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- Barefoot Man in the Cayman Islands
Barefoot Man in the Cayman Islands
Caribbean Music. When islanders and visitors come, they hear Barefoot's music. "It's like an island drink concoction: a mixture of calypso with a bit of reggae and soca, garnished with a little country and plenty of humor...put it in a blender and you dance to the beat."
(Added: Thu Dec 09 2004)
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- Captain Jimmy
Captain Jimmy
Captain Jimmy Bayles is a unique individual who has lived an amazing life on and under the sea. He has recorded these experiences in his albums Wanderin' Soul, Chart Magic, There Be Dragons, and his latest release Gypsy Of The Sea.
(Added: Fri Jan 17 2003)
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- pintndale.com
William Pint and Felicia Dale, Music & Myth from the Sea. That's right, maritime music, nautical music - the music of the sea. Whether they be contemporary songs with the sea as a theme or shanties, the traditional work songs sung aboard the tall ships to organize the labor of the crew.
(Added: Fri Jan 17 2003)
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- Songs of the Sea
Songs of the Sea
Tunes, Lyrics, and Information. While sea shanties originated on ships of many different countries, they spread throughout the seas. Shanties were used for the hard work aboard ships and sentiments in them were universal. They were not originally in the musical form we find them today, but chanted - with the chanter calling out words and the men calling out the chorus in rhythm to their work.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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