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- Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization
NAFO is an intergovernmental fisheries science and management body. NAFO was founded in 1979 as a successor to ICNAF (International Commission of the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries) (1949-1978). NAFO's overall objective is to contribute through consultation and cooperation to the optimum utilization, rational management and conservation of the fishery resources of the Convention Area. NAFO has 12 Members from Central and North America, Europe and Asia.
(Added: Wed Dec 19 2007)
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- Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission
Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission
The Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission (NWIFC) is a support service organization for 20 treaty Indian tribes in western Washington. The role of the NWIFC is to assist member tribes in their role as natural resources co-managers. The commission provides direct services to tribes in areas such as biometrics, fish health and salmon management to achieve an economy of scale that makes more efficient use of limited federal funding. The NWIFC also provides a forum for tribes to address shared natural resources management issues and enables the tribes to speak with a unified voice in Washington, D.C.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Old Reel Collectors Association
Old Reel Collectors Association
Welcome to the on-line home of the Old Reel Collectors Association, Inc. We are a loose knit group of fishing reel collectors who are joined by our interest in old fishing reels and their history. The purpose of the Old Reel Collector’s Association, Inc. is education through the collection and distribution of historical and technical data regarding fishing reels, their development and their inventors and manufacturers from the earliest times through the present day. In order to enhance the knowledge of these subjects, the collection and preservation of examples of post production reels is to be encouraged for the benefit of present and future generations. Alpharetta, Georgia
(Added: Thu Jan 14 2016)
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- Project Healing Waters
Project Healing Waters
Project Healing Waters, initiated and conducted by members of the Federation of Fly Fishers and Trout Unlimited, serves military personnel who have been wounded, injured, or disabled to aid their physical and emotional recovery by introducing or rebuilding the skills of fly fishing and fly tying and by using and enjoying these skills on fishing outings and as lifelong recreation. Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing offers its services and programs to injured military service personnel and disabled veterans throughout the country. LaPlata, Maryland
(Added: Thu Dec 27 2007)
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- Reel Recovery
Reel Recovery
Reel recovery is a national non-profit organization that conducts fly-fishing retreats for men recovering from life-threatening cancer. Reel Recovery was founded in 2003 by a group of avid fly-fishers, inspired by their fishing buddy’s ongoing battle with brain cancer. Witnessing first-hand the beneficial impact fly-fishing provided their friend, they created Reel Recovery to provide the same opportunity for other men battling the disease. Combining expert fly-fishing instruction with directed "courageous conversations", the organization provides men with all forms of cancer a unique opportunity to share their stories, learn a new skill, form lasting friendships and gain renewed hope as they confront the challenges of cancer. Based in Needham, Massachusetts
(Added: Tue Dec 18 2007)
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- Save Our Wild Salmon
Save Our Wild Salmon
Save Our Wild Salmon is a nationwide coalition of conservation organizations, commercial and sport fishing associations, businesses, river groups, and taxpayer and clean energy advocates working collectively to restore healthy, sustainable wild salmon to the rivers, streams and oceans of the Pacific Salmon states.
(Added: Wed Dec 12 2007)
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- Sea-Run Brook Trout Coalition
Sea-Run Brook Trout Coalition
The Sea-Run Brook Trout Coalition is a non-profit organization established for the purpose of protecting and restoring sea-run brook trout populations and the coastal watersheds that they depend upon. Over the past two centuries, sea-run brook trout populations have declined throughout their range, with the most dramatic losses occurring in the southern part of that range in coastal watersheds between Long Island, N.Y. and Maine. Meanwhile, in Canada many sea-run brook trout populations are being damaged by irresponsible farming practices, development and over fishing. Newburyport, Massachusetts
(Added: Sun Jan 25 2015)
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- Sisters on the Fly
Sisters on the Fly
"Sisters on the Fly" is the largest outdoor women's group in the United States with currently over 6,500 "Sisters." This membership-based community supports women in their journey to get up, get out and become more adventurous! Our membership is $60 a year and grants you access to a network of incredible members and a calendar of amazing events that take place across the country all year long. Events run the gamut from camping to fishing, hiking, horseback riding, wine tasting and whatever else sounds like fun to us! A Sister on the Fly does not need to own a trailer, know how to fish or know anyone else in the group to be included in club adventures. We have members all over the United States, some in Canada, and England, and would you believe... even in Australia. We encourage you to join us on one of our adventures and let yourself be spoiled rotten, learn to fish, to be a real Western Cowgirl, run rivers, and enjoy pure highway traveling fun.
(Added: Thu Jan 14 2016)
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- Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society
Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society
The mission of the American Fisheries Society is to improve the conservation and sustainability of fishery resources and aquatic ecosystems by advancing fisheries and aquatic science and promoting the development of fisheries professionals. The Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society (SDAFS) includes AFS members from the southern states who meet regularly to discuss research findings and management applications pertaining to the region. The current membership of the Southern Division is composed of Society members in good standing residing in, or having an interest in the fishery resources and related technical information of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and other Caribbean Islands.
(Added: Sun Dec 06 2015)
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- Sportfish Center
Sportfish Center
The Center for Sportfish Science and Conservation (CSSC) is the first research center in the western Gulf of Mexico dedicated to providing key science-based information that supports sustainable management of the multibillion-dollar recreational fishery that flourishes along the Gulf Coast. Effective conservation and management of sportfish requires a robust scientific knowledge-base to be most effective. Thus, the mission of the CSSC is to advance knowledge of marine sportfish and promote conservation through science-based fisheries management. The CSSC is as a hub for scientists interested in marine fisheries research focused on the many challenges that come with maintaining healthy sportfish populations, both inshore and offshore, to ensure the most informed decisions are made when managing and conserving our valuable fisheries and the marine environment they inhabit. Corpus Christi, Texas
(Added: Mon Nov 27 2017)
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- Stream Explorers - Trout Unlimited - 15 and Under
Stream Explorers - Trout Unlimited - 15 and Under
Why go fishing, you ask? There are many reasons to cast a line into the water. Fishing is a great way to learn about fish and the rivers and streams where they live. All methods of angling (another word for fishing) connect us to the natural world. When we go out, we can see the importance of respecting the environment and protecting our streams and rivers. Fishing is an activity where you can have fun outside with your friends and family — a healthful life-long sport where learning is always an adventure. So get out on the water, and get hooked on fishing! Want a great chance to meet other kids and teens who care about trout and the streams they live in? This summer, try out one of TU's Conservation Camps and Academies. The camps happen all over the country, during different weeks, so, learn more about the camps nearest you!
(Added: Tue Jan 17 2017)
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- Student Angler Federation High School Fishing
Student Angler Federation High School Fishing
High School Fishing and the Student Angler Federation (SAF), promoting education through fishing - the future of fishing is here. One of the fastest growing youth related movements across the country are High School fishing clubs! The Bass Federation, the nation’s oldest and largest organized grassroots fishing organization, is leading the way with the development of the Student Angler Federation. The objective of the SAF is to relate subject matter and basic principles of education to how anglers use them out on the water every day. Also, the SAF is aimed at getting students off the couch and back into the great outdoors by promoting the formation of fishing clubs and outdoor activities within the school. A byproduct of SAF efforts is the creation of competitive fishing in club tournaments and events between neighboring schools.
(Added: Sat Dec 12 2015)
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- The Bass Federation (TBF)
The Bass Federation (TBF)
It's Easy To Become a TBF Member or to get your club registered as a TBF Affiliated Club. Anyone can join TBF but to fish your home state events you must be a member of a local TBF affiliated fishing club. As you well know by now the TBF is dedicated to three main principles – Fishing, Youth and Conservation. We as anglers know that the future of our sport depends on the fostering of the values and principles of the outdoors that helped create this country and the resources that we have. By getting involved in a host of youth activities across the country we intend to fulfill the mission of building tomorrows anglers through education and participation. Ponca City, Oklahoma
(Added: Thu Feb 05 2015)
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- The Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation
The Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation
Having a voice in our nation’s capital to promote and protect our hunting and fishing traditions is critical to the future of these valued outdoor pastimes. The Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation is an organization you can depend on to make sure you always have places and opportunities to hunt, fish and trap.
(Added: Wed Apr 18 2007)
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- The Mayfly Project
The Mayfly Project
The Mayfly Project is a 501(c)(3) national organization that uses fly fishing as a catalyst to mentor and support children in foster care. The Mission of The Mayfly Project is to support children in foster care through fly fishing and introduce them to their local water ecosystems, with a hope that connecting them to a rewarding hobby will provide an opportunity for foster children to have fun, build confidence, and develop a meaningful connection with the outdoors. The Mayfly Project is committed to our 1:1 mentor ratio when working with children in foster care because we know they value time with their mentor, and it's the most efficient way to teach fly fishing. The memories made by celebrating successes, working through wind knots together, and giving high fives after letting go a fish, all surmount to essential experiences for our mentees. The Mayfly Project is now booming across the USA.
(Added: Fri Jan 15 2021)
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- The Wild Salmon Center
The Wild Salmon Center
Founded in 1992, the Wild Salmon Center is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting Pacific salmon, steelhead, char and trout stocks and their ecosystems. We are committed to identifying the last, best Pacific salmon habitat and devising practical and scientifically-sound strategies to protect forever these extraordinary places and their biodiversity.
(Added: Wed Dec 12 2007)
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- Trout Unlimited
Trout Unlimited
Conservation organization for protecting North America's coldwater fisheries. Today TU is a national organization with more than 140,000 volunteers organized into about 400 chapters from Maine to Montana to Alaska. This dedicated grassroots army is matched by a respected staff of lawyers, policy experts and scientists, who work out of more than 30 offices nationwide. These conservation professionals ensure that TU is at the forefront of fisheries restoration work at the local, state and national levels.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- U.S. Angling Confederation
U.S. Angling Confederation
Do you love to fish, love to compete, and dream of representing your country against the best fisherman in the world? Do you want access to the world’s best fishing methods, leading edge fishing technology, and strategies to catch any fish that swims? Do you want to impact America's youth by volunteering to teach and mentor? Get involved with U.S. Angling today! U.S. Angling Confederation, U.S. Angling, is a 501c3 charitable non-profit organization dedicated to Sport Fishing in America. USAngling’s initial focus is to introduce the American public to World Championship angling, and invite them to pursue the exhilarating honor of representing our country in the spirit of the Olympic ideal. We are actively recruiting coaches, teachers, volunteers, and athletes in a variety of demographics including America's best: Men, Women, Youth, Senior Citizen, and Disabled athletes. We further endeavor to collaborate with other non-profit, government, and private sector organizations to advocate for America’s natural resources, conservation efforts, and community service opportunities. State College, Pennsylvania
(Added: Fri Jan 04 2019)
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- U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the premier government agency dedicated to the conservation, protection, and enhancement of fish, wildlife and plants, and their habitats.We are the only agency in the federal government whose primary responsibility is the conservation and management of these important natural resources for the American public. The Fish and Aquatic Conservation program works with partners and the public to manage fish and other aquatic resources to achieve the goals of healthy, self-sustaining populations, and the conservation or restoration of their habitats.
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- United Women on the Fly
United Women on the Fly
United Women on the Fly (UWOTF) is committed to building an inclusive community that educates, provides resources, encourages, and connects anglers from all backgrounds into the sport of fly fishing. We will foster a sense of belonging by centering, valuing and amplifying the voices, perspectives and styles of women. UWOTF acknowledges that our events and photos shared take place on traditional, unceded Indigenous lands. United Women on the Fly connects anglers via various social media platforms, community events, classes, Facebook closed group, UWOTF Website and Regional Mentors
(Added: Tue Nov 30 2021)
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- US Fish & Wildlife Sport Fishing & Boating Partnership Council
US Fish & Wildlife Sport Fishing & Boating Partnership Council
The Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council (SFBPC) is a Federal Advisory Committee Act group that advises the Secretary of the Interior, through the Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, on aquatic conservation endeavors that benefit recreational resources and recreational boating and that encourage partnerships among industry, the public, and the government. The Council was established in 1993. Falls Church, Virginia
(Added: Thu Jan 02 2003)
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- Warriors & Quiet Waters Foundation, Inc.
Warriors & Quiet Waters Foundation, Inc.
Our Mission: To provide traumatically injured U.S. servicemen and women from Iraq and Afghanistan with a high quality restorative program, utilizing the therapeutic experience of fly fishing on Montana waters. WQW brings wounded warriors to Montana for a six day program of fly fishing and recreation. Most warriors who come are still in rehab in the military hospital system. Once here, they have the opportunity to relax and to learn to fly fish in the quiet and beautiful surroundings of Montana and neighboring Yellowstone Park. The program provides transportation, accommodations, meals, and gives each warrior a complete fly fishing outfit including rod, reel and waders to keep so they can continue to fish when they leave MT – all at no cost to them. The program supports these wounded warriors through the generosity of its donors and many volunteers. Bozeman, Montana
(Added: Sun Mar 23 2014)
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- Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council
Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council
The Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council is one of eight regional fishery management councils established by the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976. Amended in 1996 to prevent overfishing, minimize bycatch and protect fish stocks and habitat, it is now called the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA). Based in Honolulu, Hawaii
(Added: Wed Dec 14 2011)
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- Wild Fish Conservancy Northwest
Wild Fish Conservancy Northwest
A nonprofit conservation organization headquartered in Duvall Washington, Wild Fish Conservancy is dedicated to the recovery and conservation of the region’s wild-fish ecosystems. Through science, education, and advocacy, WFC promotes technically and socially responsible habitat, hatchery and harvest management to better sustain the region's wild-fish heritage. Duvall, Washington
(Added: Sun Jan 18 2015)
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- Wild Oceans
Wild Oceans
Wild Oceans (formerly the National Coalition for Marine Conservation or NCMC) was founded by anglers in 1973. Like the sportsmen before us who pioneered wildlife conservation on land, we are passionate protectors of fish and the wild world we share. Our mission is to keep the oceans wild to preserve fishing opportunities for the future. To do this, we bring conservation-minded fishermen and pro-fishing environmentalists together to promote a broad, ecosystems approach to fisheries management that reflects our expanding circle of concern for all marine life and the future of fishing. Our programs emphasize conserving the ocean's top predators – the big billfish, swordfish, tunas and sharks that are the lions, tigers and wolves of the sea – while preserving healthy ocean food webs and critical habitats essential to the survival of all fish, marine mammals and seabirds. Tallahassee, Florida
(Added: Tue Dec 17 2019)
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- Wild Steelhead Coalition
Wild Steelhead Coalition
Wild steelhead, the Washington state fish, are an important cultural and economic legacy in the Pacific Northwest and have been reduced to a fraction of their historic capacity. Over-harvest, habitat loss, ineffective hatchery practices, human-constructed barriers to migration, and misguided management strategies have all contributed to the decline–and in some cases extinction–of wild steelhead runs. The Wild Steelhead Coalition (WSC) believes that, without meaningful changes to policies and attitudes, these same factors will continue to reduce wild steelhead populations to the point where they will no longer be sustainable. Seattle, Washington
(Added: Wed Dec 12 2007)
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- WildFish | Working To Protect Wild Fish & Their Waters
WildFish | Working To Protect Wild Fish & Their Waters
WildFish is the only independent charity in the UK campaigning for wild fish and their environment. We receive no government money and rely on the donations of our supporters. Grounded in science and the law, we campaign against the prime causes: pollution from agricultural and sewage, over abstraction and open-net salmon farming. Our goal is fresh and coastal waters that are clean, healthy and full of life. Salisbury, England, UK
(Added: Thu Jan 19 2023)
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- Youth Conservation Alliance
Youth Conservation Alliance
Our charter is to teach environmental education, highlighting fishing & hunter safety as family activities; something everyone can enjoy regardless of age. The YCA believes the outdoors should play a key role in child and teenage development and act as a conduit for conservation throughout a person's lifetime. The Youth Conservation Alliance ("the YCA"), is a northern Illinois based not-for-profit corporation organized and operated for charitable and educational purposes. Elgin, Illinois
(Added: Tue Dec 17 2013)
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