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- Vaurien Netherlands
Vaurien Netherlands
Vaurien Nederland. International two-man dinghy after a French design from 1951. The Vaurien is an international two-man sword boat. It is a complete competition ship with spinnaker, which can also be sailed well in heavy weather (certainly up to wind force 6) and also by light sailors (both male and female). The possibilities with a Vaurien are very large. For the more avid sailors there are events all year round, Open Dutch Championships, World Championships. The active class organization Vaurien Nederland also organizes various training courses. All this means that the Vaurien class in the Netherlands should mainly be seen as a transition class from the youth classes (for which they are too heavy) to the Olympic classes (for which they are too light).
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Victory 21 Sloop and NAVSO
Victory 21 Sloop and NAVSO
This site is open to contributions from all interested parties, and it is intended to be a resource for Victory owners, NAVSO members and others. Any and all information you would care to contribute to this page about NAVSO or the Victory 21 will be appreciated.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Viper 640 One-Design Class Association
Viper 640 One-Design Class Association
The Viper 640 is a high-performance one-design sport boat. At 21 feet long and only 748 lbs, it combines the stiffness of a keelboat with the acceleration and planning abilities of a dinghy. The design mandate was "Simple, Clean and Effective". The Viper has a precise and exhilarating feel on the helm, a spacious cockpit for 3 people, strict one-design class rules and ease of launching by ramp or hoist.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- VJ Amateur Sailing Association
VJ Amateur Sailing Association
Vaucluse Junior (VJ) sailing dinghy. The VJ was designed in 1932 by the naval architect Charles Sparrow, as an exciting, low cost, intermediate sized skiff for the Vaucluse Amateur Sailing Club on Sydney Harbour thus the name VJ (Vaucluse Junior). The VJ Amateur Sailing Association sails from the Teralba Amateur Sailing Club on the shores of Lake Macquarie, NSW, Australia.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Vortex Class Association
Vortex Class Association
Joining the class association entitles you to a wide range of benefits including discount on boat insurance; access to the members only section of the website, tuning guide, discounted (or free) entry to training events, newsletters, top tips from the experts, discount on Asymmetric Kits..and more!
(Added: Mon Feb 08 2021)
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- VX One Design
VX One Design
Introducing the VX One Design. The VX is a fresh and exciting sport one-design for the international two to three person racing enthusiast. The design concept is born of a careful review of performance one-design demographics within this category worldwide. The VX offers sailors from Junior to Advanced a vehicle for perpetual enjoyment of performance sailing in an affordable, durable, and technically advanced package, and at a realistic price.
(Added: Sun Mar 04 2012)
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- Wanderer Class Owners' Association UK
Wanderer Class Owners' Association UK
We aim to promote safe and relaxed sailing for all levels of ability in the Wanderer Class. There is an active community of racers and cruisers who meet regularly throughout the year at organised events. The Wanderer Class Owners’ Association is responsible for maintaining and managing the Class Rules in the UK. Primarily our aim is to ensure a level playing field from boat number 1 to the very latest Hartley Boat designs. The Wanderer is a superbly designed, stable and versatile boat that has stood the test of time.
(Added: Mon Feb 08 2021)
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THE ONE DESIGN FOILER. World class foiling has never been more accessible. The WASZP is the perfect platform to enjoy one-design racing as well as a fun, friendly lifestyle where anything is possible! An affordable, modern, durable, easy to learn and race class that brings a new definition of fun. A choice of rig sizes provides options for 40 to 100 kilo sailors. The WASZP delivers a platform for beginner foilers to advanced racers. The head office is located in Cheltenham, Victoria, Australia
(Added: Fri Mar 03 2017)
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- Wayfarer - Scandinavia
Wayfarer - Scandinavia
Skandinavisk Wayfarer Sammenslutning. Scandinavian Wayfarer Association. The Wayfarer Club (Scandinavian Wayfarer Association (SWS)) is a special club for owners of Wayfarer dinghies and anyone with an interest in the dinghy. The club has approx. 300 members in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The Wayfarer is a friendly dinghy and class, also when it comes to racing. It is a special quality that both trip and racing can be combined in the same dinghy. Everyone will be able to throw themselves straight into the joys of racing in this dinghy and learn things gradually. The activities include racing and touring cruises.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Wayfarer International
Wayfarer International
When the first Wayfarer World Championship appeared on the horizon in the early 70‘s it became obvious that we would need to standardize Wayfarer Class Rules and their interpretations. Hence the birth of the Wayfarer International Committee (WIC). The Committee was formed with the expressed aim of maintaining the one-design character of the Wayfarer worldwide, so that it would remain a simple, multi-purpose dinghy, suitable for both racing and cruising.
(Added: Wed Nov 28 2012)
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- Wayfarer Sailing Dinghy
Wayfarer Sailing Dinghy
United Kingdom Wayfarer Association. The Wayfarer dinghy was designed by Ian Proctor in 1957 and has since acquired an unrivalled reputation as a tough and seaworthy cruising dinghy, yet at the same time being responsive and rewarding to race. Probably there is no other centreboard boat in the world which combines these qualities as happily; it is this great versatility that makes her so outstanding as a racing and cruising boat.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Westerly Owners Association
Westerly Owners Association
This site is for members of the WOA, owners, prospective owners and past owners of Westerly yachts; in fact anyone with an interest in them. Join our active Westerly email discussion list, chat about anything to do with boats, ask questions, learn from others.
(Added: Sat Dec 11 2004)
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- Westsail
If you have a Westsail and need repair or replacement parts, or a survey or information, here is a single source for all of it. Worldcruiser Yacht Company has copies of all of the original Westsail drawings and specifications, construction manuals, labor standards, and patterns on some of the wood parts; as well as sources of all the specially built metal parts made for the Westsails. Newport Beach, California
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Westsail Owner's Association
Westsail Owner's Association
Welcome to the Westsail Owners Association! It’s good to have you aboard. Whether you are in the market for a Westsail, or you are already an owner of these fine boats, membership in the WOA is your first place for support, resources, and camaraderie. The Westsail Owners Association is an all-volunteer, not-for-profit organization whose goal is member support through the dissemination of information and camaraderie on and off the water. All of our members share the common goal of improving our boats, our skills, and our lifestyles.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Weta Trimaran Class North America
Weta Trimaran Class North America
The Weta Trimaran is perfect for one-design racing or social sailing with your children and family. With our square top main design and lightweight high tech materials, you can reach speeds of 20 knots. Due to the Weta’s ease of handling, it’s perfect for the enthusiastic novice or seasoned skipper.
(Added: Tue Feb 04 2020)
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- Whitby and Brewer Sailboat Association
Whitby and Brewer Sailboat Association
We are a group of sailors who own, use or are interested in Ted Brewer designed boats primarily focused on Whitby Boat Works Whitby 42 and 55, Ft. Myers' Whitby 42, Brewer 42, 44, and 12.8. The goals of the Association are simple: learn, share and help others learn about, maintain, repair, sail and enjoy their Ted Brewer designed boats. While there can be significant differences between models - and often variations between boats built successively - all share similar characteristics. Our members include circumnavigators, cruisers, live-aboards and day sailors of all levels of experience. Members have rebuilt, repaired, refurbished, replaced, upgraded and fixed all items on and in these boats. There is almost no question that can be asked that won't have an answer by someone who has researched and answered that question to their satisfaction.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2020)
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- Wianno Senior Class Association
Wianno Senior Class Association
The Association is a non-profit corporation which promotes the interests of the Wianno Senior One Design Class. The Association develops one-design rules, assembles and maintains historical information about the Class, and publishes and distributes information about the Class to its members and the public.
(Added: Thu Jan 21 2016)
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- Windmill Class Association
Windmill Class Association
The Windmill is a 15 1/2 foot, 2-person racing dinghy designed by boat-builder Clark Mills in 1953. Having designed the Optimist Pram in 1947, Clark saw a need for a 2-person high performance dingy that can be inexpensively constructed by amateur builders. The class has since evolved with the times to allow fiberglass construction and aluminum spars, yet both wooden and fiberglass Windmills remain equally competitive. The Windmill is a born racer. Its narrow, hard-chined planing hull provides high performance. Being a non-trapeze, non-spinnaker boat makes the Windmill accessible to a wide range of sailing skills.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- X One Design Class Association
X One Design Class Association
The X Class offers more high quality racing opportunities than any other dayboat class. There are full racing programmes, of typically 50 to 60 races per season, for up to 140 boats in six locations (or divisions) around the Solent area: Cowes • Hamble • Itchenor • Lymington • Parkstone • Yarmouth. The X is a one design keel boat class so that all racing is boat for boat against other X boats of similar speed, which is so much more enjoyable than handicap racing. Designed in 1909 by Alfred Westmacott, the first race of the Class was held in 1911.
(Added: Tue Jan 21 2014)
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- X-99 - Denmark
X-99 - Denmark
The world's most active 10 Meter One Design Class. Active membership gives the right to vote at the annual general meeting. The club offers all sorts of advice and guidance regarding your boat, just as you are free to use the club's website for e.g. buy sale. Discuss topics and issues on Facebook, as well as participate in the annual winter meeting.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- X-99 - Germany
X-99 - Germany
German X-99 Class Association. The yacht with two faces: a demanding racer as well as a family yacht with plenty of space for little money. Anyone who buys an X99 has made a good decision. He buys a yacht 10 meters in length with the appropriate space and without structural defects. However, the shipyard has built in excellent sailing properties and the associated sailing fun as standard. If you are looking for a used X99, you will find a wide range - depending on your taste and budget, you can choose from "inexpensive with renovation backlog" to "almost as good as new".
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- X-99 - Switzerland
X-99 - Switzerland
Klassenvereinigung Schweiz - Switzerland. When the X 99 - designed as a single-type cruiser-racer of 10 m length - was created on the drawing board of the famous Danish designer Niels Jeppesen in 1985, no one had any idea how widespread this type of boat would be in just a few years. Around 600 boats of this type were built by the X-Yachts shipyard in Hadersleben / Denmark, many of which can still be seen on regatta races today! Large fleets are based in Northern Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Holland and on Lake Constance. In all of these countries there are national class associations, which in turn are grouped together in an international class association.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Y-Flyer CYFYRA
Canadian Y-Flyer Yacht Racing Association. The CYFYRA is currently on it's fourth generation of sailors as other classes have come and gone. We have Y-Flyers from the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia to Victoria, British Columbia. The Y-Flyer is truly 18 feet of pure fun and excitement. Please contact us whether you race, cruise or just wish to keep in touch.
(Added: Sat Jan 25 2020)
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- Y-Flyer Sailing Association
Y-Flyer Sailing Association
We are a family class and it is, most definitely, a family boat. Perfect for husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, and best friends - we've got them all. The Y-Flyer is an 18’ fun machine. It’s an easy-to-manage day sailor or a fast tactical racing boat. We sail all over the U.S. and Canada, but primarily in the Midwest and Southeast regions of the US; however, it is worth mentioning that one of our most active and fun loving fleets is in the New England area.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Yngling - International Yngling Association
Yngling - International Yngling Association
In a nutshell, the Yngling is a sleek and seaworthy small racing keelboat (6.35 m (21') LOA, 645 kg. (1422 lbs.)), succinctly described as an agreeable cross between a planing dinghy and a keelboat. Its design is classic, and its construction is durable.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Yngling - U.S.
Yngling - U.S.
United States Yngling Association. In a nutshell, the Yngling is a sleek and seaworthy small racing keelboat (6.35 m (21') LOA, 645 kg. (1422 lbs.)), succinctly described as an agreeable cross between a planing dinghy and a keelboat. Its design is classic, and its construction is durable.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Young 88 Owners Association
Young 88 Owners Association
The home of New Zealand's premier One Design Keelboat Class. Become part of our family and enjoy a rewarding social and competitive club community whilst developing life long skills and friends. The success of the Young 88 is down to Jim Young's fantastic design offering a fast and safe cruisier racer that was well ahead of its time. This coupled with Roger Land's innovative boat building and marketing has seen more than one hundred and fifty boats built since the 1980s and many have been exported overseas. A strong owners' association perpetuates this success, managing an annual program of racing and social events and a tightly controlled set of one design rules. This keeps the boats on the same playing field, affordable and safe. If you're looking to explore the great outdoors and life on the water join our family today.
(Added: Mon Feb 10 2020)
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- Zephyr Owners' Association New Zealand
Zephyr Owners' Association New Zealand
One of the enduring aspects of the Zephyr class has been decades of unceasing, overlapping support from a wide variety of enthusiastic class participants. Many not only owned and raced the boats, but more importantly gave spare time, support and knowledge to keep the class flourishing. Over the same time span many other classes have come and gone, but from inception the Zephyr generated a participant momentum that kept it continuously functioning at a national level. Along the way, small but steady upgrades of spars, sails and equipment enabled the class to remain relevant. Modern Zephyrs, at a distance, look the same as 1956 originals, but closer inspection reveals how far they’ve evolved, making them easier to sail, while retaining the essence that originally made the boats so appealing. Provided this participant support remains, it's very likely the Zephyr class will continue for many more decades.
(Added: Fri Nov 17 2017)
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