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Home: Categories: Organizations: Yacht, Sailing & Boating Clubs: United States
- Chesapeake Bay Yacht Clubs Association
Chesapeake Bay Yacht Clubs Association
The Chesapeake Bay Yacht Clubs Association (CBYCA) is an association of yacht clubs, boating clubs, and marine associations located throughout the five-state Chesapeake Bay region and the District of Columbia. It is composed of dedicated, uniformed volunteer, men and women who communicate, inform and work with legislatures and others to ensure members’ voices in each of the five states and District of Columbia are heard. Its purpose is to represent the interest of recreational boating at the national, state, and local levels of government, and to promote boating safety and education of its members and the general public.
(Added: Sun Dec 12 2004)
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- Cruising Club of America
Cruising Club of America
The Cruising Club of America was launched in the winter of 1921-22 by a handful of experienced offshore sailors interested in cruising and the development of the cruising type of yacht. At its core, the CCA is a collection of passionate, seriously accomplished, ocean sailors making adventurous use of the seas. All members have extensive offshore boat handling, seamanship, and command experience honed over many years. It is a special club for many reasons. Our members have found pleasure and fulfillment through the camaraderie of like-minded friends who share a love of ocean sailing and voyaging. The membership is not held together by a physical clubhouse -- it is a diverse community of individuals with a mission that has inspired its achievements, guided its growth, and passed along an identity and purpose that has served many generations. We are an international organization of over 1,200 sailors who have voyaged the oceans for adventure and recreation. Our members have broad sailing experience, exemplified by superior seamanship and demonstrated through significant command. Equally important to the mission of the club are the members' geniality of spirit and willingness to share knowledge and friendship through cruises, social events, publications, and posts on this website.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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