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- American Pontoon Co. LLC
American Pontoon Co. LLC
We offer complete Pontoon boat kits. Pleasure crafts, tour boats, work platforms, house boats, specialty platforms, docks etc... We can install center tubes to make your existing Pontoon a Tri-toon. Everything you need to build your own quality pontoon boat, at less than half the price of a new one. Or you may want us to build it for you. We can help you in every step of the way in designing and building your own custom made Pontoon boat. Manning, South Carolina
(Added: Sun Nov 24 2019)
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- Angus Rowboats
Angus Rowboats
Angus Rowboats is the premier producer of performance rowboat kits and plans. Our boats are expedition tested and have broken records including fastest time around Vancouver Island and first boat under 20' in Race to Alaska. Our unique, expertly crafted boat designs include rowboats geared for expeditions, racing, sailing, camping and teaching boating to children. Amateur and experienced boat builders from around the world have built Angus Rowboat designs. Victoria, Vancouver Island, BC Canada
(Added: Fri Jan 08 2021)
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- Arch Davis Design
Arch Davis Design
Arch Davis Design offers wooden boat plans, boat kits, DVDs, epoxy resin, sails and rigging, masts and spars, marine plywood, and more for the backyard boatbuilder, for sailboats, powerboats and rowboats. Belfast, Maine
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Atkin & Co. - Boat Plans
Atkin & Co. - Boat Plans
Boat Plans. The name Atkin has long been associated with the best in basic boats. If you are looking for "the right little boat" to build - or have built - or if you just like to dream over boat plans, you'll be delighted with the design collections of John and William Atkin. Our Catalog offers more than 200 designs including famed Atkin double-enders, traditional offshore and coastal cruising yachts, rowing/sailing dinghies, utilities and houseboats. Noroton, Connecticut
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Bartender Boats
Bartender Boats
The BARTENDER, a boat first used for U.S. Coast Guard service in the Pacific NW over 40 years ago, is a practical, safe, and economical rough water boat which has been recognized worldwide for use recreationally and in a variety of demanding industries including the Alaska Oil Industry and Australian Surf Patrol. If you consider extreme seaworthiness and classic appearance among the top attributes of a boat design then consider a BARTENDER – a serious offshore boat that will bring you home. Complete Boat Plans for Bartenders 19' thru 29' & Timbercoast 22'. Plans include a complete materials list and detailed instructions that lead you through every step. Puyallup, Washington
(Added: Sun Nov 13 2016)
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- Boat Builder Central
Boat Builder Central
Boat Builder Central is a leader in the professional and Do-It-Yourself boat building and repair industries. We are a family owned & operated business based in Fort Pierce, Florida, a town with a rich boat building tradition, and have been supplying and assisting builders and boat enthusiasts for over 30 years. In our new 7000 plus square foot facility we have everything you need to maintain, restore, and build your own craft. We carry high quality marine plywood, paint, epoxy, fiberglass, and other materials and tools needed to build or repair your boat. In addition, we also have over 150 boat plans, many of which have Do-It-Yourself, ready to build, CNC Kits. That’s right! We cut the parts, you put it together! Fort Pierce, Florida
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Boat Design Net
Boat Design Net
The Boat Design and Boatbuilding Site. Connecting Boat Designers and Boatbuilders on the Net. Boat Design and Boatbuilding Projects, Plans, Software, Books, Concepts, Reviews, and Resources. Discussion forums: boat design, boat building, powerboats, sailboats, multihulls, design software, education, services and employment. Discussion forums: boat design, boat building, powerboats, sailboats, multihulls, design software, education, services and employment. Join in the boat design & boatbuilding discussion forums today!
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Brooks Boats Designs
Brooks Boats Designs
Glued-lapstrake wooden boats designed by John Brooks. We sell full sets of plans for our very popular, capable and fun 12' Ellen daysailer and 18' Peregrine fast light rowboat. Each detailed set includes many full-sized patterns; no lofting is required. West Brooklin, Maine
(Added: Sun Mar 07 2010)
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- Bruce Roberts Boat Plans & Yacht Designs
Bruce Roberts Boat Plans & Yacht Designs
400 boat plans to choose from! Power catamarans - sailing catamarans - sailboats - power boats - trawlers - work boats. Over 35,000 individuals have completed their own boats from our boat plans and full size frame patterns. You have 250 boat plans & BOAT Kits to choose from. Bruce Roberts designed sailboat plans, power boat plans & boat plans for trawlers are used commercially & for private use; Boat plans for Fishing boats, Government Patrol Boats, Licensed world wide charter boats etc.
(Added: Wed Feb 03 2016)
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- Build-A-Boat Pontoon Kits
Build-A-Boat Pontoon Kits
Build-A-Boat manufacturer of premium Pontoon Kits and Pontoon Tubes. Buy a Pontoon Kit to Build A Boat of your very own as a Recreational Pontoon, Houseboat, Work Boat, Transport Platform, Electricity Powered Pontoon or anything else you can think of. Based in Canada
(Added: Fri Mar 12 2010)
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- By-The-Sea
Boat Plans, Boat Kits, Designers, Model Builders, Building Supplies. Web links for boat plans & boat kits for kayaks, canoes, sailboats, power boats, rowing boats.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Cajun Secret - Small Boat Plans
Cajun Secret - Small Boat Plans
If you've ever dreamed of building a small boat with your own hands, you've come to the right place! Cajun Secret pirogue plans are simple, easy-to-follow instructions which will have you out on the water fishing, hunting and having fun in no time flat. The pirogue (pronounced: "PEE-rhawg") is an amazingly versatile, car-topable, easily constructed craft ideally suited for ultra-shallow backwater river and lake fishing, hunting and exploration. Born in the swamps and bayous of Louisiana, in this realm, the craft has no rival. In concept, somewhere between a kayak and a canoe, no matter where you happen to live, a pirogue will easily and stealthily get you into natural habitats other boaters and sportsmen can only dream about.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Chase Small Craft
Chase Small Craft
Delivering complete kits, detailed instructions and unmatched personal attention. Sailboats: Gorgeous boats ranging from 12-20 feet. Some are sail-&-oar boats and others are most suitable for day sailing. Rowboats: Swift and seaworthy boats for the discriminating rower from the Drakes to the St. Lawrence River Skiffs for fixed- or sliding-seat rowing. Easy-to-Build skiffs: Capable 10-16' skiffs for sail, oar, or motor that are designed for beginners, family boatbuilding, or seasoned builders wanting a quick build of a beautiful boat. Saco, Maine
(Added: Thu Jan 26 2017)
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- Chesapeake Light Craft
Chesapeake Light Craft
The world's most popular sea kayak kits and plans. Chesapeake Light Craft is your source for boat kits, kayak kits, boat plans, and boatbuilding materials. Our original, award-winning boat designs include kayaks, canoes, rowing boats, dinghies, and sailboats. More than 20,000 CLC boats are on the water. Our designs are built by amateurs and professionals alike in more than 70 countries around the world. Annapolis, Maryland
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Chesapeake Marine Design
Chesapeake Marine Design
Boat Plans & Yacht Designs. In these pages you will find sailboat, powerboat, trawler and yacht designs that are: Easy-Economical-Proven-Pretty-Fun. Severna Park, Maryland
(Added: Fri Nov 22 2013)
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- CKD Boats
CKD Boats
Wooden Boat Kits, Boat Building & Plywood Suppliers. CKD Boats specialise in developing Kit boats and supply CNC cut designs from as small as the Optimist Dinghy to as big as a 43ft Dix Design yacht and larger. The kits consist of either the basic materials to assemble just the hull and deck or a full package from the building materials right through to the mast, rigging and sails etc. Cape Town, South Africa
(Added: Tue Dec 11 2007)
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- Clark Craft
Clark Craft
Boat Plans, Boat Kits, Boat Designs, Boat Building Supplies. We have hundreds of boat designs for everything from a 6' rowing pram to daysailers to sport fisherman powerboats. At Clark Craft we have helped thousands of amateur builders launch their life time dream by offering a huge selection of boat plans and boat kits. We have what you need to fulfill yours. Clark Craft maintains this huge on line store in which you can purchase any number of boat kits, boat plans and boatbuilding supplies. Tonawanda, New York
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Classic Wooden Boat Plans
Classic Wooden Boat Plans
Classic wooden boat plans is a growing collection of established plans that are ready to be printed and then laid out for full size building. Popular plans include Riva Aquarama, Palm Beach, Custom Barrelback, Gar Wood speedster, Baby Bootlegger, Chris Craft and Hacker Runabouts, Rosita, Miss APBA.
(Added: Fri Jan 05 2024)
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- Common Sense Boats
Common Sense Boats
For those who would like to build their own boat, Common Sense is the most important criteria. You want the most boat, in terms of accommodations and performance, for the money, time and effort spent building. All Common Sense boat designs are designed to specific goals, then tested to make sure they meet the goals, before plans are released. That is why several Common Sense Boats are considered the best in their class. That is why, when you build a Common Sense Boat, you are building a better boat than you can buy. Nanaimo, BC Canada
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Don Hill Custom River Boats
Don Hill Custom River Boats
We are building rib kits and selling drift boat plans for constructing an 18', 17', 16', 14' drift boat and 10' Mini Drifter. Eugene, Oregon
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- DriftBoatPlans.com
Home of Don Hill McKenzie Drift Boat Plans. Original McKenzie drift boat plans designed by Don Hill in sizes 14', 16', 17' & 18' plus the 10' Mini Drifter. They include plan drawings of the parts with a construction manual & video narrated by Don showing the construction of the boats. You will also find accessories for the boats including Dierks Anchor arms and pulleys, a boat cover for the 16' (sorry no other sizes available), drain plugs, oar locks and plastic oar lock block inserts. Also there is a Used Boats page where you might find your next boat. Eugene, Oregon
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2025)
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- Duckworks Boat Builders Supply
Duckworks Boat Builders Supply
Whether you are starting from scratch or simply need new hardware, line, or other gear for an existing boat—we can help. We have boat plans from over 36 designers (and counting), from the smallest dinghy to ocean-going vessels. We can also help you with epoxy, fiberglass, paint, marine hardware, rope, tools and loads of other gear. At Duckworks we take pride in offering the lowest prices and exceptional customer service. We've also just started to stock a variety of factory West Wight Potter parts and accessories, many of which are suitable for other production trailersailers.Our major suppliers are Seadog and Racelite and Challenge, but we have some wonderful small suppliers as well plus all of the various designers whose plans we sell and whose boats we build ourselves. Port Townsend, Washington
(Added: Mon Dec 17 2012)
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- Duckworks Magazine
Duckworks Magazine
Written for and by those wacky homemade boat builders. Duckworks magazine is an ezine or blog or magazine format website - whichever you prefer - that is written by its readers. That is you. While we do offer products for sale on our Duckworks Boat Builders Supply website, we try to cover all aspects of home boat building and the use of those and other small boats. The world boat building community is not huge and all its members are welcome here.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Dudley Dix Yacht Design
Dudley Dix Yacht Design
Naval Architect, Yacht Designer, Boat Plans, Boat Designs. Boat plans to take you across the dam or
around the world. We design for you to build. My designs are carefully detailed so that builders seldom need to ask questions. Buying a set of plans also includes for backup support throughout construction, via email, fax. telephone or letter. Virginia Beach, Virginia
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Ed Horstman Multihulls
Ed Horstman Multihulls
The finest TRIMARAN and CATAMARAN designs. By Edward B. Horstman, Naval Architect B.S.A.E. Ed Horstman designs started in 1960 with the TRI-STAR 40. TRI-STAR 40 was the first Trimaran to race in the Multihull Transpack race to Hawaii in 1966; taking second place. Ed Horstman has over 45 TRI-STAR Trimaran or Catamaran designs you too can build from a selection of Trimaran plans from 18ft. to 104ft. Bigfork, Montana
(Added: Wed Feb 24 2010)
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- Elliott Bay Steam Launch Company
Elliott Bay Steam Launch Company
Elliott Bay Steam Launch Co. The Elliott Bay boat is a system to build an authentic, powerful, steam or electric launch, yourself. Also Castings to build authentic single, double or triple expansion marine steam engines, Pressure gauges, ships' clocks, deck rails, pumps, plaques, deck hardware, etc. Portland, Oregon
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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ENVIBOATS Is a quality supplier of semi-custom boat jigs developed in the Carolina style. Our jigs are produced from full 3D computer-aided designs and are completely CNC cut to ensure that both the professional boatbuilder as well as the DIY'er can build a sound, high-quality boat in the shortest time possible. To speed up the process even more, we offer many boat components pre-cut. They are placed into the jig and the hull is molded with them in place. Just think of the time savings. Steps that took a week -- take a day. Those that took a day -- take an hour. Flip the boat and a good portion of the structure and interior is already there. We offer nearly everything you need to build your boat -- and at great prices. We provide a detailed Bill of Materials outlining what is needed - and when - during the build process. Jacksonville & New Bern, North Carolina
(Added: Thu Dec 22 2016)
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- Fine Line Boat Plans and Designs
Fine Line Boat Plans and Designs
Bruce Roberts Designs for the DIY Boat Builder. Boat building designs and plans for steel, aluminium & wood/epoxy. Bruce Roberts International, the Original Bruce Roberts Design Office began life in 1968 in, Queensland, Australia. We are still located in Queensland, Australia and in 2010 had a name change to Fine Line Boat Plans and Designs. For over forty five years the Bruce Roberts Group, with input from many designers, shipwrights, builders and owners, have been drawing detailed boat plans for sailboats and powerboats with the DIY boat builder specially in mind. These boatplans & designs range in size from 5.8 mts to 20 mts and can be built in many different materials. We have boat plans & designs for building in steel or aluminium in either multichine, radius chine or round bilge hull forms. Most boat plans & designs are also in fibreglass using either c-flex, foam sandwich or single skin hull construction methods or in cold moulded ply or strip plank using what is commonly know as wood epoxy boatbuilding. Thousands of boats marketed as Roberts designs have been built in backyards and successfully sailed around the world. Our range of boat plans & designs include the:- Roberts, Waverunner, Trader, Spray, Centennial Spray, Coastworker, New York, Adventurer, Tom Thumb, Henry Morgan, Offshore, PCF, Mauritius / Norfolk, Classic, Power Cat, Trawler Yacht and the Longboat. Burnett Heads, Queensland, Australia
(Added: Fri Feb 19 2021)
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- FishyFish - Tolman Skiff Kits
FishyFish - Tolman Skiff Kits
Welcome to Fishyfish. Fishyfish is a gathering place and a resource for like minded folks bent on building their own stitch and glue boat. Most folks who visit here are interested in building or learning more about the Tolman Skiff, a boat with a dory heritage and a huge following. The Tolman Skiff is a design of iteration by Renn Tolman of Homer, Alaska. He's been designing and building stitch and glue Tolman Skiffs for around thirty years now. There are plans available for four stitch and glue Tolman Skiff models made from Marine Grade Plywood, epoxy and fiberglass. They are the Standard, the Widebody, the Jumbo and now the Tolman Seabright.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Form and Float
Form and Float
Hands On Boat Building | Watercraft Kitsets. Welcome to Form and Float, a proudly New Zealand owned small business based in Auckland where you can enjoy the satisfaction of building your own water craft whether it be a tradition single seated kayak, a dinghy or a catamaran. Whether you’re thinking of a classic single-seated kayak, a sturdy dinghy, or an adventurous catamaran, our comprehensive kits and hands-on support make it easy to turn your maritime dreams into reality. Dive in, get your hands dirty, and build something truly special that you can enjoy on rivers, ponds, and seas. Let’s create something memorable together! Greenhithe, Auckland, New Zealand
(Added: Mon Jan 13 2025)
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- Francois Vivier Naval Architect
Francois Vivier Naval Architect
Boat plans, yacht design, kits, classic or traditional, from dinghy and trailerable boats to cruiser, for amateur and professional boat-builder. Pornichet, France
(Added: Sat Nov 23 2013)
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- Fyne Boat Kits
Fyne Boat Kits
Welcome to Fyne Boat Kits, makers and suppliers of wooden boat kits, boat plans and boating equipment. Our range of recreational and performance watercraft includes rowing, sailing and motor boats, canoes and kayaks as well as surfboards and paddleboards. All our kits are manufactured in our workshop in the English Lake District. We make some of the most advanced kits available, with pre-cut joints and pre-drilled tie holes. All our boat designs are proven by a series of prototypes – the kits go together well and the boats perform well. Burneside, Kendal, Cumbria, England, UK
(Added: Thu Jan 07 2016)
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- Glacier Boats of Alaska
Glacier Boats of Alaska
Plans for the Great Alaskan 25' to 28-1/2' Offshore Powerboat. The Great Alaskan is a very versatile inshore/offshore powerboat with a seaworthy semi-dory style hull. These fiberglass/wood boat plans give the builder the freedom to adapt the cuddy, pilot house, and cockpit layout to his preference. The plans include 3 different layouts and several lengths to choose from (or to start from). Wasilla, Alaska
(Added: Thu Dec 22 2016)
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- Glen-L Boat Plans
Glen-L Boat Plans
Glen-L marine designs has been serving the amateur boat builder since 1953. Our goal is to provide plans, kits, and building materials to home boat builders. A lot has happened since 1953. In the beginning we had runabouts, ski boats, and cruisers. Now we supply plans for virtually every type of boat. From the beginning Glen-L has served as a training ground for Naval Architects, some of whom have gone on to start businesses of their own. Bellflower, California
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- H.H. Payson & Co.
H.H. Payson & Co.
H.H. Payson & Company in Spruce Head, Maine, sells boat plans, patterns, sails and books about boat building to guide you through your project. With more than 50 years of experience in the industry, we pride ourselves in offering proven and user-friendly plans for boat builders of all levels. In fact, if you can draw and saw a penciled line, apply glue, drive nails, and bring a modest measure of patience to the task, you can build and launch a smart and able craft in as few as 40 work hours. Spruce Head, Maine
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Hartley Boat Plans
Hartley Boat Plans
The oldest business of it's kind. Since our first plans were sold for home boat construction in 1938, more than 100,000 Hartley Boats built worldwide. Build In.... plywood - wood - grp/frp - steel - aluminium - ferrocement. Apart from 'class dinghys', there are probably more Hartley Boats throughout the world than any other designer. And probably more Hartley ferro-cement boats than all other ferroboat designers added together. From Canoes To Ocean Cruisers.....Hartley & Brookes boat plans are distributed worldwide. Have been built from Iceland to Tasmania. Cruised the canals of Europe. Sailed the Great Lakes of America. Fished in Canada. Chartered in Croatia, and even trailered through the Great Australian Outback. Competed in thousands of sailboat races, from club sailing in Hong Kong, Oman and England, to the 'Cape to Rio', 'Auckland to Fiji', 'Auckland to Noumea', and 'Sydney Hobart', ocean races. Hartley & Brookes powerboats have raced the Papua New Guinea backwaters, to the offshore races of South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- James Wharram Designs
James Wharram Designs
Building your own boat with Wharram Designs is the easiest and most cost effective way to fulfil your sailing dreams. Wharram Self-build boat plans start from only £100. James Wharram Designs are designers of unique double-canoe style sailing catamarans inspired by the canoe craft of the Pacific. They have their headquarters on the shore of Restronguet creek in Devoran, Cornwall. Designs from 14' – 63' are available for self-building in ply/epoxy with very detailed, easy to follow Plans often described as 'a course in boatbuilding'. Devoran, Cornwall, England, UK
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Jeff Schionning Multihull Designs
Jeff Schionning Multihull Designs
Leaders in Multihull Design and Kit Development. We are a Design, Kit and Material Supply company that has been serving the Marine Industry with innovative products for 20 years. We aim to provide plans and materials of the highest possible standard with "service" being our priority both in supply and backup support to our builders. In design we aim to make your project simple, safe, and as much fun as possible. The Schionning kit systems are one of the simplest ways to build your own boat, or have a custom design built faster and more accurately by a professional. Tea Gardens, NSW Australia
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Jetstream Boats
Jetstream Boats
JETSTREAM mini jet boats are the difference between looking at the picture and being in the picture. Experience the thrill of venturing into the unknown, charging rapids or fishing in tranquility with our mini jet boat kits -- Don't be left behind! The thrill seeker's best friend. Jetstream Boats are sculpted for thrill seekers and tested relentlessly against the powerful British Columbia rivers. As one of the first mini jet boat manufacturers in North America Jetstream has always been on the leading edge of the aluminum mini jet boat scene. Ride with the best! Designed for the DIY-er, Jetstream mini jet boat kits eliminate the cost and hassle of expensive plans and machinery by providing all you need for the ultimate home-built aluminum mini jet boat. Build a Jestream kit today and be on your way! Delta, British Columbia, Canada
(Added: Sat Jan 21 2023)
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- John Welsford Small Craft Design
John Welsford Small Craft Design
Designing Rowing Boats, Sailboats and Power Boats. Whether you’re an avid sailor, a wooden boat DIY enthusiast, or simply dream of embarking on your own nautical adventure, we have everything you need to set sail on your favourite waterway. As a trusted platform, we proudly showcase an extensive collection of boat plans meticulously crafted by me, John Welsford, known the world over for my practical plans, expertise and passion. Based in New Zealand
(Added: Sun Mar 02 2008)
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- Jordan Boats
Jordan Boats
The St Ayles Skiff is by far our best selling kit, with over 160 purchased in the UK, and nearly 70 between the USA, Canada, Netherlands, Spain, Australia and New Zealand. Jordan Boats will create plywood kits for almost any boat design. In the past ten years we have created kits for over 100 designs from Selway Fisher, Iain Oughtred, Andrew Wolstenholme, Walt Simmons of Duck Trap, and several kits for client designs. We also cut kits from designs by Dudley Dix, George Whisstock and Francois Vivier. Bicknoller, Somerset, England, UK
(Added: Thu Feb 15 2018)
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- Jordan Wood Boats
Jordan Wood Boats
Cradle boat and watercraft plans. Featuring our unique collection of boat designs developed and drawn with the amateur builder in mind. Our unique designs have helped launch countless wooden boats on the world’s waterways in more than fifty countries. All of our wooden boat plans are meticulously developed and drawn with the amateur builder in mind. You’ll find plans here for a variety of distinctive watercraft and cradle boats, as well as our comprehensive boatbuilding manual, and in the Builder's Gallery you will see examples of the results you can expect from our plans. South Beach, Oregon
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Mark Smaalders Yacht Designs
Mark Smaalders Yacht Designs
Specializing in wooden cruising boats, traditional and modern construction. Plans for seaworthy, affordable cruising boats, sail and power - featuring wood and wood/epoxy construction. Lopez Island, Washington
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- MetalBoatKits
In 1993 we were one of the first companies to offer CNC Kits publicly and in doing so we helped establish an industry. Today we are pleased to continue to bring you an ever growing stock catalog of precision CNC Kits. Custom Design, and Custom Boat Kit Creation. Home builders can build a boat at a fraction of the cost of buying new. Welding shops can expand their business / Boatbuilders can add new products. Richmond, Greater Vancouver A, BC Canada
(Added: Wed Dec 06 2023)
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- Michael Storer Design
Michael Storer Design
Michael Storer is an Australian Designer specialising in light but traditional looking boats with performance to run rings around the usual character boat. Wooden Boat Plans for Amateur Boatbuilders – Excellent Performance, Simple Construction, Step by Step Instructions Australia, USA, UK, Hungary, S. Africa. Full list of Storer boat plans for sail, rowing, paddling, fishing and overnight stays. Plans for most boats are very comprehensive and the boats look just right despite simple construction methods.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Nexus Marine Corporation
Nexus Marine Corporation
After 45 years of custom wooden boatbuilding and designing, we have retired from doing new construction. You can still purchase plans for one of our stock boats, or we can design a perfect boat just for you. You can build your own with our advice!. We have built exquisite small craft, fast commuters, weekenders, family cruisers, and an ocean-cruising sailboat, ranging in size from 7' to 38'. Everett, Washington
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Noah Thompson Design
Noah Thompson Design
Alloy Boat Plans & Kitset design work for boat builders. Power catamarans, sportfishing boats, dive boats, passenger transfer boats, glass bottom boats, barges, landing craft, and more. Te Puke, New Zealand
(Added: Tue Mar 11 2014)
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- Norwalk Islands Sharpies
Norwalk Islands Sharpies
Welcome to the World of Norwalk Islands Sharpies wooden boats. Designs from the world famous Laser designer, Bruce Kirby. Checkout the Catalogue of Plans & Kits. Dinghies, Rowboats, Sailboats, Yachts, the Lot! Fully pre-cut building kits in premium materials for world wide delivery.
Ready cut construction Bote Cote Epoxy sealed and sanded bulkheads with framing timber attached and profiled, with all the materials needed to complete the hull, deck, cabin, fixtures and interior. The Basic Kit, in pre-cut Gaboon Plywood, are now well proven and contains all major standard furniture items, elliptical portlight cut outs including bolt holes, revised instructions. The Kit comes as a flat pack, on a pallet delivered to your door. It includes plans and instructions, and phone, email or fax backup, during building /and/ once launched. Mount Barker, South Australia
(Added: Wed Feb 24 2010)
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- Parker Marine
Parker Marine
We do custom design work, including charter boats, for construction in cold-molded wood, plywood, traditional wood, aluminum, and steel. We do limited new construction and wooden boat restoration, as well as build components such as custom masts, hulls, Parker Flatiron Keels, foil-shaped centerboards and rudders, and stainless steel fabrication. Brooklin, Maine
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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