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Home: Categories: Organizations: Yacht, Sailing & Boating Clubs: Marshall Islands
  • Kwajalein Yacht Club Kwajalein Yacht Club updated
    The Kwajalein Yacht Club is located in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, approximately 2500 miles southwest of Honolulu Hawaii. The club has been in existence since the early 1950's. We have approximately 120 active members and hold regular club meetings on the 4th Saturday of each month. The club sponsors many events throughout the year such as: Beer Can races, regattas, cruising trips to outer islands, and both a Commodore's and a Swashbuckler's Ball. Kwajalein, Marshall Islands
    (Added: Mon Apr 15 2024) - Report this link as bad!
  • Mieco Beach Yacht Club Mieco Beach Yacht Club
    The Mieco Beach Yacht Club, Majuro, Marshall Islands, would like to say a very special “Yokwe” and “Welcome!”. Majuro and the Marshall Islands is the perfect place to sit out the cyclone season as we have lots of fun and activities each season. We hope to help make your time here in the “Pearls of the Pacific” a great and memorable experience. Mieco Beach Yacht Club (MBYC), on the beautiful tropical Lagoon of Majuro Atoll, offers pristine diving, snorkeling, swimming, kayaking, fishing, skiing, sailing, and power boating all within palm tree lined sandy beaches with lapping warm crystal clear ocean water. The Club promotes yachting in RMI with an emphasis on having fun activities both on and off the water utilizing Sponsor’s facilities for meetings, docking, and MBYC entertainment. Majuro, Marshall Islands
    (Added: Sun Feb 18 2024) - Report this link as bad!

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