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- H Class Association
H Class Association
Our Mission: To perpetuate and promote activity and interest in the class known as the "H Class". The first H 12 1/2 footer boats were built in 1914 by Herreshoff Mfg. Co, of Bristol, RI, from the original design of Nathanael G. Herreshoff. Gaff-rigged sloops of wooden construction built to the original designs and specifications of the Herreshoff Mfg. Co. and the fiberglass versions of the Herreshoff 12-1/2 footer, known by the trademark 'Doughdish', boats built by Doughdish, Inc., are eligible for membership in the H Class Association.
(Added: Mon Jan 13 2014)
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- H-Boat - Denmark
H-Boat - Denmark
Danske H-bådssejlere, H-boat Denmark. Special club under the Danish Sailing Union, class organization for H-boats in Denmark. The purpose of the club: maintain the H-boat as an efficient one-type boat for racing; maintain the H-boat as an economical and comfortable touring and family boat; ensure the best possible unity among Danish H-boat sailors through their membership, and; organize joint (racing) sailings and events of a practical and / or social nature to promote the well-being of the association and its members.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- H-Boat Class
H-Boat Class
International H-Boat Association. The H-Boat was designed by Hans Groop in 1967. Features: over 5000 boats built; 1700 boat owners organized as IHA-members; Actively racing in 8 countries; National associations in 8 countries; Safe in rough sea, strong wind and even gale; No danger of capsizing, self bailing cockpit; Attractive in light air (South Germany, Austria, Switzerland); and more.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- H28: NZ H28 Yacht Owners' Association
H28: NZ H28 Yacht Owners' Association
We produce a Handbook which lists all our members, providing valuable sailing contacts, as well as other relevant on board information. In addition, the handbook includes our Summer cruising programme , Gulf and Winter racing series. The programme is aimed to cater for all, the emphasis during the Summer on being "social". The Association has great camaraderie on and off the water, and members are only too pleased to offer advice on sailing or problems other members may have.
(Added: Sat Dec 11 2004)
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- Hallberg-Rassy Klubben Norge
Hallberg-Rassy Klubben Norge
The Hallberg-Rassy Club Norway was founded on 12 March 1997. The club's purpose is to look after the members' interests, to exchange experiences about the HR boats, to arrange social activities, including member meetings and get-togethers, as well as other appropriate events and activities. The Hallberg-Rassy Club Norway is a club for all owners of HR boats, and we have around 140 members spread all over Norway.. Norway
(Added: Sat Dec 11 2004)
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- Hallberg-Rassy Owners Association UK
Hallberg-Rassy Owners Association UK
We are the United Kingdom Owners Association of yachts manufactured by Hallberg-Rassy, and hope that both members and aspiring members, whether owners of yachts or not, will find something of interest here. Formed in 1989, the objectives were to provide a forum for owners to meet together and exchange ideas and experiences, to organise sailing events and to have a newsletter through which members could keep in touch and to receive news from the Hallberg-Rassy Company.
(Added: Sat Dec 11 2004)
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- Hampton One-Design Sailing Association
Hampton One-Design Sailing Association
The Hampton Class has been active on the Chesapeake for over 75 years. It boasts a rich tradition of both spirited competition and lifelong friendships. It is a testament to the wonderful design of the Hampton and to good management by the class's leadership that older boats compete successfully with their wooden and fiberglass sisters and that sailors return season after season to test their racing skills. There is a very active racing schedule on both the upper and lower Chesapeake Bay and large, growing fleets in Hampton & Norfolk, Virginia, as well as Washington, D.C.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Hans Christian Owners Association (HCOA)
Hans Christian Owners Association (HCOA)
(HCOA), is a not-for-profit group currently consisting of more nearly 200 members, and soon-to-be owners of Hans Christian yachts, from around the world. The objective of HCOA is to enhance the pleasure of owning and/or sailing a Hans Christian. HCOA provides a forum for owners, and persons interested in Hans Christian yachts, to socialize and exchange ideas, maintenance tips, and other information related to the ownership and operation of Hans Christians as well as sailing in general.
(Added: Sat Dec 11 2004)
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- Hansa Class
Hansa Class
International Hansa Class Association. Available in single and wide seat configurations, the Hansa 2.3 is an ideal training and recreational craft but can be used as a sporty little racer by a single sailor. The Hansa 303 is ideal for those sailors who wish to take their sailing more seriously. Compared to the Hansa 2.3, this boat has a taller rig with the addition of a jib so there are two extra control lines to handle. A heavier centreboard along with the same steering and similar hull characteristics to the smaller 2.3 ensures these boats are also extremely safe and easy to sail. The Liberty is a very fast and high pointing compact keelboat. The Liberty is indeed a totally accessible performance craft which anyone can sail, regardless of ability. The SKUD18 is the result of collaboration between Hansa Sailing's Chris Mitchell and B&B Technology and Innovation – Julian Bethwaite and Martin Billoch. By combining Mitchell's unique understanding and ideology of sailing for people with disabilities with 20 years of Bethwaite's high performance skiff experience, the result is the innovative ‘lead assisted skiff’ (LAS), the SKUD18. The boat is an exciting challenge for able-bodied and disabled sailors alike. This boat has been designed from a performance basis, to offer scintillating, crisp and snappy response to sailors regardless of their mobility.
(Added: Tue Feb 04 2020)
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- Hansa Class Association UK
Hansa Class Association UK
UK Class Association for all Hansa sailing boats. We provide dinghy racing and training at all levels without barriers. Hansa Sailing aims to combine simplicity in design with value for money. The company strives to achieve efficient manufacturing procedures and minimal waste, provide an enriching and positive work place for its employees, and minimize negative impacts on the environment. were originally designed to appeal to that huge majority of the world's population who would love to have a go at sailing, but find it too difficult or uninviting to do so. The result is a series of safe, stable and easy to sail craft that offer beginners and experienced sailors lots of fun – for recreation or competition sport. Hansa Sailing's design features allow total novices of any ability to sail with little or no tuition, almost regardless of the conditions. More experienced sailors enjoy the lively response and fun of close one-design class racing. Together, the series of Hansa sailboats provide a development pathway of stepping stones from novice to high performance sailing. Based in the United Kingdom
(Added: Thu Dec 02 2021)
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- Harbor 20 Class Association
Harbor 20 Class Association
The Harbor 20 sail area, displacement, and waterline length make it a very large 20 footer and is accommodating of a broad range of uses and users. Schock blended the classic beauty of a traditional daysailer with state-of-the-art marine technology. While the Harbor 20 presents a graceful shearline counter, its thoroughly modern underbody and rig make for a fast and easily-handled contemporary daysailer. The result is a competitive, cost effective and easy-to-use boat that will always be in style.
(Added: Sat Feb 16 2013)
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- Hartley Trailer Sailer 16 - Australia
Hartley Trailer Sailer 16 - Australia
Australian Hartley TS16 Association. The Australian Hartley TS 16 Association Inc. has been active since 1964 and is still going strong. We have over two hundred members across six states with strong racing fleets in Queensland, N.S.W., Victoria and South Australia. There are over 200 boats on the active register. Besides the Australian Championships, overseen by the Australian Association, its also organises State championships in the main racing States.
(Added: Sun Feb 22 2015)
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- Heron Dinghy Class Association
Heron Dinghy Class Association
The Heron Dinghy remains as versatile and multi-functional as it was when it was first designed over 50 years ago. It provides safe, family fun or competitive one design racing. It is a dinghy that has stood the test of time and is enjoyed throughout the U.K and beyond. This website is run by the Heron Dinghy Class Association to promote the dinghy and the Association. Based in the UK
(Added: Wed Dec 30 2015)
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- Herreshoff - The Herreshoff Registry
Herreshoff - The Herreshoff Registry
A resource for owners, prospective owners, builders, and aficionados. Classes include The Herreshoff 12 1/2 Footer, The Herreshoff 15 Footer, Buzzards Bay 25, Fish Class, and The Herreshoff S Class Sloop. The site also has a forum.
(Added: Wed Jan 09 2019)
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- Highlander Class International Association
Highlander Class International Association
The Highlander is truly the "original one design sport boat." It combines performance with comfort while providing exciting one-design racing. Newly built boats and 30 year old hulls compete on an even basis. Successful crews are often family teams and the Highlander accommodates a broad span of crew weights and ability. Lexington, Kentucky
(Added: Sun Mar 04 2012)
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- Hobie Class Association South Africa
Hobie Class Association South Africa
South African Hobie Class Association. The Hobie Cat Class Association of South Africa is a non profit organisation, involved in organising events and promoting the Hobie way of life in South Africa. Join the Hobie Cat class in your region and become part of most exciting and fun lifestyle available. Hobie class members regularly participate in local sailing events in their region, national sailing events, sailing events on the African continent and even international sailing events in Europe, Australia an more. Form competitive sailing regattas at the highest level to fun sailing and extreme coastal events, the South African Hobie Cat class has something for everybody and every level of sailor.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Hobie Class of North America
Hobie Class of North America
The Hobie Class of North America, as a regional association of the International Hobie Class Association (IHCA) carries on the "Hobie Way of Life" tradition that Hobie Alter started over 50 years ago. We organize regattas (including women's and youth events), publish the quarterly HOTLINE magazine, organize Guest Expert Programs, provide grants to deserving youth sailors and a host of other services.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Holder 20 One Design Class Association
Holder 20 One Design Class Association
The Holder 20 One Design Class believes that the purpose of the organization shall be to encourage one design sailing as a competive sport and recreation, to promote interest in seamanship, and to encourage one design among fellow sailors.
(Added: Wed Feb 24 2010)
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- Hunter Owners
Hunter Owners
A site for Hunter sailboat owners. Site includes Forums, Boats for Sale, Gear Classifieds, Boat Information, Photos, Owner Directory, Articles, and much more.
(Added: Sat Dec 11 2004)
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- Hurricane 5.9
Hurricane 5.9
The Hurricane 5.9 was designed to put high performance cat sailing within the reach of all sailors at a realistic price. Designed and built by Olympic sailors Reg and Robert White, perfomance and pedigree are second to none. Contact the Hurricane 5.9 Class Association with your multihull news and event details.
(Added: Wed Feb 10 2010)
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- Hustler 35 Yacht Owner's Association
Hustler 35 Yacht Owner's Association
The Hustler 35 is an all GRP yacht, designed by Don Pye, of Holman and Pye. They were produced from 1970 until around 1978. The design was aimed at the fast cruising market, but they were quickly used for racing, being an excellent heavy weather boat.
(Added: Wed Dec 12 2018)
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- Hylas Yacht Owners Association
Hylas Yacht Owners Association
The Hylas Yacht Owners Association site, originally launched in 2007, is the un-official owners' website for Hylas Yachts. The primary objective of the site is to bring together the community spirit of Hylas owners regardless of boat's condition, model, or boat age. Active participation from owners all around the world will benefit both the owners and perspective owners for years to come.
(Added: Mon Jan 13 2014)
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- i550 Class
i550 Class
The vision of the i550 Class Association is to develop fast, affordable, accessible, amateur-built sportboats, to foster fraternity and sharing of knowledge between builders, and to promote class growth and competitive racing. The members of the Class agree that Class Rules ought to be clear and concise, and provide firm and unequivocal guidance for builders. While encouraging restricted development and customization for individual needs, the Class recognizes that controlled hull forms, sail areas, and sail limits are essential to promote affordability and longevity of the Class.
(Added: Tue Dec 08 2009)
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- IC37 Class Association
IC37 Class Association
From the very beginning, the IC37 Class was developed to create a racing experience unlike any other. The boat itself is innovative and elegant in a thoughtfully simple way. One set of three sails for all conditions, a rig designed to trim and go, only essential instruments. And yet, remarkable performance in all conditions. But the IC37 is more than just a new boat. It is an innovative amateur one-design class designed to race with a crew of family and friends. Men and women. Young and not so young. Sailors who race for the love and joy of the sport. Southbury, Connecticut
(Added: Mon Jan 16 2023)
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International Monohull Open Class Association. Founded in1991 and recognised by World Sailing (International Sailing Federation) since 1998, the ‘International Monohull Open Class Association’ manages the class of 60-foot (18.28 metres) Open monohulls. IMOCA defines the rules guaranteeing sporting equity by developing the innovation and safety of the boats. The aim of the class is to develop the fleet of monohulls and offer its skippers an attractive and coherent sports programme. It contributes to the internationalisation of offshore racing and combines the notions of competition, innovation, human adventure and safety on a day-to-day basis.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Impala 28 Class Association
Impala 28 Class Association
Designed by David Thomas in 1977, built by Hunter Boats and selected that year by the Offshore One-Design Conference as one of their three Offshore One-Designs, the Hunter Impala OOD is surely one of the finest and most successful small cruiser-racers of all time and still an eligible IRC one-design. The Impala is, quite simply, an unbeatable boat.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Inland 20 Scow Sailing Association
Inland 20 Scow Sailing Association
The high-performance Inland 20 (I-20), with its slightly tunneled hull, modern, high aspect rig and asymmetrical spinnaker tacked on a retractable bow sprit, is one of the sportiest of the scows. Its performance off the wind is truly awesome! While it is raced with two people, the great number of adjustments available, including spinnaker gear, keep the crew as well as the skipper busier than on any other scow. Fast and responsive, it requires both to be "on their toes." The National Inland 20 Scow Sailing Association promotes the class and governs its scantlings and other rules.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- InterClub Dinghy Class
InterClub Dinghy Class
The Interclub Dinghy Frostbite class, originally envisioned as a class for Inter-Club racing on Long Island sound, attracts some of the best sailors from a variety of other "summer" classes and provides great short course sailing on Sunday afternoons in the Northeast. Frostbiting an InterClub is a funny sport. People often ask "why should I get into a small dinghy in the winter when I can sail a PHRF boat or sit home and watch football". Then they try it and find out that IC sailing is a blast! The boats are fun to sail, tack and jibe on a dime, and require real skill to drive.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Interlake Sailing Class Association
Interlake Sailing Class Association
Fast, fun, and friendly. Interlake sailors have been experiencing the best of one-design sailing and racing since 1936. The classic lines of the Interlake have stood the test of time and those who sail it are both friendly and competitive. The Interlake Class features world champions and beginners, young and old, families and friends, all sharing a desire to be on the water, competing and learning, and building friendships for a lifetime. Come join us for a past-time that will last a lifetime.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- International 14 Canada
International 14 Canada
The International 14 is at the leading edge of the sailing world. This high performance, racing dinghy is where it is today because it has managed to effectively balance development and performance against fleet growth at the national and international levels. Throughout its long and esteemed history, the I14 has stayed at the forefront of design and technology, without forgetting why it exists - great sailboat racing!
(Added: Tue Jan 13 2015)
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- International 14 Skiff Association Western Australia
International 14 Skiff Association Western Australia
The International Fourteen is one of the world's premier sailing classes. It is a two-person, two trapeze skiff, with an unlimited area asymmetric spinnaker and 200 square feet of combined mainsail and headsail area. Carbon hulls and carbon rigs, now generally with square-head mainsails, give exceptional performance. The International Fourteen is for sailors looking for a fast, challenging boat in which they can develop their own ideas while sailing in the company of a group of like-minded, open and welcoming competitors.
(Added: Tue Dec 08 2009)
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- International 14 UK
International 14 UK
UK International 14 Web Site. The International 14 is a fast, exciting double-handed dinghy with a long history. The Fourteen is a development class, built to a basic set of rules that allows for innovation.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- International 5.5m Class Association
International 5.5m Class Association
Welcome to the official Website of the International 5.5m Class Association. It is our pleasure to present this exciting 5.5 keelboat class. Please take some time to browse our site to learn more about the boats and our Class Association. If you wish to sail on board one of these fantastic racing machines and be involved in pure yacht racing, do not hesitate to contact us or one of the National Class Associations.
(Added: Sat Nov 17 2012)
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- International Canoe UK
International Canoe UK
The IC is simply one of the fastest singlehanded boats afloat. This derives from its unique design, adopting the narrow hull form inherited from its ancient canoe origins, together with the famous sliding seat which provide a hiking experience no other boat can offer with its inherent freedom from trapeze wires but with a 2m lever from the centre line offering a very powerful righting moment. The roots of the class go back to the mid 1800’s where paddling canoes where fitted with sails and raced, particularly in Britain, USA and Sweden. These boats have changed quite a bit since then but the main characteristics of the boat is a long narrow hull form with rounded transom and the famous sliding seat.
(Added: Mon Feb 08 2021)
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- International Naples Sabot Association
International Naples Sabot Association
The Naples Sabot is an 8 foot, 1 person, one-design sailboat that has been the sailing trainer of choice in Southern California for nearly 60 years. During that time, the Naples Sabot has created some of the finest and most talented sailors in our sport. Our class stretches beyond junior sailing. The Sabot has something to offer to sailors of all ages. We encourage family sailing, junior sailing, senior sailing, and even weekend cruising!
(Added: Sat Nov 17 2012)
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- International One Design World Class Association
International One Design World Class Association
The International One Design (IOD) is a classic racing sloop with 12 active fleets in five countries. The International One-Design Class was conceived to build, maintain and race a fleet of "One-Design Yachts, distinctive in appearance and performance, using one-design racing, and especially to develop the competitive capacities of both helmsmen and crews under the fairest and most equal conditions." The design of the International One-Design was inspired by a Six Metre created by the famous Norwegian architect and builder Bjarne Aas, in 1935.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- IRC Solent Owners Association
IRC Solent Owners Association
Times change and all other things too. In Solent racing terms we have seen many things come and go. Long offshore races have been supplanted by shorter courses, mainly to cross Channel destinations. Solent races around fixed marks fell from favour in the face of the rise of the windward leeward. Many traditional Club Regatta weekends have seen entries dwindle. What is next? This Association has been formed to assist in providing the best possible racing in the Solent area, for owners and crews of IRC rated yachts. On this site you will be able to find program information for the IRC Solent Series, along with dates of most other principal IRC events. We hope you will find the site useful and informative. Based in the UK
(Added: Thu Jan 30 2014)
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