard system for the instant detection, classification and rescue support of a human falling overboard a vessel or maritime structure. London, England, UK
    (Added: Sun Dec 16 2018) - Report this link as bad!
  • Martek Marine Martek Marine
    Safety Monitoring Systems for Marine Vessels. A world class UK company providing safety related products and systems to the global marine industry. Welcome to the online home of Martek Marine Ltd, world leaders in the manufacture of safety and environmental emissions monitoring systems for the global marine industry. You can find a Martek system or product to help you meet your needs for BNWAS, potable water testing kit, engine emissions monitoring, gas detection, water level detection, or cargo tank monitoring. You can also demonstrate your commitment to crew welfare with our marine defibrillator. Manvers, Rotherham, United Kingdom
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Moldex Moldex
    Moldex-Metric is an industry leader in innovative respiratory and hearing protection. In the world of personal protective equipment, Moldex stands for innovative design, comfort, and value. Our products are created with the comfort and safety of the end-user in mind. Not only do our products protect workers, they are more comfortable, last longer, and resist daily wear and tear to cut waste and promote cost savings. Culver City, California
    (Added: Thu Jun 13 2019) - Report this link as bad!
  • More Prepared More Prepared
    Survival kits and emergency kits are a necessity for everyone to have in case of a disaster. Make sure you have a survival kit or an emergency kit at home, at work and in your car. Schools should also have emergency survival kits for their students. Manhattan Beach, California
    (Added: Sun Dec 02 2018) - Report this link as bad!
  • MRT - Marine Resuce Technologies Inc MRT - Marine Resuce Technologies Inc
    Maritime Survivor Locating Devices (MSLD's). Marine Rescue Technologies features two MSLD's, The Sea Marshall Rescue and the Mobilarm V100. A third system we have introduced is not a MSLD, but a 406 PLB with a 406 selective decoder that can configure PLB's into a locally managed rescue system. Also offering: Reach and Retrieval Systems are designed to allow for an effective rescue by allowing reach to a Man Overboard in order to pull them onboard a vessel, to shore, or prividing them with a flotation device; Reach & Rescue System, designed to avoid Search and Rescue personnel entering the water, ice, or mud and to quickly provide a method of reaching and securing a victim; MateSaver, designed to reach, secure, and lift a MOB from water; Markus Retrieval & Systems; Jason's Cradle; and more. Sebastian, Florida
    (Added: Sun Jan 25 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Nautilus LifeLine Marine Rescue Radio with GPS Nautilus LifeLine Marine Rescue Radio with GPS
    It's more than a Personal Locator Beacon (PLB). The Nautilus LifeLine Marine Rescue GPS is more than a PLB, more than an EPIRB, and more than a satellite messenger. Communicate directly with boats and ships around you. Divers. Sailors. Paddlers. Nobody should be on the water without one. Compact. Super tough. Affordable. You might not think you need one until you do!! Nautilus Marine Rescue GPS is faster and safer than satellite technology. Press the red button to send your distress alert directly to all boats, ships, and rescue craft around you. Your position sent is accurate to 1.5 metres! Richmond, British Columbia, Canada
    (Added: Fri Jan 31 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • Naval Company Inc. Naval Company Inc.
    Welcome! We are the manufacturer of the U.S. Coast Guard approved Model CG85 Bridger™ Line Throwing Gun Kit, used for line deployment or line throwing, life saving, and access solutions by... offshore drilling rigs, fire & rescue teams, rescue squads, utility companies, commercial fishing fleets, construction companies, tugs, barges, and ships, oil companies, and more. Naval Company Inc. is proud to provide a high quality, reputable, and reliable shoulder fired line thrower gun (line launcher or rope launcher) for short and long-distance line deployment. Doylestown, Pennsylvania
    (Added: Sun Jan 29 2017) - Report this link as bad!
  • Nitro-Pak Preparedness Center Nitro-Pak Preparedness Center
    We understand that emergencies happen and being prepared is what brings real peace of mind. If your looking for freeze-dried food, food storage, 72 hour survival kits, or preparedness supplies we have what your looking for and more at GREAT prices. Midway, Utah
    (Added: Wed Jan 18 2023) - Report this link as bad!
  • Ocean Guardian Electrical Shark Deterrents | Shark Shield Technology Ocean Guardian Electrical Shark Deterrents | Shark Shield Technology
    Ocean Guardian is the world's leading shark deterrent technology company and since 2001 the company's patented Shark Shield Technology has protected tens of thousands of ocean lovers. Whether you're swimming off your boat with family and friends, out seeking to land your next big fish or simply heading off to enjoy a dive, snorkel or surf - our technology is here to enhance your ocean experience whilst providing peace of mind. Warriewood, NSW Australia
    (Added: Tue Dec 22 2020) - Report this link as bad!
  • Ocean Safety Ltd. Ocean Safety Ltd.
    Ocean Safety specialise in the worldwide supply, distribution, service & hire of marine safety equipment including liferafts, lifejackets & EPIRBs. The company has grown rapidly and today boasts a diverse range of customers including ship and superyacht builders, round the world racing, cruising yachts and the MOD. Ocean Safety offer branded and own manufacture products including the Jonbuoy Man Overboard recovery range, liferafts, lifejackets, fire equipment, EPIRBs and SARTs. Other manufacturers include Kannad Marine, Kru Lifejackets, Aquaspec, Hansson Pyrotechnics, Icom VHF Units, KIM Harnesses and Lifesaving Equipment, Lifeguard and Zodiac liferafts. Southampton, Hampshire, England UK
    (Added: Tue Dec 18 2012) - Report this link as bad!
  • Ocean Signal Ltd Ocean Signal Ltd
    Products include: M100/M100X Professional MSLD Martime Survivor Locating Device for professional use, rescueME PLB1, EPIRB1 (The world's most compact EPIRB with 66 channel GPS), MOB1 (The world's smallest AIS MOB device with integrated DSC), rescueME EDF1 electronic distress flare, AIS Alarm, Ocean Signal SafeSea S100 Search and Rescue Transponder (SART), V100 VHF (Ocean Signal range of waterproof VHF hand portable radiotelephones compliant with the requirements of the GMDSS) and M100/M100X (Maritime Survivor Locating Device for professional use with AIS and 121.5MHz). Margate, England, UK
    (Added: Sun Jan 29 2017) - Report this link as bad!
  • Offshore Suppliers, LLC Offshore Suppliers, LLC
    Family owned and operated since 1965, Offshore Suppliers, LLC, has been a leader in the marine safety and service business. We serve the offshore industry, commercial fishing industry and the pleasure boaters with U.S.C.G. and SOLAS approved equipment. OSI offers sales and servicing of inflatable life rafts and sells a variety of great products at low prices. OSI sells the complete stock of marine safety equipment, flotation wear, foul weather gear, and survival apparel. We carry a large inventory of USCG/SOLAS approved merchandise including: marine distress signals, flares and smokes, safety and survival lights and E.P.I.R.B.'s, fire fighting equipment including oxygen breathing apparatus, protective clothing, fire axes, and fire hose and fittings. Metairie, Louisiana
    (Added: Tue Feb 20 2024) - Report this link as bad!
  • Orion Safety Products Orion Safety Products
    Orion is the largest manufacturer and distributor of marine visual distress signals in the United States. Orion is the leading provider of marine safety and signal products for the recreational and commercial boater. With a marine heritage that dates back nearly 50 years, we have decades of experience in designing and manufacturing the world's safest, brightest, most effective emergency marine signals and other safety products. We offer a complete line of United States Coast Guard approved day and nighttime signals. Our aerial and hand-held flares are engineered to burn brighter and longer than the USCG requires. Our SOLAS (Safety Of Life At Sea) approved signal products meet all international signal standards. Peru, Indiana
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Pains-Wessex Marine Safety Equipment Pains-Wessex Marine Safety Equipment
    Pains Wessex has been a leading supplier of marine distress signals for over 100 years. Pains Wessex is the world's leading supplier of SOLAS, MED & USCG-approved marine distress signals to commercial and leisure marine markets. With Pains Wessex advanced pyrotechnic marine distress signals, you can be sure you have made the right choice. Havant, Hampshire, UK
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Para Sea Anchor by Coppins, The Toughest Para Sea Anchors Para Sea Anchor by Coppins, The Toughest Para Sea Anchors
    The world's best sea anchors, proven in the toughest seas by the world's best sailors. Made in New Zealand, Available globally. Coppins provides the most advanced sea anchor technology in the world - competitively priced for offshore boats of all kinds; recreational, industrial, commercial, and military. Every year we have Captains and crew tell us how their Coppins Sea Anchor saved their lives. Sometimes known as a Para Anchor or Para Sea Anchor, this device is used to stabilise boats of all sizes in heavy weather. It resembles an underwater parachute, made from high strength materials, impervious to sea water and resistant to wear, which increases the drag through the water and acts as a brake for the vessel. Attached to the bow in extreme weather, it turns the vessel into the oncoming waves, reducing drift and providing a higher level of stability, safety and control. Motueka, New Zealand
    (Added: Sun Dec 06 2020) - Report this link as bad!
  • PARA-ANCHOR by Fiorentino PARA-ANCHOR by Fiorentino
    Fiorentino's rigging set-ups and parachute sea anchors have been used successfully for over 60 years. Fiorentino has outfitted every type of boat imaginable--trawlers, sailboats, commercial boats, fishing boats, mega yachts, ships, kayaks, inboards, outboards flat bottom boats, including many unusual on-the-water specialty projects. Established in 1958 on the West Coast of the Americas, Fiorentino has become a world leading authority and U.S. manufacturer for underwater parachute sea anchors and storm drogues. Available in all sizes for the recreational boater and marine specialty market. Newport Beach, California
    (Added: Sun Dec 06 2020) - Report this link as bad!
  • Para-Tech Sea Anchor Para-Tech Sea Anchor
    PARA-TECH Engineering Co. has been a leading manufacturer of offshore survival gear since 1980 or over 4 decades in the industry. Our para-tech sea anchor or parachute sea anchor for offshore fishing is a parachute that goes under the surface of the water to secure the boat. Our headquarters produces innovative products that have improved the safety of sailors and fishermen throughout the world. We have established ourselves as a trusted source for highly effective offshore supplies that are a necessity for both commercial and recreational watercraft. Outfit your vessel with our specially adapted parachute anchors and sea anchor drogue to make ocean passage safer. Our products reduce drift to help you control speed, anchor effectively, remain stationary over lucrative fishing spots, and more. Talk to the offshore survival experts, where safety on the open water is our business. Silt, Colorado
    (Added: Sun Jan 14 2024) - Report this link as bad!
  • Plastimo Plastimo
    Compasses, Electronics & Navigation, Safety Equipment, Anchors & Mooring Gear, Reefing Systems, Deck Fittings, Fenders, Powerboating Gear, Windlasses, Lighting & Electrical, Maintenance Products, Water Systems, Galley Gear, Seawear, Refrigeration, Cookers, Cabin Fans, Galley Gear, and more! A real iconic brand in recreational boating, Plastimo contributes to safe and enjoyable sailing around the world, as a dependable crewmember for yachtsmen and a reliable partner to the boating industry. Building on the worldwide reputation of Plastimo compasses, lifejackets and liferafts. Plastimo also offers deck and mooring equipment and comfort on board appliances. More than ever, Plastimo's mission is to create safety products and systems that will make your cruise more enjoyable, your race more challenging and your team happier. Happy boating to you! Lorient, France
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • PSI - Safety and Survival Gear PSI - Safety and Survival Gear
    EPIRBs, Survival Radios, Distress Signals, Immersion Suits. PSI Survival is the marine, aviation and outdoor survival systems sales division of Puget Sound Inflatables. For over 24 years, we have served as a trusted source for safety and survival equipment at discount prices. We specialize in life rafts, EPIRBs, PLBs and other survival gear. Located in Seattle, Washington for over 24 years, Puget Sound Inflatables, Inc. has established a reputation as a trusted supplier of life rafts, EPIRBs, PLBs, survival suits and other life saving equipment serving customers throughout the country. Our customers include every type of commercial fishing, passenger, merchant marine and military vessel. \ Additionally, due to an increased awareness of and focus on safety systems, sales of life saving equipment for use on recreational sailboats, powerboats and yachts continues to show strong growth. Seattle, Washington
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Quake Kare, Inc. Quake Kare, Inc.
    Quake Kare is a leading supplier of ER™ Emergency Ready disaster preparedness kits and emergency supplies. Emergency Preparedness products and safety resources for home, car, office, boating, camping, etc. Saint Louis, Missouri
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    (Added: Sun Apr 11 2004) - Report this link as bad!
  • Quiksling Quiksling
    The Lloyds approved Man Overboard Rescue & Recovery System. Recovering an overboard sailor, whether trained crew or unprepared passenger, will always be a traumatic task, often with a tragic outcome. Add any combination of rough seas, high freeboards, chilling temperatures, poor light or predictable panic and the difficulty is multiplied while life is being lost. QUIKSLING was developed by North Sea mariners with first-hand experience of the difficulties to ensure the best possibility of rescue. Features such as the easily entered flotation frame and the automatic ‘deckchair’ double sling all improve the likelihood of reaching, retrieving and recovering the man overboard whilst ensuring full compliance with SOLAS III/17-1. Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK
    (Added: Wed Feb 03 2021) - Report this link as bad!
  • RescueSteps RescueSteps
    We manufacture innovative marine and hunting products for knowledgeable mariners, kayakers, and hunters. Lewis Products brings you RescueSteps, a compact, convenient boarding ladder that adjusts to fit you and makes it easy to get back into your boat. The adjustable handle and step are packed into a compact pouch that you can connect to your boat's cleat or stanchion. Also offering Kayak RescueSteps. Birmingham, Alabama
    (Added: Fri Mar 10 2017) - Report this link as bad!
  • Resmar Safety Equipment Resmar Safety Equipment
    Offer safety equipment and respiratory protection equipment for industrial and nautical clients. Middlewich, Cheshire, England, UK
    (Added: Fri Mar 22 2013) - Report this link as bad!
  • Revere Survival Revere Survival
    Revere Survival offers a wide range of the finest survival equipment available in America. We provide a full line of survival products which includes many inflatable general-boating and aviation-oriented liferafts, and inflatable PFDs. Liferafts, PFDs, PFD Accessories, Jonbuoy Danbuoy MOB and Recovery Range, Rescue Beacons and more. Now based in Jacksonville, Florida, we offer a full line of survival equipment which includes many inflatable general boating and aviation-oriented liferafts, inflatable PFDs, and premium first-aid kits – just to name a few. Jacksonville, Florida
    (Added: Sun Jan 29 2017) - Report this link as bad!
  • Rhotheta Rhotheta
    The world leader in the design and manufacture of Search and Rescue (SAR) radio direction finders (RDF) and the RT-B77 Man Over Board beacon (MOB). RHOTHETA Elektronik GmbH is building on 20 years of experience in the design, development and production of high-quality direction finders for ATC, VTS and SAR applications. In the area of SAR technology, the company specializes in equipment for professional SAR organizations active at sea and on land. The operation on sea requires high demands on the equipment. Salty water, high humidity, mechanical load and vibration as well as UV radiant exposure have a non-stop impact on electronic hardware. Our equipment is specially designed for this application. Murnau (Bavaria), Germany
    (Added: Mon Jan 30 2012) - Report this link as bad!
  • Safety at Sea Safety at Sea
    For nearly 30 years Safety at Sea has specialised in offering the world's leading marine safety products and aviation survival equipment. Whether its a Baltic Inflatable lifejacket for recreation or racing, or a Waypoint ISO liferaft for offshore cruising or CSM SOLAS for commercial users, Safety at Sea has everything you need to be compliant & safe on the water. With more than 100 years combined boating and marine safety experience between them, the team at Safety at Sea offers expert advice and service of the highest calibre to customers across New Zealand and around the globe. Westhaven, Auckland, New Zealand
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • SafetyStore SafetyStore
    Medical & Search and Rescue Products. Since 1995, people have come to for the best safety products, medical supplies and safety apparel. We specialize in, first aid kits and medical tools, emergency preparedness and response products to help make folks safer at home, business and play. Barboursville, Virginia
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Sea Safety International Sea Safety International
    Sea Safety International, Inc. provides a broad spectrum of Marine Safety Products and Comprehensive Service Inspection of Life Rafts, Fire Fighting Equipment, Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), Emergency Escape Breathing Apparatus (EEBA) and Portable Gas Monitors. Sea Safety is proud to offer worldwide shipment of safety related products and service inspections within the east coast ports of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Philadelphia and Delaware. Sea Safety is an authorized sales and servicing facility for life rafts, EPIRBs, UTI, Immersion Suits and other marine safety supplies and equipment. Secaucus, New Jersey
    (Added: Tue Feb 05 2013) - Report this link as bad!
  • Seago Yachting Ltd Seago Yachting Ltd
    Products include Inflatable Boats & Tenders, Fenders, General Accessories, Life Jacket Accessories, Life Jackets, Life Rafts, Man Overboard Recovery Systems, Rope, Wire & Chain and more. Our aim is to equip you as we would a friend, as many of our customers are, with what you need to be safe, in pursuit of your adventure. We seek the best of life — the near and nurtured coupled with the unknown and the horizon-expanding. We are our customers' companion in this adventure. Mutual safety is our first priority. Our equipment is meticulously designed and crafted to push the boundaries of sea safety – to go further, reach higher – and allow our customers to do the same. East Sussex, England, UK
    (Added: Tue Nov 28 2017) - Report this link as bad!
  • Seagull Inflatables – Your safety is our business Seagull Inflatables – Your safety is our business
    Specializing in the sales, servicing and certification of life rafts, fire extinguishers, marine safety equipment, dinghies, tenders, outboards, fenders, and covers for boats and pontoons. We provide a wide array of safety equipment and marine services. As you might have guessed from the name of the company, we are specialists in the sales and servicing of all kinds of marine inflatables. We sell, service inflatables dinghies, RIBs, paddle boards, fenders, paddling pools and bouncy castles. We conduct repairs of GRP hulls, Hypalon, PVC and other materials. We sell, repair, service, winterise or re-spray a wide range of outboard brands including Suzuki, Honda, Tohatsu and Yamaha. Falmouth, St Pauls, Antigua and Barbuda
    (Added: Mon Jan 29 2024) - Report this link as bad!
  • Seakits Seakits
    Our damage control kits and components are recommended for flooding and emergency repair. Our products are intended for any vessel operating in the inland rivers, near coasts, or offshore. In an emergency offshore, you do not want to lose your boat out there. Be prepared to fight to save it. Seakits Expedition gives you the tools to take on the battle. Emergency repairs, first aid, and distress signaling all in one tough, highly visible kit. Seakits Essentials is a must have safety product that helps you protect what matters. Also offering THRU-HULL AND EMERGENCY DRAIN PLUGS. Round out your onboard marine safety plan with best-in-class safety and emergency products from ARC, Spot and Sirius Signal. Be prepared for anything. Bonita Springs, Florida
    (Added: Fri Feb 03 2023) - Report this link as bad!
  • Seas of Solutions Seas of Solutions
    Seas of Solutions is a new organisation based on the foundation of globally recognised safety electronics brands McMurdo, Netwave and Kannad Marine. With a reputation for innovations that include Galileo powered 406MHz distress beacons, the world’s first Return Link Service PLB, a unique AIS EPIRB range and the newly upgraded NW6000 VDR and retrofit solutions, our mission is to offer reliable, innovative marine electronics that help improve robust data capture and maximise crew survivability. Our product portfolio is recognised for having revolutionised marine safety with the development of the first compact Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) and has continued to drive the adoption of lifesaving technology with the first AIS MOB device in 2012, the first AIS EPIRB in 2017 and the first Galileo PLB in 2018. That innovation continues with the latest FastFind PLB released in March 2021, the world's first to include the Return Link Service. Zoetermeer, Netherlands
    (Added: Mon Jan 20 2020) - Report this link as bad!
  • Seasafe Systems | Specialists in Marine Safety Clothing and Products Seasafe Systems | Specialists in Marine Safety Clothing and Products
    First established in 1966 SeaSafe are a British company who specialise in marine safety clothing and marine safety products. SeaSafe Systems Ltd a modern company with traditional values, looking after your on the water safety needs for over 50 years. We're best known for pioneering the development of the all-in-one foul weather coat with integrated lifejacket – the coat that becomes a lifejacket in less than 5 seconds. The popular choice for professional seafarers and is probably worn by more harbour masters worldwide than any other type of jacket. Offering: LifeJackets, LifeJacket Spares & Accessories, Life Rafts & Accessories, Man Overboard Rescue & Training, EPIRB, SARTS, PLBs, AIS, VHF, Fire Systems & Medical Supplies, Survival & Safety, Signalling, Torches & Accessories. Newport Road, Cowes, Isle of Wight, UK
    (Added: Mon Jan 20 2020) - Report this link as bad!
  • SevenStar Electronics Ltd SevenStar Electronics Ltd
    SevenStar draws on many years experience in the specification, design, manufacture, servicing and use of EPIRBs, Marine Search and Rescue Transponders (SART), radar transponders and related marine safety equipment. Our marine product range includes AIS Transponders, AIS Receivers, Antennas and SARTs. SARTs form a vital part of the mandatory safety systems applied worldwide to commercial vessels as part of the GMDSS (click the 'GMDSS' button at top of page for more info), and are now required equipment for liferafts on Ro-Ro ferries. They are standard equipment on many ocean racing yachts, and are also now being fitted voluntarily to private yachts and other leisure craft. Surrey, Wiltshire, England UK
    (Added: Sun Mar 07 2010) - Report this link as bad!
  • Skippers Mate Skippers Mate
    Great quality products at affordable prices to take you safely from bush to bay & beyond... supplying marine and now land based safety equipment designed to protect and identify where you are when you are either boating, sailing, conducting outdoor activities like bushwalking or outback 4x4 traveling. Having a marine rescue background, many of the products have been chosen because of their design & purpose to Save Life, be it on water or land. Sorell, Tasmania, Australia
    (Added: Fri Oct 31 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • Skyscan Lightning Detectors Skyscan Lightning Detectors
    SkyScan is the most recognizable brand of portable lightning detectors available today. It's currently used worldwide by companies and organizations that require simple easy to use technology that really works! Arvada, Colorado
    (Added: Wed Nov 20 2013) - Report this link as bad!
  • sMRT Man Overboard Beacons | Saving Lives Since 1975 sMRT Man Overboard Beacons | Saving Lives Since 1975
    The sMRT ALERT AIS DSC MOB combines AIS and VHF DSC technology in a compact unit, with water activation, audible and visual signalling, plus simple life jacket integration, setting a new benchmark for marine safety. Our life-saving equipment is designed and built to withstand the toughest environments. Tough, reliable and resilient, like the people who use it. Anlaby, England, UK
    (Added: Sat Nov 23 2013) - Report this link as bad!
  • Solution One Maritime Solution One Maritime
    US Coast Guard and ABS, approved Life raft service station, Inflatable boat dealer, Full Line safety equipment: EPIRBS - PLBs - First Aid Kits - Fire Extinguishers - Flares - Flash Lights - Floats - Hydrostatic Releases - Life Jackets - PFD's - Rations - Smoke Signals - Strobes - Water - Can Seal Marine Tape. Certified by leading manufacturers for sales and service : Achilles, Advanced Inflatables, ACR, Autoflug, Avon, BFA Marine, Caribe, CrewSaver, DBC, DSB, Duras Inflatables, Elliot, Givens (RPR), Highfield Inflatables, Hi-Lex, Honda, Hurricane, McMurdo, Mercury Inflatables, Mercury Outboards, Mustang Survival, Nissan Marine, Plastimo, Revere, RFD, Surefire, Switlik, Tohatsu Outboards, Unikas, Viking, Zodiac & Zodiac Mil/Pro. Tampa, Florida
    (Added: Sun Mar 18 2012) - Report this link as bad!
  • Sorbent Systems Sorbent Systems
    Desiccants to ensure a dry environment for your food storage, valuable documents, electronic equipment, etc. - also Mylar barrier bags, oxygen absorbers, vacuum sealers, & water filters. SORBENTSYSTEMS.COM is the online presence of IMPAK Corporation. We are located in Los Angeles, California.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • SOS Flags SOS Flags
    Buy Emergency Flags With Trademarked SOS Symbol. The SOS Emergency Flag is a safe and easy way to signal for help in an emergency or distress situation. The SOS Flag is the perfect communication tool for individuals, companies and government agencies in the event of an emergency. One in the home, car, boat, each business and government office, as well as security stations is a must. It’s the most innovative, and once formulated, the most commonsensical idea to come along in the emergency response industry since sirens. Long Beach, California
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
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