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Home: Categories: Marine Life & Marine Biology: Oceans and Oceanography: Page 2
  Academic & University (47)
  NOAA (41)
  Water Resources (6)
  • One World One Ocean One World One Ocean
    The One World One Ocean Campaign by MacGillivray Freeman Films, is a multi-platform campaign using the power of film, television and new media to inspire, educate and connect millions of people worldwide in a common purpose: protect and restore the health of the ocean. MacGillivray Freeman Films has been making IMAX films since the 1970s about wild places: ice caves in Greenland, coral reefs of the South Pacific, the Nile, Mt. Everest. We've produced six of the top ten grossing IMAX films of all time, three of them about the ocean, and two—The Living Sea and Dolphins—were nominated for Oscars. One World One Ocean is a campaign really. Your inspiration is our platform. The ocean is our candidate. Winning means restoring the ocean to a wild, healthy state. Laguna Beach, California
    (Added: Sat Jan 18 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • Perry Institute for Marine Science Perry Institute for Marine Science
    The Perry Institute for Marine Science, Inc. (PIMS), a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization, is dedicated to improving and enhancing understanding of the wider Caribbean region's marine environment. Based in Florida since 1970, our mission is conducting and supporting innovative research and education that advance stewardship of our oceans and coastal ecosystems. PIMS operates advanced research and diving facilities on Lee Stocking Island, The Bahamas. Located in the Exuma Cays, Lee Stocking Island was selected as a long term research site and field station because of its proximity to the U.S. and wide range of marine habitats with minimal human impacts. Adelaide, The Bahamas
    (Added: Tue Dec 13 2005) - Report this link as bad!
  • Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center, PODAAC, Earthdata Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center, PODAAC, Earthdata
    The Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC) is an element of the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS). The EOSDIS provides science data to a wide community of users for NASA's Science Mission Directorate. The mission of the PO.DAAC is to preserve NASA’s ocean and climate data and make these universally accessible and meaningful. Since the launch of NASA's first ocean-observing satellite, Seasat, in 1978, PO.DAAC has become the premier data center for measurements focused on sea surface topography, ocean temperature, ocean winds, salinity, gravity, and ocean circulation. The Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC) is a NASA Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) data center managed by the Earth Science Data and Information System (ESDIS) Project. The PO.DAAC is operated by Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Project Oceanology Project Oceanology
    Project Oceanology's mission since 1972 has been to nurture interest and inspire enthusiasm for science and for our planet's marine environment from our waterfront facility in Groton, Connecticut. Project Oceanology is a year-round, marine science educational organization governed by local school districts and in collaboration with universities and other educational institutions. Groton, Connecticut
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Scripps Institute of Oceanography Scripps Institute of Oceanography
    A department of UC San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography is one of the oldest, largest, and most important centers for ocean, earth and atmospheric science research, education, and public service in the world. Research at Scripps encompasses physical, chemical, biological, geological, and geophysical studies of the oceans, Earth, and planets. Scripps undergraduate and graduate programs provide transformative educational and research opportunities in ocean, earth, and atmospheric sciences, as well as degrees in climate science and policy and marine biodiversity and conservation. The Scripps Fleet of four oceanographic research vessels and the research platform FLIP make up one of the largest academic fleets in the world. La Jolla, California
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Sea and Sky Sea and Sky
    Explore the Oceans Below and the Universe Above. Sea and Sky is your one-stop source for all things related to the oceans, aquariums, astronomy, and space exploration; features extensive information, news, images, games, and much more.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • SeaWiFS Project SeaWiFS Project
    The Living Ocean Teacher's Guide. The purpose of the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) Project is to provide quantitative data on global ocean bio-optical properties to the Earth science community. Subtle changes in ocean color signify various types and quantities of marine phytoplankton (microscopic marine plants), the knowledge of which has both scientific and practical applications. The SeaWiFS Project will develop and operate a research data system that will process, calibrate, validate, archive and distribute data received from an Earth-orbiting ocean color sensor.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences
    Welcome to the official website of Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IO RAS). Our Institute is the oldest and the largest Russian research center in the field of oceanology. The Institute deals with complex study of the World Ocean and the Russian seas. IO RAS is the only scientific center in Russia that conducts research in all areas of marine sciences, including physics, climatology, chemistry, biology and geology of the ocean. The subject of the Institute's activity is the implementation of fundamental and applied research in the field of oceanology with the use of research fleet, aircraft, underwater and space vehicles and other technical means. Our Institute designs marine equipment for its research as well. Moscow, Russia
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
    French Naval Hydrographic & Oceanographic Service. SHOM performs general hydrography duties for all seafarers to meet France's international obligations under the international SOLAS Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea and the United Nations convention on the Law of the Sea. SHOM collects, archives and distributes official information necessary for maritime navigation.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Smithsonian Ocean Portal Smithsonian Ocean Portal
    Welcome to the Ocean Portal. We focus on everything ocean – unusual and everyday organisms, ocean-inspired art, researchers devoting their lives to exploring the still mostly mysterious ecosystem. We here at the Ocean Portal learn something new everyday and we want to share it with you! The Ocean Portal is part of the Smithsonian Institution's Ocean Initiative. Together with the National Museum of Natural History’s Sant Ocean Hall and the Sant Marine Science Chair, the Ocean Portal supports the Smithsonian's mission to increase the public's understanding and stewardship of the Ocean.
    (Added: Mon Dec 22 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • The Hydrographic Society of America The Hydrographic Society of America
    The Hydrographic Society of America (THSOA) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization committed to promoting education in hydrography, inshore surveying, inland waters surveying, offshore surveying, positioning and mapping/charting, including related earth sciences. Cheshire, Connecticut
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • The Oceanography Society The Oceanography Society
    Founded in 1988 to disseminate knowledge of oceanography and its application through research and education, to promote communication among oceanographers, and to provide a constituency for consensus-building across all the disciplines of the field. Rockville, Maryland
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • U.S. GLOBEC Program U.S. GLOBEC Program
    U.S. GLOBEC (GLOBal Ocean ECosystems Dynamics) is a multi-disciplinary research program designed by oceanographers, fishery scientists, and marine ecologists to examine the potential impact of global climate change on ocean ecosystems. U.S. GLOBEC is a component of the U.S. Global Change Research Program and is linked to worldwide research on this topic through the International GLOBEC Program. The objective of U.S. GLOBEC research is to understand how climate change and variability will translate into changes in the structure and dynamics of marine ecosystems and in fishery production.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Marine Meteorology Division U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Marine Meteorology Division
    The Marine Meteorology Division, located in Monterey, California (NRL-MRY), is part of NRL's Ocean and Atmospheric Science and Technology Directorate, which contains six divisions performing broadly based scientific research and advanced technology development in the fields of marine geosciences, acoustics, oceanography, marine meteorology, remote sensing, and space science. NRL-MRY is co-located with the Navy’s Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) and has developed and transitioned to FNMOC the data assimilation, global, and mesoscale weather forecast models, aerosol prediction systems, and satellite applications products that form the backbone of the Navy’s worldwide environmental forecasting capability. Monterey, California
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • UN Atlas of the Oceans UN Atlas of the Oceans
    The UN Atlas of the Oceans is an Internet portal providing information relevant to the sustainable development of the oceans. It is designed for policy-makers who need to become familiar with ocean issues and for scientists, students and resource managers who need access to databases and approaches to sustainability. The UN Atlas can also provide the ocean industry and stakeholders with pertinent information on ocean matters.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • United Nations World Oceans Day United Nations World Oceans Day
    The United Nations celebrates World Oceans Day every year on 8 June. Many countries have celebrated this special day since 1992, following the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, held in Rio de Janeiro. In 2008, the United Nations General Assembly decided that, as of 2009, 8 June would be designated by the United Nations as "World Oceans Day". Every 8 June, we have an opportunity to raise global awareness of the benefits humankind derives from the ocean and our individual and collective duty to use its resources sustainably. Future generations will also depend on the ocean for their livelihoods! Aquariums, science centers and research institutions, NGOs, communities and governments all around the world mobilize millions of people around events big and small. This is your portal to finding which events are happening around the world and in your neighborhood.
    (Added: Thu Nov 21 2019) - Report this link as bad!
  • United States Naval Observatory United States Naval Observatory
    The United States Naval Observatory is an Echelon-IV operational command reporting to the Commander, Navy Oceanography and Meteorology Command. The U.S. Naval Observatory (USNO) provides a wide range of astronomical data and products, and serves as the official source of time for the U.S. Department of Defense, and a standard of time for the entire U.S. Founded in 1830 as the U.S. Navy Depot of Charts and Instruments, USNO is recognized as the world's foremost authority on spatial and temporal reference frames. USNO is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and operates a dark-sky observing station near Flagstaff, Arizona (NOFS). It also has a small detachment activity, the Alternate Master Clock facility (AMC), located at Schriever Space Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Washington, D.C.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • WHOI Deep Submergence Lab WHOI Deep Submergence Lab
    The Deep Submergence Laboratory's (DSL) mission is to further human understanding of the deep-sea floor by developing systems for remote, unmanned exploration. DSL engineers and scientists design and adapt state-of-the-art automatic control methodologies to specially designed remotely operated underwater vehicles for survey, close-up observations and sample gathering in some of the most remote and extreme regions of the oceans. Remotely operated and autonomous instrument packages are being designed for rapid, large-scale exploration. The latest development is the hybrid remotely operated / autonomous vehicle (HROV) Nereus which utilizes the combined technologies to explore depths to 11,000 meters. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • WHOI: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution WHOI: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
    For nearly a century, WHOI has been one of the best known and most trusted names in ocean science and exploration. Our scientists and engineers have played a part in many of the discoveries that form the modern understanding of the ocean and how it interacts with other parts of the planet, including human society. WHOI scientists and engineers combine access to specialized tools, ships, labs, and underwater vehicles with hard-won knowledge of how to explore the ocean to create a detailed understanding of the global ocean system. WHOI also fosters a long-standing commitment to education and outreach that help ensure the future of ocean research. Woods Hole, Massachusetts
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center
    The center is one of three centers serving the mission of the USGS Coastal and Marine Hazards and Resources Program—the primary Federal marine geology and physical science research program responsible for the Nation's entire coastal and marine landscape. The center conducts scientific research in various locations throughout the United States to describe and understand the processes shaping coastal and marine ecosystems. The center's research is used to make informed decisions about the use, management, and protection of our coastal resources. Woods Hole, Massachusetts
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • World Ocean Observatory World Ocean Observatory
    The WORLD OCEAN OBSERVATORY is dedicated to information, education and public discourse about the ocean defined as an integrated global social system. Our mission is to serve as a central place of exchange for ocean information, education and public discourse; to serve as an independent forum and focus for ocean affairs; and to advocate for the ocean through an open, worldwide network of communication. To provide a window on the future of the ocean for the general public and decision-makers around the world. Boothbay Harbor, Maine
    (Added: Wed Dec 26 2012) - Report this link as bad!
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