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Home: Categories: Organizations: Sailing Class Associations: Page 7
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  • Irwin Yachts Irwin Yachts
    Irwin Sailboats Parts & Manuals. This was created for the 6,000 plus Irwin owners around the world. Gene Gammon & Associates, Inc. produces this site to provide information to the many Irwin owners and to assist them by providing archived data, new information, update advice, location of replacement parts, and a way for Irwin owners to contact each other.
    (Added: Sun Jan 07 2018) - Report this link as bad!
  • Island Packet Home Port Island Packet Home Port
    The Official Website For Island Packet Yacht Owners. IP Home Port is a volunteer-operated and commercial-free website that has served Island Packet Yacht owners (and wannabes) around the world since 1998. This website is all about knowledge delivery - our goal, simply stated, is to deliver the information that you need to optimize your Island Packet ownership experience.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Island Packet Yacht Owners' Association Island Packet Yacht Owners' Association
    IPYOA, Island Packet Yacht Owners Association where Island Packet Owners, IP friends and IP dealers share resources extending the Island Packet Experience. offers the Island Packet Yacht Owner and the IP Community a complete portal system connecting together all Island Packet resources and websites.
    (Added: Thu Nov 15 2012) - Report this link as bad!
  • Islander 36 Association Islander 36 Association updated
    The Islander 36 was designed by Alan Gurney to be a fast racing boat with a good IOR rating as well as comfortable to sail and cruise.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • ISO Class Association ISO Class Association
    UK ISO Class Association. The ISO, as a sailing class, falls into the category of racing skiffs. It is a 2 person dinghy that is equipped with a single trapeze and asymmetrical spinnaker. It is a fast, high-performance racing dinghy that is a lot of fun to sail and compete in. It is often equipped with detachable wings which give it some versatility as the wings can help lighter crews gain better balance over the boat but can be removed for heavier crews. The ISO is designed for crew weights ranging from 275 lbs to 365 lbs. It can be sailed by sailors of different ability and is a good boat to gain some sailing experience in. The ISO is a popular boat for competitive sailing, partly because of its reasonable cost in comparison to other racing boats.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • J-Class Yachts J-Class Yachts
    The Official Website of the J Class Association. The J Class has its roots in the oldest sporting race in the world, The America's Cup. Although they became recognised the most beautiful yacht design in the World, only 10 J Class yachts were ever built - 6 in the USA and 4 in the UK. Most of these competed in trials for the America's Cup, or competed in the Cup itself. The most common adjective that is used by those who have sailed on the existing J's is the word 'awesome'. The immense sail area and sheer power cannot easily be described.
    (Added: Sat Dec 11 2004) - Report this link as bad!
  • J/105 Class Association J/105 Class Association
    Promoting the building and racing of the J/105 as a strict one-design class throughout the world. The J/105 is still at the top of the heap in terms of an offshore racing keelboat with a strong one-design class. It is fun and easy to sail and is active in every major racing venue of North America and races in other parts of the world as well.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • J/109 Class Association J/109 Class Association
    One of the best ways to insure your investment in the J/109 is to support the Class. Owners and Co-owners are strongly encouraged to become Members of the J/109 Class Association. Others may become Associate Members.
    (Added: Wed Nov 10 2010) - Report this link as bad!
  • J/111 Class Association J/111 Class Association
    The J/111 Class is governed by it's Owner/ Members and its elected Board. Officers are elected by the Board to help oversee and manage the class. J/111 was first granted International Sailing Association Federation "International ISAF Class" status in 2012. J/111s have one-design class events that take place in both Europe and in America.
    (Added: Mon Jan 13 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • J/22 - US J/22 Class Association J/22 - US J/22 Class Association
    People say the J/22 is the best sailing boat they've ever been on. It's responsive, stable with a fixed lead keel and safe, as much fun to singlehand with main only as it is to plane under spinnaker in 18 knots of wind. J/22 at 1800 lbs can be towed behind an SUV and be launched with the local yacht club hoist. With its easy-to-rig, deck stepped mast, you can be from trailer to sailing in 30 minutes. The key to J/22's success is its durability. The boat that appeals to all ages and skill levels is now generating more interest than ever before.
    (Added: Wed Feb 24 2010) - Report this link as bad!
  • J/24 - US J/24 Class Association J/24 - US J/24 Class Association
    As a member of the International J/24 Class Association, you will join over 3600 other members who have discovered the exhilarating rewards of J/24 sailing. Our sheer numbers alone make any J/24 event a good time, but throw in some of the hottest competition in the world, and you’ve got World-Class Fun! With over 50,000 people sailing J/24′s in over 105 active fleets in 30 nations, you won’t have to go far to find a home fleet. But why has the boat been such a success? Apart from being a real joy to sail, it is the diligent establishment of one-design rules and strict international control which provide some of the closest racing found in any class. Lakewood, Ohio
    (Added: Mon Jan 13 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • J/24 Class Association - International J/24 Class Association - International
    The International J24 Class Association. World's Most Popular One-Design Keelboat. Whether your style is weeknight beer-can racing or competing on the world stage – the J/24 is undeniably the most popular racing keelboat to make waves around the world. This appealing keelboat started with one man’s desire for a sailboat to accommodate his family and to be a competitive racer.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • J/29 Class Association J/29 Class Association
    J/29 Class Association. The J/29 is a one-design class created to fulfill the diverse needs of recreational sailors while cruising, day sailing, class Racing Info and handicap Racing Info offshore.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • J/30 Class Association J/30 Class Association
    Finding a sailboat to motivate and sustain participation by the entire family is no easy task. Research shows that active sailing families divide 76 days/yr. on the water equally between daysailing, cruising and racing. The ideal boat will be good for all these activities, while crewed by people of all age and experience levels. Too large a boat can be intimidating. A slow boat will eventually turn off the young. A racing boat may not be suitable for serving a nice meal or curling up with a good book. It seems the ads claim every boat to be a "racer-cruiser." Few really are. Even fewer would get the vote of each family member. We know there’s only one that will and has for nearly two decades: The J/30.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • J/80 North American Class Association J/80 North American Class Association
    The key to the popularity of the J/80 is that it is a boat that holds the attention and interest of many types of sailors, young and old! The J/80 does it all, with thrilling 15+ knot rides under spinnaker or relaxed sunset cruises with mainsail only. Sailing World rated J/80 as easier to handle, less intimidating, safer and better suited for sailing offshore than other modern sport boats tested. The J/80 fulfills many sailor’s dream: A single boat which combines simplicity of operation, confidence building stability and fast racing performance in an affordable, low maintenance and trailerable package. Truly, a unique and fun sport boat for all!
    (Added: Tue Feb 04 2020) - Report this link as bad!
  • J/88 Class Association J/88 Class Association
    J/88, a 29' family speedster, fast and balanced upwind with planing performance downwind. Small enough to be single-point lifted, owner trailered and stored. The J/88 spells fun. Super easy to sail, fast, low maintenance, responsive, sea-kindly, a true pocket-rocket. Hope to see you at the next regatta.
    (Added: Tue Feb 04 2020) - Report this link as bad!
  • J14 Class Association New Zealand J14 Class Association New Zealand
    The J14 is the kiwi dinghy that offers sparkling performance for adult and child or two teenager combos, and is versatile enough to allow single handed sailing as well. J14s are immensely fun to race and are sailed throughout NZ with the largest fleets located in and around Auckland. The sparkling performance of this design with plenty of pace upwind and offwind makes for exciting racing regardless of your crew combo.
    (Added: Mon Jan 02 2023) - Report this link as bad!
  • J22 Class Association South Africa J22 Class Association South Africa
    The J22 is a 22ft strict one design keel boat,over 2500 J22's now sailing in 65 active fleets in eighteen countries across 3 continents. Recognized by the ISAF, the international J22 class promotes activities and events world wide.
    (Added: Sat Feb 28 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • J24 Australia J24 Australia
    Whether your style is weeknight beer-can racing or competing on the world stage – the J/24 is undeniably the most popular racing keelboat to make waves around the world. This appealing keelboat started with one man's desire for a sailboat to accommodate his family and to be a competitive racer. Twenty-seven years later, the J/24 has become a legend. A stable sailboat for family togetherness, the J/24 has also been the competitive launch pad for the careers of numerous America's Cup professionals.
    (Added: Tue Mar 18 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • J24 Class Association UK J24 Class Association UK
    UK J24 Class Association. With welcoming and very competitive One Design racing, active fleets across the south coast and boats competing well in Club Racing and Regattas across the country, the J24 offers challenging and great value sailing. If you would like to find out more about the J24 we’d love to hear from you.
    (Added: Thu Jan 12 2023) - Report this link as bad!
  • Jaguar Yacht Owners Jaguar Yacht Owners
    This website exists to serve owners of Jaguar Yachts wherever they may be and is packed with information provided by many willing contributors. Based in the UK
    (Added: Tue Dec 29 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Javelin - UK Javelin Class Javelin - UK Javelin Class
    The Javelin is a two man dinghy designed by Peter Milne in 1968. The original aim was to design a dinghy similar to the Flying Dutchman that everyone could handle on and off the water. The result is a sleek, smooth and fast but very forgiving dinghy with impeccable manners.
    (Added: Sun Dec 21 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • Jeanneau Owners Network Jeanneau Owners Network
    The Jeanneau Owners Network is an independent website developed by Jeanneau Owners as the authoritative resource for those who own, or are interested in Jeanneau Yachts and Boats worldwide. Winchester, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom
    (Added: Tue Dec 29 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Jet 14 Class Association Jet 14 Class Association
    Great performance, a one-design platform, minimum maintenance and economical cost have been the fundamentals of the Jet-14 racing dinghy since 1952.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Johnson 18 Class Johnson 18 Class
    The Johnson 18 is one of the new generation sportboats. It is the first computer-optimized one-design small sailboat, intended to maximize enjoyment of the sport of sailing across the widest possible range of age, size, and skill level. The Johnson 18 Class Association is a non-profit organization devoted to the needs of Johnson 18 owners, and offering information and contacts to people interested in these boats. Come sail with us!
    Read 1 Reviews
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Junk Rig Association Junk Rig Association
    Formed in 1979 at the Southampton Boat Show by a group of junk rig enthusiasts, the JRA (Junk Rig Association) is for its members and about their boats and their rigs. We aim to: promote the use of the junk rig by encouraging members to organise 'rallies' and 'junkets' and via our tri-annual Magazine and this site; encourage the development of junk and related rigs, the building or conversion of boats to the junk rig, and the use of vessels with the rig or its derivatives; create an international community of people who've already 'junked' their boat, are thinking of doing so, or are just interested in learning what it's all about.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • JY 15 Class Association JY 15 Class Association
    JY understands the weekend warrior in you. You don't have the time to tinker with a boat...or train 7 days a week. You want to launch your boat and go...and be a contender. With the JY15...the boat you buy is the boat you race...and because the JY15 is so fun and easy to sail, finding crew is a breeze. With over 80 active fleets and more than 2000 JY15s nationwide, you'll never have a problem finding someone to play with.
    (Added: Sun Nov 15 2009) - Report this link as bad!
  • K6 Class K6 Class
    Innovative from the very start, the design concept was for 2 or 3 crew sailing a fast, easily driven hull, offering exhilarating sailing. It had to be physically easy to sail and stayed upright. It needed to be quickly pulled out of the water and taken home or parked, removing the cost and worry of moorings or berthing. All this has been achieved and more! Initially promoted and sold by RS the K6 is now a standalone class built and supplied by Rondar Boats. Edington, Westbury, Wiltshire UK
    (Added: Tue Jan 14 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • Kestrel Owners Association Kestrel Owners Association
    We consider the Kestrel to be one of the finest sailing dinghies in the world and the Kestrel Owners’ Association (KOA) is the official organisation for the Kestrel class. It is our aim to encourage sailors into the Kestrel so that they too can discover why we love this versatile and fun-packed dinghy. Take a little time to browse the site and find out about this wonderful boat and its sailors. We are a friendly and enthusiastic bunch who welcome newcomers. Based in the UK
    (Added: Mon Mar 05 2018) - Report this link as bad!
  • Knarr - Norway Knarr - Norway
    Norsk Knarrklubb. An active sailing environment in a classic Norwegian boat. The Norwegian Knarr Club is an association of and for those who own and / or sail Knarr in Norway. Norsk Knarrklubb is an approved class club under the Norwegian Sailing Association . The Norwegian Knarrklubb organizes regatta sailing and social events for knarr sailors, and manages the rights to and the development of Knarr as a type boat. Norway
    (Added: Tue Dec 00 0) - Report this link as bad!
  • Knarr - SF Bay Knarr Association Knarr - SF Bay Knarr Association
    San Francisco Bay Knarr Association. Celebrating OVER Fifty Years of friendship in the most beautiful and competitive sailing fleet on San Francisco Bay! We are a strictly amateur fleet with skippers ranging in age from their 30's to their 80's. We don’t allow anyone to hire crew, and no one can hire a skipper. San Francisco, California
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Knarr Klub Knarr Klub
    Dansk Knarr Klub is an association for Knarr sailors who cultivate the common interest in racing and recreational sailing. Knarren was approved in Denmark as a National Entype class in 1954 and in 1956 an association was made with the name Knarr Admiralty. Erik Dugdale was elected First Admiral. Since then, the post of Admiral has shifted between Knarr owners. In 2010, the Admiralty changed its name to Dansk Knarr Klub and the Admiral became chairman, elected by a board. Dansk Knarr Klub is approved by the Danish Sailing Union as a special club and arranges a DS Knarr Danish Championship every year. Olstykke, Denmark
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Kona One Class Kona One Class
    Founded on a one board concept, the Kona One Class was the first in the history of windsurfing to eliminate weight advantage and ensure fair, tactical racing for all.
    (Added: Fri Jan 11 2019) - Report this link as bad!
  • L26 Class Owners - South Africa L26 Class Owners - South Africa
    Welcome to the L26 Class Owners' Association Website. Angelo Lavranos designed the L26 in 1978, which went on to become the leading competitive keelboat class in South Africa. They are now relatively affordable and have made performance sailing accessible to many of the youth and development programmes in SA. Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
    (Added: Tue Jan 18 2022) - Report this link as bad!
  • L30 Class L30 Class
    The L30 boat concept was developed by Rodion Luka, Olympic medalist (2004), Worlds Champion (2005) in 49er Class and Volvo Ocean Race 2008-2009 participant. Rodion has a 35 years’ experience in One Design racing, being a European and Worlds medalist in Laser Radial, JOD35, SB20 and 49er as well as well experience in Platu25, Melges24, J70 and RC44. He joined up together with Andrej Justin, designer of RC44 to make outstanding boat which combines good all round offshore performance, easy logistic, strict one design and is affordable for wide range of sailors all around the World with the price ready to race around 100k euro.
    (Added: Tue Nov 30 2021) - Report this link as bad!
  • Laser - Australia | NSW/ACT Australia Laser - Australia | NSW/ACT Australia
    NSW & ACT Laser Association - Australia. This is the web site of the NSW/ACT Laser Association. We are one of the districts which support Laser sailing in 120 countries around the world. We run Laser events and support our sailors through training and information exchange. We run four regattas each season which are the State Championship, State Masters Championship, Coast Championship and Metropolitan Championship.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Laser - Australia | South Australian Laser Association Laser - Australia | South Australian Laser Association
    Laser racing in South Australia. The SA Laser Association organizes sailing/social events, training, promotional activities, for people who sail Lasers in South Australia. The South Australian Laser Association also supports other Laser regattas held throughout the state.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Laser - Australia | Victoria Laser - Australia | Victoria
    Welcome to the Victorian Laser Association (VLA) and the world's most popular adult, youth and family dinghy sailing class. The Laser truly is the boat for all ages. Whether you're a junior about to embark on an adventure in the 4.7, right up to over 75 legendary Master sailor, no other adult class is raced in more countries in the world. The Laser is a massive class, ranging from grassroots all the way up to Olympic sailors and we are lucky enough in Australia and Victoria to have a thriving scene on both.
    (Added: Fri Jan 21 2022) - Report this link as bad!
  • Laser - International Laser Class Association Laser - International Laser Class Association
    The International Laser Class Association is a self-administered, self-funded international organization which provides coordination, organization and communication for the class worldwide. ILCA is like a worldwide sailing club specifically for owners of Laser sailboats and people interested in the Laser. The Laser is a singlehanded Olympic class boat, also sailed at club, national and international levels. With over 200,000 boats in 140 countries, it is clearly the world's most popular adult and youth racing sailboat.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Laser - International Laser Class Association - North American Region Laser - International Laser Class Association - North American Region
    ILCANA is the Regional Class Organization for ILCA Dinghy sailing in North America. We may be biased, but we're pretty sure the ILCA Dinghy is the best single-handed dinghy ever made! To cater to different sailor sizes, the boat can be sailed with 3 different sized rigs. The smallest rig is the ILCA 4 (4.7), the middle sized rig and the Women's Olympic Class Dinghy, is called the ILCA 6 (Radial), or the Men's Olympic Class Dinghy, the ILCA 7 (Full Rig). One hull, 3 rigs, it doesn't get much more versatile than that! The ILCA Dinghy is actively sailed and raced by athletes of all sizes, ages (14-95) and experience levels.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Laser - New Zealand Laser Association Laser - New Zealand Laser Association
    The NZ Laser Association supports racing Laser sailors and regattas at home and overseas. The New Zealand Laser Association promotes Laser racing in New Zealand. We work to support the elite sailors on the international stage and grass roots Laser sailing throughout New Zealand. This is reflected in the annual New Zealand National Championships - a unique event where we have sailors as young as 13 in 4.7's and sailors in their 70's and 80's in the older masters age groups - all rubbing shoulders with our top international representatives. Auckland, New Zealand
    (Added: Thu Jan 16 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • Laser - Queensland Laser Association Laser - Queensland Laser Association
    The Queensland Laser Association Inc. is the organising body for Laser, Laser Radial and Laser 4.7 sailors in the state of Queensland, Australia. Based in Brisbane, the association represents the interests of members from all over the state and is the local representative of the International Laser Class Association (ILCA). The association organises regattas, annual championships, distributes news and information regarding the Laser and organises training for its members among other functions.
    (Added: Tue Nov 30 2021) - Report this link as bad!
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