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  • Dart 18 Catamaran Association Dart 18 Catamaran Association
    UK Dart18 Class Association. is the UK community of the popular Dart 18 catamarans. We manage the UK national championships and co-ordinate all the events across the country. This site is a collection of the results, news, technical articles, and social links, as well as information on upcoming events.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Dart Catamarans - Canada Dart Catamarans - Canada
    The Canadian Dart Catamaran Association is a group of Dart Catamaran sailors who like to get together to race and have fun. The dart, easy-to-handle beach catamaran designed by Rodney March (designer of the Olympic class Tornado). Fun at any beach or cottage for the family or racing in summer regattas.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Day Sailer Association Day Sailer Association
    The Day Sailer Association (DSA) is the organization that promotes and regulates the Day Sailer one-design boat. The Objectives of the Association are to promote the Day Sailer, to support one-design racing, to retain an emphasis on family, and to promote the sport of sailing. They produce the Day Sailer Class Handbook, the Day Sailer Association Directory and the Day Sailer Quarterly magazine.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Devon Yawl Association Devon Yawl Association
    The Association was founded in 1979 and is affiliated to the Royal Yachting Association. It administers the Class as well as providing owners with the opportunity to meet, sail together and race. The highlight of the annual programme is the National Championships. The membership is spread throughout the British Isles, and there is an international flavour with members in Europe and a presence in the USA.
    (Added: Fri Feb 07 2025) - Report this link as bad!
  • Dickerson Owner Association Dickerson Owner Association
    The Dickerson Sailing Yacht. This site is dedicated to the Dickerson Sailing Yacht. Although Dickerson Boatbuilders have been out of business for many years, the Dickerson is still sailed and respected by sailors spanning generations.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • DN Iceboat - DN North America DN Iceboat - DN North America
    Advancing the sport of ice yachting on all the hard waters of the world. The DN is most popular iceboat in the world. Whether you are a racer or cruiser, your membership in the IDNIYRA helps to promote the art and skill of DN ice yacht construction and the sport of ice yachting on all the hard waters of the world.
    (Added: Thu Feb 09 2017) - Report this link as bad!
  • Dockrell Yacht Owners Dockrell Yacht Owners
    The purpose of this website is to enable owners to share information in order to find out as much as possible about Dockrell yachts. This site was primarily designed for Dockrell 22 yacht owners, however due to the interest shown I have now included pages for the Dockrell 17, 27 & 37 yachts. Based in the UK
    (Added: Sat Nov 28 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Dolphin 24 Dolphin 24
    The Dolphin 24 sailboat was designed by Sparkman & Stephens in 1959 - design #1497. This site is a work in progress for owners of O'Day Dolphins, Yankee Dolphins, Pacific Dolphins, Tripp Dolphins, J.J. Taylor Dolphins, the Mermaid 24, the fin keeled dolphins built in New Zealand - the S&S 24 and the Falcon 24, the Shaw 24, and for all those interested in this classic Midget Ocean Racing Club (MORC) design.
    (Added: Mon Jan 25 2016) - Report this link as bad!
  • Dragon - Belgium Dragon - Belgium
    Belgian Dragon Association. The Dragon is one of the most beautiful and prestigious keelboat classes in the world and with more than 1800 boats racing worldwide it is also one of the largest. Designed in 1929 the Dragon quickly became a leading international class and remains a world leader today. The Belgian Dragon Association (BDA) was established in 1947 and currently over 15 crews regularly compete in regattas in Belgium.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Dragon - British Dragon Association Dragon - British Dragon Association
    The Dragon is one of the most beautiful and prestigious keelboat classes in the world and with more than 1400 boats racing worldwide it is also one of the largest. Designed in 1929 the Dragon quickly became a leading international class and remains a world leader today. The British Dragon Association (BDA) was established in the 1930s and currently over 100 boats regularly compete in UK regattas and the BDA has a membership of over 300.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Dragon - Denmark Dragon - Denmark
    Danish Dragon Class Association. We love innovation and traditions. We focus on developing the class and we cultivate our traditions both locally and internationally. Hellerup, Denmark
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Dragon - Netherlands Dragon - Netherlands
    Nederlandse Draken Club. Dutch Dragon Class. The Dutch Dragon Club was founded in 1961. The founding meeting took place in the living room of the Aalsmeer Dragon legend Cor Groot. When the association was founded, the association had 20 members. At the end of the same year, the association had 58 members. At the end of 2021, the NDC has 135 members, including 60 owners of a Dragon. The Dutch Dragon Club is affiliated with the International Dragon Association, the IDA. Within the championship rules of the IDA, the World Cup and European Championship are organized every other year by one of the member country organizations. Oegstgeest, Netherlands
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Dragon - Sweden Dragon - Sweden
    Svensk Drakklubb. The Swedish Dragon Club and its board represent the members' interests and promote the development of the sailing class in Sweden. Together with organizing clubs and partners, we run initiatives to give our members the best possible experience at competitions and other gatherings. We also work closely with our Nordic colleagues to reward each other's programs and maintain a good social community. We also represent Sweden's interests at the International Federation's (IDA) annual meetings. Stockholm, Sweden
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Dragon Class Dragon Class
    International Dragon Association. Our objective is to further the interests of the International Dragon Class in all countries where Dragons are sailed and to introduce the Class to new countries. The Dragon was designed by Johan Anker in 1929. The original design had two berths and was ideally suited for cruising in his home waters of Norway. The boat quickly attracted owners and within ten years it had spread all over Europe.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Dragons - North American Dragon Association Dragons - North American Dragon Association
    Classic metre design plus 21st century technology allows the Dragon to maintain worldwide popularity as a sophisticated, technically demanding yacht. A strong Class Association ensures competitive one-design racing for all ages of boat. Spars and sails have a wide range of adjustment during racing, allowing a skillful crew to optimize the boat for any conditions. Crew weight limits, and restrictions on hiking out allow the Dragon to be raced successfully by a range of ages and genders.
    (Added: Mon Jan 13 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • Drascombe Association Drascombe Association
    The Drascombe Association is a group of of over 1000 enthusiasts dedicated to the traditional-style sailing boats designed by the late John Watkinson. Over 5000 Drascombes of all types have been built since the first Lugger was launched in 1966. They are all simple, rugged, and seakindly.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Dufour Association Dufour Association
    We are a UK based membership Association for the owners of all classes of yacht manufactured under the Dufour brand, from the Arpege to the latest Grand Large and Performance Series
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • E-Scow E-Scow
    National Class E-Scow Association. The object and purpose of this association shall be to encourage and promote amateur yacht racing in Class E Scows; to maintain the Class E Scow as a one-design yacht; to sponsor an Annual National Class E Scow Championship Regatta; to adopt and enforce rules and regulations for the proper governing of races and regattas; to establish and enforce scantling rules and specifications for the control of the design of Class E Scows; to accept donations of, to hold in trust or otherwise and to administer trophies and other types of properties; and to carry on such other activities as may be proper, necessary or expedient in the furtherance of the foregoing objectives and purposes.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • El Toro International Yacht Racing Association El Toro International Yacht Racing Association
    El Toro International Yacht Racing Association. Although the El Toro was conceived in "Bull Sessions" at the Richmond Yacht Club in 1936, it has become a recognized class of over 11,000 one-design yachts and is the most popular "dinghy" on San Francisco Bay. More than fifty years ago, a need was recognized for a small inexpensive sailboat which could serve as a yacht tender and training craft. The El Toro design was based on the MacGregor Sabot plans which appeared in the Rudder Magazine in 1939. Today, the class has allowed new materials to be used with a considerable improvement in performance. The sassy El Toro now has many of the "go fasts" of larger yachts adapted for lighter loads and the small rig. New El Toros are not as inexpensive as they once were, but the original design considerations have remained. Today's yachts are satisfactory tenders and sprightly racers.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Electron Owners' Association Electron Owners' Association
    The Best Radio Controlled Yacht in the World. Electron Owners' Association for all the information you need about buying owning and maintaining the unique radio control model yachts designed and made by the late Des Townson. The Electron is one of the most authentic sailing models available and will handle a wide range of wind strengths. They are suitable for experienced or amateur sailors. The Electron Owners Association was formed to ensure the continuation of the class and to maintain the one design ideals. Based in New Zealand
    (Added: Sun Nov 29 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Elizabethan Owners Association Elizabethan Owners Association
    Welcome to the Elizabethan Owners Association (EOA) Website. It is dedicated to the Elizabethan range of yachts and the people that own them. The aims of this site are to promote the association and to provide a resource for owners and anyone else interested in the yachts. The association is very new, it was formed in 1997, and currently has around ninety members, mainly from the UK but with some members in the USA, Mediterranean, Caribbean and Ireland. Today the association is a group of like minded souls that share knowledge of their vessels and enjoy the occasional get together.
    (Added: Sat Dec 11 2004) - Report this link as bad!
  • Elliott 5.9 Association Elliott 5.9 Association
    Offering close racing and great social events built around a North Island weekend regatta circuit, the Elliott 5.9 class is the perfect 3-person boat. The class is low maintenance, low cost and is sailed by a crew of 3. Designed by Greg Elliott and was first released in 1983 the Elliott 5.9 boasts an efficient single spreader fractional rig, well balanced sail plan, practical deck layout and a performance hull that offers the response and maneuverability of a modern sport boat.
    (Added: Mon Feb 10 2020) - Report this link as bad!
  • Endeavour Owners Group Endeavour Owners Group
    The Endeavour Owners Group is a non-commercial place solely for the purpose of owners and individuals with an interest in Endeavour sailboats, to find and share information, share experiences, and meet other owners of these boats.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Ensign Sailing Class Association Ensign Sailing Class Association
    The Ensign sailboat is the largest class of full keel boats in North America. It was designed by Carl Alberg and built by Pearson Yachts of Portsmouth, Rhode Island who manufactured nearly 1800 boats from 1962 through 1983. Its popularity, rather than declining with the advent of very high performance boats, has been on a major upswing. We have one of the strongest national organizations and support fleets from Coast to Coast.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Enterprise Class Association Enterprise Class Association
    The UK Enterprise Sailing Dinghy Association Site. The Enterprise is a 4 metre long sailing dinghy with easily recognisable, light blue sails. It is one of the largest classes in the world, and the popularity of this Jack Holt design is due to its excellent qualities both as a cruising and racing boat. There are now more than 23350 registered boats. The class has attracted some of the biggest names in sailing and continues to do so attracted by quality racing and high turnouts for all abilities and ages.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Ericson 35 Sailboats Ericson 35 Sailboats
    Old advertisements and articles regarding the Ericson Yacht Co. and the original Ericson 35
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Ericson Yachts Ericson Yachts
    Welcome to - the starting place for information on Ericson Yachts! On this site you will find thousands of posts on all features of the Ericson Yacht line, and documentation on nearly every model of boat. EricsonYachts also maintains a community of more than 5,000 Ericson owners from all over the United States and elsewhere in the world.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Esse 850 International Class Esse 850 International Class
    The «Esse 850 International Class» is the official class-unification of the Esse 850 One-Design yachts and was founded in January 2007 at Schloss Rapperswil. Its task is to enable international regattas, stimulate communication among the sailors of the Esse 850 and promote and coordinate all activities in Switzerland and internationally.
    (Added: Sat Dec 31 2016) - Report this link as bad!
  • Etchells Etchells
    The Etchells is a big, fast, simple, stable, and sleek racing sloop that can be sailed competitively and in comfort by three or four average sailors. The strength of the Class is the enthusiasm and talent of all its membership paired with a well designed boat and the strict adherence to the One-Design rules. Site includes a list of builders.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Etchells - North American Etchells Class Etchells - North American Etchells Class
    Fast, sleek and stable: An Etchells is a powerful, 30.5' keelboat that bites into big breeze and digests it gracefully. The long lines and narrow beam of an Etchells make her visually stunning as she moves across both flat waters and ocean chop. And with a 22' waterline and relatively little wetted surface area, the Etchells is also able to get good boat speed in light-air conditions. The boat is very sensitive to fine adjustments in the rig and sail trim, which makes it technically intriguing to all types of sailors.
    (Added: Mon Jan 13 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • Etchells Fleet 20 Etchells Fleet 20
    Welcome to Etchells Biscayne Bay Fleet 20. We are located in Miami, Florida, sailing on beautiful Biscayne Bay. Warm weather, warm water and consistently good winds welcome you to our fleet! It is a wonderful venue for Etchells racing. Our Fleet 20 members consist of World Champions and a very active group of local Etchells competitors who travel North America and the world for major Etchells events. We have a very active schedule of races including our local Biscayne Bay Yacht Racing Association (BBYRA) One Design series, the Etchells Biscayne Bay Series hosted by Biscayne Bay Yacht Club and the Coral Reef Cup hosted by Coral Reef Yacht Cup. Miami, Florida
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Etchells UK Fleet Etchells UK Fleet
    The Etchells is an exciting, friendly class to join with some of the most competitive racing available. The UK has three active fleets racing out of Cowes, Lymington and the Mersey. Our members range from Olympians, America’s Cup sailors and World Champions to keen club sailors. The Etchells is a thoroughbred, large sleek keelboat which keeps its 3/4 crew busy all the time. We are always keen to welcome new members. Cowes, Isle of Wight, England, UK
    (Added: Mon Mar 05 2018) - Report this link as bad!
  • Europe Class Association - UK Europe Class Association - UK
    The Europe is a one-person dinghy designed in Belgium in 1960 by Alois Roland as a class legal Moth dinghy. The design later evolved into its own one-design class. From 1992 to 2008, the Europe was the Women's Single Handed Dinghy equipment for the Olympic Games with Shirley Robertson winning a gold medal for Great Britain at the Sydney Olympic Games in 2000. Europe sailors both past and present are certain that the Europe is the ideal single handed dinghy, being technical, exciting and fun. The Europe remains a very popular class on the continent and there is a strong and growing fleet in the UK, with a fun and friendly community surrounding the UK class!
    (Added: Fri Feb 07 2025) - Report this link as bad!
  • Europe Class Belgium Europe Class Belgium
    We are a non-profit organization dedicated to enabling, supporting, and promoting the Europe sailing dinghy in Belgium. Our mission is to foster the growth of the Europe class and provide opportunities for sailors of all levels to excel in this exciting sport. At the Belgian Europe Class, we believe that sailing is not just a hobby but a way of life. With our strong team of coaches, we organize training sessions and workshops to help sailors develop their skills and improve their performance on the water. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced sailor, our training opportunities cater to all levels.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Europe Dinghy - International Europe Class Association Europe Dinghy - International Europe Class Association
    International Europe Class Association. The International Europe is a thoroughbred racing dinghy with an Olympic pedigree that gives pleasure and excitement to those who sail her. The Europe provides a one design racing experience while retaining enough scope within the class rules to allow fittings to the sailor's tastes and tuning the rig to match the sailor's weight. As a result the Europe can be sailed by helms from 55kg to 75kg and in wind strengths that put many other classes firmly on the shore. The International Europe Class Union was founded in 1963 to represent interests of Europe dinghy sailors worldwide.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Europe Dinghy - Norway Europe Dinghy - Norway
    Norsk Europajolleklubb. Welcome to the Norwegian European dinghy club's website. Here you will find current news and information about the dinghy class. Norwegian European dinghy club, NEK is affiliated with IECU, International Europe Class Union. Arendal, Norway
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Eventide Owner's Group Eventide Owner's Group
    We are the 'Eventiders' or the 'Eventide Owners Group'. Run by owners and friends, for other owners or interested people. We have all the advisors and now the majority of the members from the old eoa on side. We meet socially and for sailing meets, and freely exchange information and views. We intend to publish as much information as we can to help builders or restorers.
    (Added: Sat Dec 11 2004) - Report this link as bad!
  • Express 27 Class Express 27 Class
    Site has events calendar, roster, crew list, classifieds, articles, photos, and class rules.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Express 37 Class Association Express 37 Class Association
    The concept for the Express 37 was developed in 1984 by Carl Schumacher and boat builder Terry Alsberg of Alsberg Brothers Boatworks in Santa Cruz. When Schumacher penned the Express 37, his objective was to design a boat that would excel on long ocean races, that was easy and safe to sail short-handed, and would have at least 6′ of standing headroom. The first boats built by Alsberg Brother Boatworks finished 1, 2 and 3 in the 1985 TransPac, an ocean race held on the West Coast. There were eventually 65 built and these boats continue to compile an enviable record.
    (Added: Tue Feb 04 2020) - Report this link as bad!
  • F16 - US F16 class F16 - US F16 class
    Welcome to the US F16 class! With all of the attention focused on catamarans these days with the breathtaking, fixed wing monsters getting tuned up for the America's Cup, and a mixed multihull back in the Olympics, it is indeed a great time to be a cat sailor! Although the highest levels of our sport are truly exciting, it's the weekend warriors like you and me who are the lifeblood of the beach catamaran sailing community. And for us, the heart that keeps our blood pumping is the Formula 16 Catamaran. Our numbers are growing across the country and around the world. Please join'll be glad you did!
    (Added: Tue Feb 04 2020) - Report this link as bad!
  • F18 - Australian F18 Association F18 - Australian F18 Association
    The International Formula 18 class is without a doubt the biggest, most professional and fastest growing class in the world. Even though the Australian fleet has some of the most competitive sailors in the world the Associations focus is on all around participations and complete fleet involvement. With fleets now extremely active in 4 states (NSW, VIC, QLD and WA) the association is growing in numbers and participation. Kings Langley, NSW Australia
    (Added: Fri Jan 17 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • F18 - Canadian F18 Class Association F18 - Canadian F18 Class Association
    Canadian Association of F18 catamaran. The Canadian Association of F-18 was founded in 2007 to allow the racer Canada to evolve on the grand tour of the F-18 International. The three founders; Mylène Ethier, Martin and Sylvain Carignan Mergl have joined their efforts to build the association and strengthen Canada's F-18 circuit. Since its founding, the CanF18 to the objective of promoting the regatta catamaran F-18 and other organizing national selections for the choice of participating teams that will represent Canada at the world championships of the F-18.
    (Added: Fri Jan 17 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • F18 - Forumla 18 High Tech Class Association F18 - Forumla 18 High Tech Class Association
    United States Formula 18 Association. Class Association Web Site for the F18HT Catamaran. While Formula 18s have enjoyed a surge in popularity in recent years, the state of the class today is the result of nearly 20 years of growth and development. F18s are sailed by a very broad spectrum of people of all ages, from professionals to club racers and recreational weekend sailors. Today’s F18 is a fast, sophisticated race boat. It is also a very stable platform—one that is every bit as fast as other high-performance small boats, yet much more forgiving to drive and much more amenable to the time and budget limits that face the vast majority of sailors.
    (Added: Thu Jan 16 2003) - Report this link as bad!
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