Home: Categories: Professional and Services: Marine and Yacht Survey: Germany
- Alberts & Fabel, Hamburg, Germany
Alberts & Fabel, Hamburg, Germany
Independent Marine & Cargo Surveyors and Consultants. As engineers, surveyors and average agents in the fields of transport, navigation, cargoes, packaging and technology we have been a full service service provider since 1997. Our field of activity is extensive and comprises of but is not limited to the following areas of expertise: Navigation and load expert, average commissioners, transport expert, heavy cargoes and project load, load surveys, discharge surveys, offshore, cargo securing, marine engineering, mechanical cargo damage, moisture damage, deterioration damage, pest infestation, transport accidents, certificates, salvage sales of average cargoes, transport planning, wind energy projects, power station projects, transformer projects, method statements, investigation and consultation of transports and insurance damages. Seevetal, Germany
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Nautical Bureau Hamburg
Nautical Bureau Hamburg
Your independent marine consultants & surveyors office in Hamburg, Germany! The Nautical Bureau Hamburg, based in Germany, is the expert office in the shipping branch that supports you in damage prevention and claims settlement with help and advice. Using my well-founded knowledge that I acquired in my positions as captain, pilot, instructor of a shiphandling simulator and as an independent marine consultant & surveyor, you preserve your interests. Hamburg, Germany
(Added: Wed Dec 27 2017)
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