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Home: Categories: General: Food & Drink: Drinks
- Captain Morgan's Rum
Captain Morgan's Rum
You may know the man on that bottle by name, but to know the actual legend of Captain Henry Morgan is to know the privilege it is to be holding that glass. The man on that bottle was the Governor of Jamaica: a young 17th Century Welshman who set out for the West Indies and changed the landscape of the Caribbean and the New World. As The Captain likes to remind us, variety is the spice of life. So we've come up with different types of Captain Morgan Spiced Rums, each with its own distinctive flavor and personality. Whichever one you choose, legendary times are never far away.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Pusser's, The Original Navy Rum
Pusser's, The Original Navy Rum
Rum and the sea are inseparable, and no rum is more akin to the sea and the sailor than Pusser's Rum – the Original Navy Rum. For more than 300 years, from the earliest days of wooden ships and iron men, sailors of Great Britain's Royal Navy were issued a daily ration – or "tot" – of rum by the ship's "Purser" (corrupted by the sailors to Pusser's). British Navy Pusser's Rum is the same Admiralty blend of five West Indian rums as issued on board British warships, and it is with the Admiralty's blessing and approval that Pusser's is now available to the consumer. Tortola, British Virgin Islands.
(Added: Sat Dec 10 2005)
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