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Home: Categories: Organizations: Powerboat Associations
  • Albin Owners Group Albin Owners Group
    A place to exchange ideas and information about Albin boats for owners, prospective owners, and fans.
    (Added: Tue Dec 23 2008) - Report this link as bad!
  • Arima Owners Arima Owners is the largest daily gathering of Arima Boat enthusiasts. Come browse our forums and enjoy the vast wealth of knowledge and experiences of Arima Owners from all over the world.
    (Added: Sun Nov 22 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • AristoCraft Boats AristoCraft Boats
    Atlanta Boat Works began manufacturing AristoCraft boats in 1946 following Claude Turner's return from service during World War II. Production began with five employees at a downtown Atlanta location. These early days saw the production of an open fishing-type boat which was replaced in 1947 with the models that AristoCraft is known for.
    (Added: Sat Nov 23 2013) - Report this link as bad!
  • Bayliner Owners Club Bayliner Owners Club
    Welcome to the home page of the Bayliner Owners Club, informally known as BOC. This club is dedicated to the enjoyment of Bayliner boats and we welcome you to join our over 2000 active members who all enjoy boating. This club was started as a meeting place for Bayliner owners on the Internet, and it still very much is. We have a very active forum where all aspects of Bayliner boats and boating are discussed.
    (Added: Sat Dec 11 2004) - Report this link as bad!
  • Bertram 31 Bertram 31
    Dedicated to the Bertram Thirty-Ones Around the World. Few, if any, other boats have had such a profound influence on the design of power boats as has the Bertram 31. The first boat design to use a Deep-V hull, it is arguably the most famous modern boat design ever built, the 31 Bertram has achieved a near cult status, infecting boaters around the world. Designed by Ray Hunt and built by Richard Bertram, the 31 was in production for 25 years. Many are still on the water and in use throughout the world.
    (Added: Sat Dec 11 2004) - Report this link as bad!
  • Boston Whaler info - Boston Whaler info - has been on-line providing high-quality content since 1994. The Forum, an active, moderated discussion forum on boating, concentrating on Boston Whaler boats and modern electronics. Boston Whaler Boats and Marine Electronics and Electrical, an encyclopedia of older Boston Whaler boats and boating electronic information
    (Added: Thu Nov 30 2023) - Report this link as bad!
  • Broom Owners Club Broom Owners Club
    The community of Broom boat owners. We are an independent and non-commercial association of people with at least one thing in common - we all own Broom boats. We hold rallies in popular cruising locations and help coordinate cruising in company for less experienced owners. On-water events are coordinated by our regional coordinators. As the club has members throughout the UK and the European Region, we do rely on our regional coordinators to provide an impetus for events in different areas. Based in the UK
    (Added: Sun Feb 25 2018) - Report this link as bad!
  • C-Brats C-Brats
    A Fun and Informative Boating Forum for C-Dory People! The ultimate C-Dory boating community, with an emphasis on the great folks who own, or want to own a C-Dory boat. The C-Brat boating forums are also the definitive resource for C-Dory technical information.
    (Added: Tue Dec 04 2012) - Report this link as bad!
  • Canoe Cove Association Canoe Cove Association
    We are proud owners of boats manufactured by Canoe Cove Manufacturing in Sidney, BC. Our association's goal is to record as many surviving Canoe Cove boats as possible. The company built 782 boats from 1958 to about 1993 on a semi production line basis. They are still producing boats on a custom order basis and are involved in repairs and rebuilding of Canoe Cove boats as well as boats made by many other manufacturers. At present we have over 125 boats registered. Our association is a loosely organized club with no dues, no meetings, a quarterly newsletter, and an Annual Rendezvous in August where around 35 boats are registered each year.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • Carver Owners Forum Carver Owners Forum
    We are a boating forum for owners of Carver Yachts to enthusiastically discuss all aspects of Carver Boat ownership. Whether you are looking for your first Carver or currently own one, you are sure to feel at home on our forum.
    (Added: Mon Dec 10 2018) - Report this link as bad!
  • Century Boat Club Century Boat Club
    Dedicated to the Thoroughbred of Boats, Century Boats. The Century Boat Club offers a forum to exchange ideas, ask and offer advice, and share experiences with hundreds of other Century boat owners. The club was established as, and continues to be, a boat users organization. The small core that formed the club quickly expanded beyond the Chicago area and like the hobby of antique boating, continues to grow. Membership now reaches throughout the United States and Canada, with the greatest concentration settled in the Great Lakes region, and numbers close to 1000 members.
    (Added: Mon Nov 30 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Chesapeake Bay Grand Banks Owner's Association Chesapeake Bay Grand Banks Owner's Association
    The Chesapeake Bay Grand Banks Owner's Association (CBGBOA) exists to help each of us more fully enjoy our boats, the beauty of the Chesapeake Bay, and the camaraderie of each other. The Grand Banks name includes Heritage, Eastbay and Aleutian Series vessels. While the CBGBOA membership consists of owners, previous owners and vessels located primarily in the Mid-Atlantic region, we welcome any Grand Banks owner and urge you to join us to participate in our Rendezvous and weekend cruises, our other social activities, and to share in our newsletters.
    (Added: Sun Dec 27 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Chris Craft Antique Boat Club Chris Craft Antique Boat Club
    The mission of the Chris-Craft Antique Boat Club (CCABC) is to maintain the rich heritage of Chris-Craft through research, communication, and education; to encourage the use, preservation, and restoration of Chris-Craft boats; and to enhance the experience of owning a Chris-Craft. Owning a Chris-Craft is not a prerequisite for membership. Many of our members own boats other than Chris-Craft and some may own no boat at all. We encourage owners and enthusiasts to become active and involved members. The CCABC is a not-for- profit organization whose governing body is elected by the membership. The Club is supported by membership dues, our Sponsorship Program, our advertisers, and through tax-deductible donations. Annual membership includes full access to our website resources and quarterly issues of The Brass Bell, our premium publication. West Bend, Wisconsin
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Chris Craft Commander Club Chris Craft Commander Club
    The Commander Club is a not-for-profit club created to inform, enrich and enlighten owners of the fine fiberglass classic motor vessels built by Chris Craft from 1964 to 1972. The Commander Club is a virtual club, existing on the Internet. The club is a non-stock, non-profit 501(c)7 corporation dedicated to the preservation, study and appreciation of the classic fiberglass Commander boats built by Chris Craft Corp. Our goal is to inform and enlighten owners or enthusiasts about these classic fiberglass boats. Members shall be Commander owners, enthusiasts or other persons who support the mission of the club. The club now boasts over 4000 members, with the total enrolled growing weekly.
    (Added: Sat Dec 11 2004) - Report this link as bad!
  • Classic Aquasport Classic Aquasport
    Aquasport Forum and Photo Gallery. Welcome to, the Aquasport enthusiasts site that has all the information an owner could ask for and members willing to help with anything you need. If you don't own an Aquasport but still want a comfortable spot to hang out, you've found the place. We have members owning many different brands. Please feel free to browse our vast collection of references in the photo gallery.
    (Added: Sun Mar 02 2008) - Report this link as bad!
  • Classic Glastron Owners Association Classic Glastron Owners Association
    Welcome to the internet meeting place for hundreds of classic Glastron owners from around the world. Whether you own a classic '57 Fireflite or future classic '84 Scimitar with T-tops and power seats, this is the site for YOU! ust join up and register your Glastron and start up a discussion on the message board or find someone in the registry to send an email to. And of course you can always browse the huge amount of resources and images.
    (Added: Sat Dec 11 2004) - Report this link as bad!
  • Classic Parker Classic Parker
    This website is dedicated to Parker boats and their owners. We hope that this website, with its forum, becomes the preeminent place on the web for prospective and current Parker owners to exchange information and ideas.
    (Added: Sat Dec 04 2010) - Report this link as bad!
  • Classic Seacraft Classic Seacraft
    This website is devoted to those indiviuals interested in SeaCraft Boats both center console and cabin versions. If you own one, are restoring one, or are interested in purchasing one, this site is intended to help answer your questions or allow you to share your experiences. Over the years has grown from an enthusiasts web-site with under a hundred members to a web-site that is recognized by both marine professionals and hobbyists as the authority on boat restoration.
    (Added: Sat Dec 11 2004) - Report this link as bad!
    I am hoping that this web page will be helpful to anyone who may be considering buying or restoring a Mako boat. Mako Marine produced some of the first small to medium sized sport fishing vessels. Their style and layout gave the industry a model by which many boats were developed. Many feel that Mako Marine was one of the early boat manufacturers that set the standard for the industry in the 1970's and 1980's.
    (Added: Sat Dec 11 2004) - Report this link as bad!
  • Club Sea Ray Club Sea Ray
    Welcome to CSR, a website for Sea Ray owners to enthusiastically discuss all aspects of Sea Ray ownership. Whether you are looking for your first Sea Ray, or have owned one for years, you are sure to feel "at home" on CSR.
    (Added: Mon Nov 15 2010) - Report this link as bad!
  • Cocktail Class Wooden Boat Racing Association Cocktail Class Wooden Boat Racing Association
    The CCWBRA was founded in 2010 to encourage and organize racing in the Cocktail Class Runabout. Based on the out-board racer SKUA, an 8 ft. plywood skimmer designed in 1939 by Charles MacGregor, the Cocktail Class Runabout is an economical, easily constructed and exciting runabout. It is ideal for racing at all skill levels and ages. Although a young powerboat racing organization, the CCWBRA and its one-design Cocktail Class Runabout have received overwhelming enthusiasm and support from around the world. Boats are being built and raced in 33 states and 7 countries. We are sure they will engage all generations of your family and friends for many years to come!
    (Added: Sat Jan 18 2020) - Report this link as bad!
    Welcome to - a robust online community of Correct Craft and Nautique inboard enthusiasts; a place to share knowledge, find helpful resources and meet fellow Correct Craft fan-atics. Since 2003, has been the foremost Correct Craft reference site, and simply provides the best used Correct Craft buying and selling experience anywhere.
    (Added: Tue Jan 23 2024) - Report this link as bad!
  • DeFever Cruisers DeFever Cruisers
    A Club for Yachting Enthusiasts with a Passion for DeFever Vessels and the Cruising Life! There are over 425 members living or seriously cruising in the U.S. (including AK and HI), Mexico, Canada, Central America, Bahamas, Caribbean, Australia, Italy, Norway, Hong Kong and New Zealand. Of the DFs owned by these members, the size range is from 34 to more than 70 feet, and hulls are of fiberglass, wood, aluminum and steel.
    Read 1 Reviews
    (Added: Sat Dec 11 2004) - Report this link as bad!
  • Dispro Owners Association Dispro Owners Association
    The legendary Disappearing Propeller Motor Boat and its Patented “Device” were both invented in Port Carling, Ontario Canada in 1915. Powered with a 3 hp. inboard marine motor, 3100 boats were produced by four different companies over a 44 year time period. In the ensuing years, it has truly become an icon of classic small motor boats. It is fondly referred to as a Dispro or Dippy. The Dispro Owners Association mandate is to preserve the Disappearing Propeller Motor Boat and offer fellowship and technical information to all Dispro boat owners and enthusiasts. The association was formed in 1979 and has grown to represent approximately 250 operating Dispro boats and 400 family members throughout North America. Dundas, ON Canada
    (Added: Mon Jan 22 2024) - Report this link as bad!
  • Fairline Owners Club Fairline Owners Club
    The Fairline Owners Club was founded in 2003. Its sole purpose is to bring together owners or anyone else interested in Fairline boats. Membership is absolutely FREE. We welcome everyone from owners of humble Fairline 19's to luxurious Squadron 74 superyachts.
    (Added: Sat Dec 11 2004) - Report this link as bad!
  • Feather Craft Boats Feather Craft Boats
    This site is for the use and enjoyment of current, past and future owners of FEATHER CRAFT aluminum (And fiberglass) boats, as well as those who may have an interest in them. Your participation is encouraged. If you have any pictures, catalogs, advertisements, documents and/or knowledge relative to FEATHER CRAFT boats, their manufacture, sales and use, please contact this site and share your information.
    (Added: Sat Nov 23 2013) - Report this link as bad!
  • G3 Owners Association G3 Owners Association
    The G3 Owners Association was founded by Karl Beisel in 1990. By the year 2000 there were hundreds of members including Bill Tritt, the boat's designer and founder of Glasspar Boat Company. The Glasspar G3 is a classic boat and is one of the most popular restorable fiberglass boats. The Glasspar G3 Owners association was recognized as the first special interest group for an early production-line, all fiberglass model boat. Initially, informational exchanges were between a small group of enthusiasts, but the the membership grew to include members across the US and Canada.
    (Added: Sat Nov 20 2021) - Report this link as bad!
  • Grady White Boat Owner's Forum Grady White Boat Owner's Forum
    If you own a Grady White boat or thinking of purchasing a Grady, you have come to the right place. The forum is a place where Grady White owners and future owners can post their questions and experiences about Grady White boats.
    (Added: Sun Mar 02 2008) - Report this link as bad!
  • Great Lakes Area Nordic Tug Owners Association Great Lakes Area Nordic Tug Owners Association
    A small group of Nordic Tug owners located on the Great Lakes met in Traverse City in 2006 for an informal get together and from this, the Great Lakes Area Nordic Tug Owners Association (GLANTOA) was formed. The idea behind the formation of the association was to foster a continued open forum of ideas, cruising information, technical advice, factory information and social events. Activities to date have been primarily associated with the annual Rendezvous.
    (Added: Wed Feb 26 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • Great Lakes Grand Banks Association Great Lakes Grand Banks Association
    The Great Lakes Grand Banks Association (GLGBA) consists of about 100 families who own or admire Grand Banks cruising yachts. Our membership of past, present and future owners of these traditional yachts is united by the quality, dependability and timeless style of these diesel powered vessels. Our 100 members hail from all corners of the Great Lakes and beyond.
    (Added: Sun Dec 27 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Halvorsen Club of Australia Halvorsen Club of Australia
    The Halvorsen Club is dedicated to the preservation, restoration and enjoyment of the classic timber boats built by Lars Halvorsen & Sons. With the pooled knowledge and resources of it's 150 boat owner members, the Club offers a wide variety of technical services, historical information and social events for the benefit of it's members. Glenorie NSW Australia
    (Added: Fri Mar 07 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • Hatteras Classic Club Hatteras Classic Club
    The Hatteras Classic Club as formed to provide the owners of Hatteras boats a forum for the exchange of information concerning their boats and the promotion of activities designed to enhance the ownership of these classic watercraft. Today, membership in the Hatteras Classic Club is not only enjoyed by owners of these classic vessels, but anyone with a love of boating and the boating lifestyle. Come see what we’re all about. The Club generally hosts two events per year. The Annual Rendezvous is a four-day event held each September after Labor Day. This rendezvous features educational sessions, a club meeting, typically a "Boat Open House", and social events with fellow club members. Throughout the year, members are likely to meet again in Florida,Charleston, the Great Lakes area, or enjoy a Caribbean cruise. Members cruise in, drive in, or fly in. Virginia Beach, Virginia
    (Added: Sat Jan 18 2020) - Report this link as bad!
  • Hatteras Owners Hatteras Owners
    While this site is not directly affiliated with Hatteras Yachts, the manufacturer, this site is intended to provide value to Hatteras owners and the Hatteras Yacht community with content that is in the same tradition as the magnificent vessels which a select number have been fortunate enough to enjoy ownership over the past four decades.
    (Added: Thu Nov 08 2012) - Report this link as bad!
  • Hiliner Boats Hiliner Boats
    This site has been created to share and preserve information about vintage wood Hiliner boats. If you have any information, pictures, stories, etc.. We look forward to hearing from you.
    (Added: Sat Jan 05 2013) - Report this link as bad!
  • Kadey Krogen Yacht Owners Kadey Krogen Yacht Owners
    This site is provided as a resource to our members bringing information of specific interest to Kadey-Krogen Owners: the latest happenings with our fellow cruisers, opportunities to ask questions and dialogue on issues related to our Krogen vessels, cruising advice and information, along with galley suggestions and planned social events. Just about anything that you might care to know from a fellow cruiser is available to you through Krogen Cruisers.
    (Added: Tue Feb 25 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • Lake 'n Sea Boats Owners Association Lake 'n Sea Boats Owners Association
    While rarely seen in vintage boat collector's collections the Lake 'n Sea Division of the Parsons Corporation did make small utility and runabout boats designed for fishing, hunting, and fun at a low cost. In the spring of 1958 Parsons Corporation introduced a limited number of models to the public which included the 12-ft Utility and 14-foot Custom Utility.
    (Added: Mon Jan 22 2024) - Report this link as bad!
  • Lake George Donzi Classic Club Lake George Donzi Classic Club
    The Lake George Donzi Classic Club was founded in 1995 and is the first and longest running enthusiast's club of its kind in the world. Within this site you will find information on all classic model lines of the legendary fiberglass powerboats manufactured by Donzi Marine starting in the early 1960's. Members take pride in recognizing and preserving a history that is so much part of the mystique surrounding these early fiberglass boats. The club captures the spirit of a time that has since past by honoring the pioneering minds and personalities that conceived of and created these classic designs. Boat owners meet two times a year on beautiful Lake George in upstate New York to swap Donzi stories, to enjoy the beauty of the lake, and to form life long friendships with people who share a common passion for these unique boats. A formal meet in the spring and an informal family picnic on an island in the fall take place annually. Lake George, New York
    (Added: Mon Jan 22 2024) - Report this link as bad!
  • Lyman - New England Lyman Group Lyman - New England Lyman Group
    Founded in 1999 with the mission and purpose of promoting the use of Lyman boats, but also to support activities that promote youth involvement and interest in wooden boat building, repair, and maintenance. We are an active group of local enthusiasts who love our boats and love to use them. We publish a newsletter for our members 3 to 4 times a year. For our meetings, we generally try to have something to attract our members, guests, and Lyman loving friends. If you own a Lyman, had a Lyman, want a Lyman, or just want to talk about anything to do with lapstrakes, consider joining us.
    (Added: Mon Jan 22 2024) - Report this link as bad!
  • Lyman Boat Owners Association Lyman Boat Owners Association
    The Lyman Boat Owners Association (LBOA) is the oldest Lyman boat enthusiast organization in the U.S. and Canada. The Lyman Boat Owners Association (LBOA) boasts a membership of over 800 members from across the United States, Canada and parts of Europe. Membership benefits include an up-to-date web site that contains informative and relevant information on Lyman boats and restoration/maintenance tips, a quarterly news magazine full of useful Lyman boat restoration tips, historical and educational articles and member event news. As well, the organization coordinates LBOA member events across the country. The LBOA is headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio
    (Added: Sat Nov 23 2013) - Report this link as bad!
  • Mariah Owners Club Mariah Owners Club
    Welcome to the online resource for Original Mariah Boats and Sea Fox-Mariah Boats. This is your place to discuss everything related to Mariah Boats and more!
    (Added: Wed Dec 06 2023) - Report this link as bad!
  • Marine Trawler Owners Association MTOA Marine Trawler Owners Association MTOA
    If you are a trawler owner or trawler-owner wan-a-bee, this page is for you. Investigate some of the links on this page this page to learn why the Marine Trawlers Owners Association (MTOA) is America's #1 trawler organization. This page will give you a little bit of information about our organization, linked pages will give you some examples of the benefits of membership. Our association now numbers over 1800 active members, representing over 900 trawlers, home ported in 40 different states and several other countries.
    (Added: Sat Dec 11 2004) - Report this link as bad!
  • Matthews Boat Owners Association Matthews Boat Owners Association
    Great Lakes Chapter. The Matthews Boat Owners Association is a non-profit corporation for past and present Matthews owners, and is devoted to perpetuating Matthews history, respect for a classic boat, and to serving as a clearing house for Matthews materials and information. "The Log", containing information on members, Matthews boats, and other club news, and "Scrapbook Quips", devoted to the history of The Matthews Company and its boats, are mailed on a quarterly basis.
    (Added: Tue Jan 01 2013) - Report this link as bad!
  • Maxum Owners Club Maxum Owners Club
    Owners/Service Manuals, How-To's / Projects, Reviews, Picture Gallery, Forum and more.
    (Added: Mon Nov 15 2010) - Report this link as bad!
  • Mini Airboat Association Mini Airboat Association
    The Mini Airboat Association was started to allow all interested to share ideas and help promote the mini airboat. We are not a club, just a bunch of like minded individuals with the bug to tinker with our boats making them efficient using a small engine. We along with other boating enthusiasts have set up a set of guidelines for what we call a mini airboat. We've done this so we can form classes of these boats for airboat shows and other future competitions with these boats. Elizabethville, Pensylvania
    (Added: Tue Jan 27 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Nelson Boat Owners Club Nelson Boat Owners Club
    The Nelson Boat Owners Club (or NBOC) was founded by Commander Peter Thornycroft and Lord Montagu of Beaulieu in 1984, at the Royal Southampton Yacht clubs 'Gins Clubhouse' on the River Beaulieu. Our aim is to connect people with a shared interest in Nelson Boats and to provide a social forum as well as historical practical information on all aspects of the boats and their users, past and present. Bygrave, Hertfordshire, UK
    (Added: Sun Jan 18 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • NENTOA - NorthEast Nordic Tug Owners Association NENTOA - NorthEast Nordic Tug Owners Association
    NENTOA, The NorthEast Nordic Tug Owners Association, is committed to enhance ownership experiences, and to help maximize the value of owning a Nordic Tug. This mission is achieved by communicating and sharing experiences, cruising information, and ownership knowledge amongst the Nordic Tug owners and community. It’s an organization comprised of Nordic Tug dealers, enthusiasts and owners, committed to providing assistance, cruises and flotillas, an annual rendezvous, and other trawler centric social and educational activities amongst the Northeast Nordic Tug community. New members are always welcome! Based in Essex, Connecticut
    (Added: Tue Jan 03 2023) - Report this link as bad!
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