Home: Categories: General: Racing - Sailboats: Rating Systems
- Great Lakes Multihull Racing Association
Great Lakes Multihull Racing Association
GLMRA's purpose is provide offshore multihull sailors with a rating rule and certificate, universally accepted throughout the region such that on any day a well prepared boat and skilled crew, fairly sailed and respectful of GLMRA, USSAILING and ISF rules, regulations and procedures, may equally have the opportunity to win in competition. This class is intended to encourage innovation and participation in racing on the Great Lakes, minimize confusion and partisanship, allow for the expedient development of boats and equipment, encourage innovation and safety as well as respect balanced interests of fair competition and sportsmanship.
(Added: Tue Mar 25 2025)
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Category: General/Racing - Sailboats/Rating Systems
- IRC Rating
IRC Rating
IRC is a rating rule to handicap different designs of keelboats allowing them to race together. Each boat’s rating (her ‘handicap’) is calculated using measurements of the boat; her length, weight, draft, sail area, etc.
(Added: Sun Mar 18 2012)
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- Midwest Performance Handicap Racing Fleet (MWPHRF)
Midwest Performance Handicap Racing Fleet (MWPHRF)
Lake Michigan Performance Handicap Racing Fleet (LMPHRF) is now Midwest Performance Handicap Racing Fleet (MWPHRF)! LMPHRF and the handicapping portion of Detroit Regional Yacht Racing Association (DRYA) have combined to form MWPHRF. Midwest Performance Handicap Racing Fleet (MWPHRF) is a not-for-profit corporation serving individuals who competitively sail cruising/racing monohull boats primarily in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. MWPHRF also services sailors from other regions of the country and sailors from certain Canadian Yacht Clubs. MWPHRF is a handicap certificate issuing organization and does not sponsor, organize or manage competitive sailing events. Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
(Added: Tue Jan 07 2025)
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- Offshore Racing Rule
Offshore Racing Rule
In the fall of 2004, three major US yacht clubs, the Chicago Yacht Club, Cruising Club of America and Transpacific Yacht Club, joined forces in an alliance called the Offshore Racing Association (ORA). ORA was formed to promote and support the use of VPP-based handicapping and has undertaken the task of developing a new measurement-based rating rule that provides the fairest handicapping possible. ORR is intended to be a non-type forming measurement rule that fairly rates properly designed and prepared yachts which are equipped for offshore racing.
(Added: Sat Feb 16 2013)
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- ORC - World Leader in Rating Technology
ORC - World Leader in Rating Technology
Established to encourage racing by offshore yachts in general, and in particular to regulate yachts racing under its rating rules throughout the world regardless of national interests, politics, race or religion. ORC Rating Systems use science and technology to develop its handicap systems. With a complete set of measurement of the hull with appendages, propeller, stability, rig and sails, it is then possible to use computer software called a VPP – for Velocity Prediction Program – to calculate the theoretical speeds for the boat in various wind conditions. With this powerful tool, that is updated yearly by a panel of experts in aero and hydrodynamic science, the ORC rating system can tell you the performance differences between different boats in different wind conditions and course geometries. Use of this system can help answer even more detailed questions, such as at what wind speed and wind angle will the asymmetric spinnaker be faster than the jib or genoa while reaching. Or what is the optimum beat or run VMG for a given wind speed. And the system works for nearly every possible boat type: there are almost 96,000 records of ORC certificates issued worldwide in last 20 years for boats ranging from 18 to 100 feet. These include standard production boats, one design offshore classes, custom boats and prototypes, classic or vintage boats. The only constraint for the system is that the boat must be a monohull.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Pacific Handicap Racing Fleet
Pacific Handicap Racing Fleet
PHRF NW services over 1000 active members annually, hailing from 278 different yacht clubs in the Northwest. It is the prime objective of this long standing non profit corporation to promote sailboat racing in the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia by maintaining an equitable system of handicap ratings of member boats for use at yacht clubs and other sponsors of sailboat races.
(Added: Fri Dec 07 2012)
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- Performance Handicap Racing Fleet of Lake Erie (PHRF-LE)
Performance Handicap Racing Fleet of Lake Erie (PHRF-LE)
The Performance Handicap Racing Fleet of Lake Erie (PHRF-LE) was founded in 1976 for the sole purpose to unite in a common organization those engaged in sail yacht racing and to establish and maintain a handicap system for sailing yachts which will reflect the speed potential of well-sailed properly race equipped yachts. Cleveland, Ohio
(Added: Fri Dec 07 2012)
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- PHRF Lake Ontario
PHRF Lake Ontario
Operated as a not for profit organization servicing the sport of sailing on Lake Ontario and surrounding waters, the organization is headed by a group of Executive and Central Council members who are responsible for the running of the organization including, financial expenses and handicaps. In December 1979, 12 yacht clubs along the south shore of Lake Ontario gathered to discuss area wide PHRF ratings to facilitate their inter-club racing.Thus laying the foundations of PHRF Lake Ontario.
(Added: Wed Jan 17 2024)
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- PHRF New England
PHRF New England
Working through local fleets, PHRF New England is an independent handicapping authority whose handicaps are used by fleets in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts Bay, the Gulf of Maine, Maritime Canada, St. Pierre, and Lake Winnipesauke.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- PHRF of Narragansett Bay
PHRF of Narragansett Bay
PHRF of Narragansett Bay is the performance handicap rating association for Narragansett Bay and Rhode Island Sound. This is the only focus of the organization - PHRF-NB does not sponsor sailing events, but works cooperatively with any number of organizations that do so in the areas covered by PHRF-NB.
(Added: Fri Dec 07 2012)
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