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Home: Categories: General: Blue Water and Cruising: Cruising Guides
  • PORTS Cruising Guides PORTS Cruising Guides new
    Since 1984, PORTS Cruising Guides have been the cruising boater’s essential companion across Canadian waterways. Whether you’re cruising Lake Ontario & the Thousand Islands, the Rideau Canal & Lower Ottawa River, the Trent-Severn Waterway & Lake Simcoe, or Georgian Bay, The North Channel & Lake Huron, you’ll find everything you need to know in PORTS. Where to dock, what to do, where to eat, where to find fuel, where to shop, where to anchor and where to find the best deals on groceries and supplies. It’s like having your own private concierge, everywhere you go! Midland, Ontario, Canada
    (Added: Wed Mar 05 2025) - Report this link as bad!
    Category: General/Blue Water and Cruising/Cruising Guides
  • Cruising Guide Publications Cruising Guide Publications
    Your Online Resource for Books Navigational Charts and other Aids for the Yachtsman. Whether you plan to cruise your own vessel, charter a yacht, or spend time ashore exploring, the authors at Cruising Guide Publications have developed useful information that compliments our Caribbean Cruising Guide series. Here you will find updates to our guides, anchorage, navigation and route planning advice including GPS waypoints, planning tips and information. A section of the site has been dedicated to yacht charter and island ecology, including diving and the national marine park system.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Cruising Guide to the Maine Coast Cruising Guide to the Maine Coast
    The definitive cruising reference to Maine's complex coast - its deep bays and rivers, its offshore islands, its secret gunkholes, and its fabled cruising harbors. A Cruising Guide to the Maine Coast was first published in 1988 after more than four years of research by Hank and Jan Taft. It's then revolutionary format set the often-imitated standard for subsequent cruising guides everywhere, and its level of detail firmly established it as the "Bible" of the Maine coast. In 1994, Curtis Rindlaub took the helm as author, updating all the charts and expanding coverage to include the Bay of Fundy and the Saint John River. The guide is now in its sixth edition.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Great Lakes Sailing Great Lakes Sailing
    A free sailing guide to over 150 Great Lakes ports and harbors including marina reviews, services, contact information and amenities.
    (Added: Wed Jan 07 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Maptech - ChartKit, Charts and Cruising Guides Maptech - ChartKit, Charts and Cruising Guides
    Chartbooks and Cruising Guides for the Great Lakes and US East Coast. Whether your passion is cruising, fishing, day-sailing, or anything else that involves getting from one place to another, Maptech helps make your time on the water more enjoyable and a whole lot easier. ChartKit® Books, Embassy Cruising Guides, Maptech® Marine Digital Software, Maptech® Waterproof Chartbooks, Waterproof Charts and Training Charts, NOAA Print-On-Demand Charts, Decorative Nautical Charts, and more. New Bedford, Massachusetts
    (Added: Mon Mar 08 2010) - Report this link as bad!
  • Northwest Boat Travel Northwest Boat Travel
    Northwest Boat Travel is a unique cruising guide containing twenty geographically arranged chapters presenting descriptions and useful information about the ports-of-call, anchorages, bays, inlets, waterways, marine parks, marina and resort facilities, fuel docks, services, and things to see and do along coasts and islands of Washington, British Columbia, and Southeast Alaska. Since 1978, our goal has been to provide our readers with the most accurate, complete, up-to-date, and useful information available about the waterways of Washington, British Columbia and Southeast Alaska. Woodinville, Washington
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Northwest Boat Travel Northwest Boat Travel
    Northwest Boat Travel is a unique cruising guide containing twenty geographically arranged chapters presenting descriptions and useful information about the ports-of-call, anchorages, bays, inlets, waterways, marine parks, marina and resort facilities, fuel docks, services, and things to see and do along coasts and islands of Washington, British Columbia, and Southeast Alaska. Northwest Boat Travel goes beyond the scope of other guidebooks, covering the waterways, islands, and mainland shores that comprise the fabled Inside Passage from Olympia, Washington all the way to Glacier Bay, Alaska.
    (Added: Fri Nov 07 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • Norwegian Cruising Guide Norwegian Cruising Guide
    The original, most complete and most up-to-date cruising guide to the coasts of Norway, Svalbard, and the west coast of Sweden.
    (Added: Tue Jan 19 2016) - Report this link as bad!
    Pacific Northwest Nautical Cruising Distances, small boat cruising, aid to small boaters. Many, but not all, of the routes contained in these tables have been cruised by the author. The cruising distances calculated by the author were by a route selected by the author and may not be the exact route selected by others. These routes however, represent what the author considers the most likely route. Distance traveled by other boaters could vary. The routes selected by the author are suitable for boats up to 48 inches draft. Boats with deeper draft may have to select longer routes to avoid shallows. The calculation of cruising distances were determined from NOAA and Canadian Hydrographic Service digital charts in BSB format using the Fugawi Marine ENC™ navigation application.
    (Added: Thu Jan 23 2020) - Report this link as bad!
  • Online Cruising Guide Online Cruising Guide
    A cruising guide, business & service directory, and community of blogging cruisers. A pet project covering the Virgin Islands since 2005, OCG 3.0 has blossomed into a network of bloggers and contributing boaters building a FREE community-supported resource for perusing, planning and sharing boating adventures. OCG is NOT a data-based navigation aid tool, but rather a real-time updated, growing and expanding collection of anchorages, marinas, villages and points of interest, giving you the inside scoop on the places you plan to visit, answering many of your questions and helping you decide where you’d like to go, and what to expect when you get there. OCG is a crowd-sourced, vetted guide to the anchorages and villages you're looking to explore. Blog posts tied to the listings give current details and paint a fuller picture. Reviews and comments help us keep things current.
    (Added: Thu Dec 28 2023) - Report this link as bad!
  • Ports by Boat Ports by Boat
    Sailing and Boating Cruising Guide for Ports and Harbors worldwide. Find marinas, port information and exciting waterfront events while cruising harbors and coastlines. Read and write reviews on marine services, charter services and sailing schools. Plan your vacation route and record GPS waypoints, photos, and ships log, as you pass islands and the North American shoreline, or along the European coastlines and Caribbean Islands.
    (Added: Sun Jan 04 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Quimby's Cruising Guide Quimby's Cruising Guide
    Quimby's Cruising Guide has become the go-to resource for boaters traveling the rivers of America's heartland — including the inland portion of The Great Loop. The 250-page, spiral-bound book covers 9,436 miles on 23 waterways and features more than 1,250 individual entries for marinas, docks, locks and dams, and fuel and service facilities. Quimby's is updated annually using both public and expert-generated content for the utmost accuracy. It is arranged by river, then river mile, making it easy to use when routing a trip, with additional navigation notes, mileage charts, inland boating tips and local attractions making it an essential part of any onboard library. St. Louis, Missouri
    (Added: Fri Dec 18 2020) - Report this link as bad!
  • Sail South Pacific Sail South Pacific
    Cruising Guides for the South Pacific. Cruise with confidence in the South Pacific, with our comprehensive series of cruising guides for the South Pacific and beyond. Written and produced by cruisers with real local knowledge, our guides will help you get the most out of your cruising experience.
    (Added: Fri Feb 07 2020) - Report this link as bad!
  • Seaworthy Publications Seaworthy Publications
    Nautical book publishing company. Bahamas and Caribbean Information, Boating Books, Cruising Guides. Cocoa Beach, Florida
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Skipper Bob Cruising Guides Skipper Bob Cruising Guides
    The Skipper Bob series of cruising guides feature the waterways of The Great Loop, The Gulf Coast and The Bahamas and 2 titles featuring marinas and anchorages along the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. The Skipper Bob Guides are not typical "cruising guides", but basic guides on what you find along the waterway. Updated annually, they are laid out in an easy to use mile by mile format. Keep a copy at the helm, to follow as you travel. They are printed in black and white and spiral bound, keeping costs low and providing exceptional value to the cruiser. Midlothian, Virginia
    (Added: Tue Dec 12 2023) - Report this link as bad!
  • Waggoner Cruising Guide Waggoner Cruising Guide
    Annual Guide to Northwest Boating from Weatherly Press. The first edition of the Waggoner Cruising Guide was published in the spring of 1994. The book wasn’t very thick, and it covered only Puget Sound, the San Juan Islands, and the Canadian Gulf Islands. It lacked many photos and had only a few maps. Although its coverage was limited initially, this book had one quality boaters seemed to recognize: it was written for them. The book contained factual, unbiased information about Pacific Northwest cruising and marine facilities, and it was easy to read and use. Today, the guide has grown in size and coverage area (now Olympia, Wash. to Ketchikan, AK), and it has added many new articles, tips and stories. The Waggoner Cruising Guide mission is to provide essential boating information for Northwest waters and to display it in an easy-to-use, entertaining format. We encourage all boaters, regardless of experience, to explore these beautiful Northwest waterways. With the right information, anyone with a boat and the piloting skills can do it. Anacortes, Washington
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Waterway Guide Waterway Guide
    From its original beginnings in 1947 as a single small booklet covering the waterways from Maine to Miami, Waterway Guide has grown to encompass virtually all the navigable cruising areas along the East Coast, Gulf Coast and Great Lakes, including the interconnecting waters that make up the Great Loop Cruise. Throughout the years one thing has always remained constant: our commitment to providing the most accurate, current and usable cruising information anywhere. Deltaville, Virginia
    (Added: Mon Mar 08 2010) - Report this link as bad!
  • Williams & Heintz Cruising Guide Williams & Heintz Cruising Guide
    Williams and Heintz printed the very first Guide for Cruising Maryland Waters beginning in the early 1960's for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Now, we publish it under the title of Maryland Cruising Guide. This complete chartbook includes over 50 insets of rivers and harbors. Our Maryland Cruising Guide covers the Maryland area of the Chesapeake Bay, the Potomac River as far north as Washington, D.C., the Chincoteague Bay area and includes a large scale inset of Ocean City. Capitol Heights, Maryland
    (Added: Mon Jan 23 2017) - Report this link as bad!
  • Yacht Insider's Guide Yacht Insider's Guide
    Welcome to the Yacht Insider's Guide! Here you will find exclusive "inside" information on shore side attractions throughout New England, the south coast of France, the Balearic Islands and more, as well as a detailed listing of services that owners, captains and crew will find useful. The printed guides are available for New England, the Balearic Islands and for the French Mediterranean.
    (Added: Sat Dec 15 2012) - Report this link as bad!
  • Yacht Pilot Publishing Yacht Pilot Publishing
    This site provides useful information and current cruising conditions for two amazing destinations, Cuba and the Down East Circle Route through the Canadian Maritimes. Both regions are superb cruising locations rich in heritage and culture, scenery and adventure. We have made it our career to learn all we can about sailing and traveling throughout Cuba and Atlantic Canada and we are delighted to pass our 18 plus years of knowledge onto you. Our cruising guides are the most comprehensive and up-to-date pilot books available.
    (Added: Tue Jan 19 2016) - Report this link as bad!

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