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Home: Categories: Watersports: Fishing: Regional - Worldwide: Australia
  • ANGFA - Australia New Guinea Fishes Association ANGFA - Australia New Guinea Fishes Association
    The Australian New Guinea Fishes Association brings together people with common interests in understanding more about the freshwater fishes and aquatic habitats of the region. ANGFA's objectives are to promote the study, conservation and culture of the native freshwater fish species of Australia and New Guinea, and to provide a forum for the exchange of information.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Angling Adventures Angling Adventures
    Australia's Premier Fishing tour booking agency. We provide fishing tour packages for Marlin fishing, Barramundi fishing, Bonefish, Trevally, Tarpon, Tuna, and many others. From our huge range of pre packaged fishing tours to our premier service, we have booked thousands of sports fisherman into their dream fishing tip they will never forget. You can relax when booking a tour with Angling adventures, all your needs will be met and exceeded. We only list fishing tours and destinations we have visited and can 100% recommend. Take your time and view the fantastic fly fishing and sport fishing destinations throughout Australia
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • ANSA - Australian National Sportfishing Association ANSA - Australian National Sportfishing Association
    The Australian organisation representing the recreational fishing industry and the recreational angler. ANSA is the peak body for sportfishing in Australia and encompasses all the needs of the beginner as well as the experienced angler. It represents recreational sportfishers through various branches and affiliated clubs in Australia.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Australian Fisheries Management Authority Australian Fisheries Management Authority
    Responsible for the efficient management of Commonwealth fishery resources on behalf of the Australian community. We need to ensure that fishing is conducted in a sustainable way to provide the benefits we get today, such as healthy seafood and employment, while also making sure that there will be fish around for future generations to enjoy. As a general rule of thumb, AFMA looks after commercial fisheries from three nautical miles out to the extent of the Australian Fishing Zone (AFZ). The states and the Northern Territory generally look after recreational, commercial coastal and inland fishing and aquaculture.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Australian Fishing Network Australian Fishing Network
    Whether you're angling for freshwater species or sport fishing for saltwater fish; we've got the best fishing reports, fishing spots and a great online fishing shop. We demonstrate various fishing techniques - from game fishing to fly fishing; where to get a fishing licence and showcase all of the latest fishing tackle. AFN is your one stop destination for fishing in Australia. Based in Croydon, Victoria, Australia
    (Added: Thu Mar 03 2011) - Report this link as bad!
  • Australian Fishing Reports & Forum Australian Fishing Reports & Forum
    Australian Fishing Online is an Australian community and forum for anglers and hosts fishing competitions Brisbane River Classic, Moreton Bay Classic, Summer Classic and the State of Origin fishing competition. Australian fishing reports and information on Maps, Directory, Bait, Tackle, Species, Forums, Photos, How-To Articles, News and Weather
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Australian Kayak Fishing Forum Australian Kayak Fishing Forum
    Australia's biggest collection of Kayak Fishing Resources. The Australian Kayak Fishing website is a resource for all Kayak Fishing aficionados in Australia and overseas.
    (Added: Wed Dec 15 2010) - Report this link as bad!
  • Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation
    The Australian Recreational Fishing Foundation is the peak representative body to the Australian Federal Government. It is a partnership between State peak fishing bodies, representative organisations and fish habitat groups. The objectives of ARFF are: To educate and promote the benefits of sustainable recreational fishing to the public and to ensure the maintenance and growth of fish population throughout Australia; To educate the fishing community on ethical, environmental and safety aspects of sustainable recreational fishing; To raise awareness of and promote, the health benefits of sustainable recreational fishing; To educate the public on how to protect, preserve and care for the environment, whilst recreationally fishing, including land care, flora and fauna and marine conservation; To promote the accessibility of sustainable recreational fishing activities to persons of all age group, genders and ethnic origins. Doncaster, Victoria, Australia
    (Added: Sat Feb 04 2023) - Report this link as bad!
  • Find A Charter Find A Charter
    Australia's Largest and most Comprehensive Fishing Charter Directory. With over 500 expert Fishing Charters Australia Wide. Whatever type of fishing you are looking for, you will be able to Find A Fishing Charter that will cater to your every desire. Fishing Charters located in and around the outskirts of Capital cities Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Hobart, Darwin, Perth, Broome, Cairns, Adelaide and the Gold Coast. If you are looking for a Fishing Charter near you or just looking to go on a fishing trip anywhere around Australia, then you can be sure to find a fishing charter to suit your needs for an experience you will never forget. Whether you are looking to chase the mighty barra in the north, to chasing some of the back braking kingfish and Samson fish of the South, guarantees to connect you to your next fishing adventure wherever your destination in Australia.
    (Added: Fri Dec 04 2020) - Report this link as bad!
  • Fish & Boat Magazine Fish & Boat Magazine
    Australia's longest standing monthly fishing and boating mag! Established in 1978, Fish and Boat has been the Bible for anglers along Australia’s east coast for more than 40 years. It has actively promoted a sensible approach to the country’s most popular recreational activity supporting bag and size limits and closed seasons where it is known to promote resurgence of fish stock. The magazine also acts as a tool for tourism by promoting the theme that the anglers in the North catch “big fish and have tough boats”. The paper is a lively, informative but light-hearted look at fishing and fishing experiences – most of it contributed from its wide readership. Mackay, QLD Australia
    (Added: Thu Jan 09 2025) - Report this link as bad!
  • Fishing Charter Base Fishing Charter Base
    Fishing Charter Base is the first live online fishing charter booking system for Australia and worldwide fishing charters. Book your Australian or international fishing charter online today. We have an extensive list of fishing charters from around the world and from all states in Australia.
    (Added: Sun Oct 18 2009) - Report this link as bad!
  • Fishing Monthly Fishing Monthly
    Voice of fishing across Queensland and New South Wales, Australia. From humble beginnings back in 1989, Fishing Monthly has grown to become Australia's favourite fishing magazine. Within its pages, you'll find an entertaining mix of in-depth features, fishing reports, product reviews, boat tests, and more.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Fishpo Australia Fishpo Australia
    Australia Fishing Directory. Find every Australian fishing link in one place.. FISHPO!
    (Added: Wed Dec 19 2007) - Report this link as bad!
  • Fly Fish Australia Fly Fish Australia
    An association which generally promotes and develops fly-fishing as a sport and conservation method as well as organizing international fly fishing competitions in Australia
    (Added: Sat Dec 05 2009) - Report this link as bad!
  • FlyLife Magazine FlyLife Magazine
    Fly Fishing in Australia and New Zealand through print and digital. Your internet gateway to the best fly fishing in Australia & New Zealand. Travel guide, tackle guide, shopping, magazine, forum, and more. Published quarterly, FlyLife is a high-quality print journal covering all aspects of fly fishing in both fresh and salt water. Richmond, Tasmania, Australia
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Game Fishing Association Australia Game Fishing Association Australia
    The Game Fishing Association of Australia (GFAA) is the longest established national fishing association in the world. It has been, and remains, a model and example for gamefishing associations around the world. As such, the GFAA is affiliated with the International Game Fish Association (lGFA) and plays an active part in the leadership of the sport of game fishing on a world level. Fishing records, tag & release info, species ID database, tournaments, game fishing rules & regulations, and more. Based in Hobart, Tasmania
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • is a site dedicated to those who love Fishing Lures. Whether you Love to Make Fishing Lures, Collect Lures, or simply fish with them - we're sure you'll find it worth coming in for a look. In our forum you'll find discussions on many vintage lures, collectible lures, as well as current models. Interested in carving your own fishing lures? Inside you'll find our members (including many talented and experienced lure makers) share all you'll need to know on the subject! You'll also find biographies and interviews regarding pioneers in the making of hand carved timber lures, along with others related to the industry. Based in Australia
    (Added: Sun Jan 03 2016) - Report this link as bad!
  • Native Fish Australia Native Fish Australia
    Dedicated to Australian native freshwater fish. A volunteer organisation that is open to anyone who cares about the well-being of Australia's native freshwater fish and the rivers, streams and other waterways that they inhabit. Although NFA is not a fishing club, many of our members are anglers and NFA events often include fishing. We encourage the use of only ethical and sustainable angling practices in the wider angling community and expect NFA members to use them personally.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • OzFish Unlimited OzFish Unlimited
    We're a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to helping millions of Aussie recreational fishers take control of the health of their rivers, lakes and estuaries and shore up the future of the sport that we all love. Our organisation started this journey with only one thing in mind….to leave a legacy of better fishing for future generations. And Australia’s response has been phenomenal, we’ve witnessed a groundswell of support from everyday anglers, non-anglers, government and corporate bodies who want the same outcome – better habitat for better fishing. Lennox Head, NSW Australia
    (Added: Thu Dec 06 2018) - Report this link as bad!
  • Safe Fishing Australia Safe Fishing Australia
    Tips and resources for safer recreational fishing. Welcome to, a service of the Recreational Fishing Alliance of NSW, sponsored by the NSW Recreational Fishing Trusts, Surf Life Saving Australia, NSW Sport & Recreation, Australian National Sportfishing Association and the fishing tackle industry.
    (Added: Sun Mar 16 2014) - Report this link as bad!
  • Sea-Ex Australian Seafood Sea-Ex Australian Seafood
    Seafood, Fishing, Aquaculture, Marine & Angling Directory. Seafood market prices, industry news & information, maritime resources, and a lot more.
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!
  • Smarter Fishing Charters Smarter Fishing Charters
    Australia's best fishing charter website offering anglers fishing charter directories, reviews, ratings, news and more. We offer fishing charter owners a smarter way to promote their fishing charter businesses.
    (Added: Tue Mar 03 2015) - Report this link as bad!
  • Sweetwater Fishing Sweetwater Fishing
    Sweetwater Fishing is the on-line home of fresh water fishing information in Australia. We offer free fishing maps, location information, camping and accommodation guide, fishing articles and fish species information.
    (Added: Sun Feb 21 2010) - Report this link as bad!
  • The Australian Trout Foundation The Australian Trout Foundation
    We believe that we have a duty to hand on to our children a better managed trout fishery than currently exists in Australia. The Australian Trout Foundation is firmly committed to the improvement of our trout fisheries. The Australian Trout Foundation Inc. is the only independent, non-profit organisation in the country that is specifically dedicated to protecting and improving Australia's trout fishery, ensuring that all Australians can enjoy trout fishing now and for future generations to come. We represent all trout fishers regardless of method (bait, lure or fly) and are funded by annual membership fees from our passionate supporters. Based in Lilydale, Victoria, Australia
    (Added: Thu Jan 02 2003) - Report this link as bad!

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