Home: Categories: Watersports: Scuba Diving: Cave Diving
- Aquatech Dive Center
Aquatech Dive Center
The Aquatech Dive Center is headquarters for cave, cavern and open water divers in Mexico - offering the best variety of fresh and salt water diving. Aquatech's technical dive staff keeps www.cenotes.com updated with the latest on cave diving technology, descriptions of dive sites and ongoing cave explorations. Our fully qualified dive staff offers certifications for beginners rough advanced technical divers. Akumal, Quintana Roo, Mexico
(Added: Mon Nov 21 2005)
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- Cave Diver's Forum
Cave Diver's Forum
The purpose of the Cave Diver's Forum is to provide a place on the internet for civil discussions of anything cave diving related. This site is not a place to learn how to cavern or cave dive. This site contains plenty of comments, stories, reports, and opinions. Be careful, responsible, and mature, both in your posts and how you use anything you read here.
(Added: Sun Jan 03 2016)
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- Cave Diving Down Under
Cave Diving Down Under
Cave Diving Down Under is the definitive resource for cave divers in Australia including: online shop stocking a range of cave diving books and DVDs; cave diving news; articles and equipment reviews; history of Australian cave diving; information on cave diving sites across the country; training information, instructor listing and upcoming cave diver courses; discussion forum, email list and Twitter feed to communicate with fellow cave divers on cave diving in Australia; stunning images and video from Australia's underwater caves.
(Added: Sat Jan 18 2014)
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- Cave Diving Training & Guide Service
Cave Diving Training & Guide Service
Cave Dive Florida is operated by Jim Wyatt and offers personalized NACD Cavern through full Cave diver classes as well as other advanced diver classes like decompression procedures up through advanced trimix. We can take you in Devils system, Ginnie ballroom, Little River, Manatee Springs, Peacock Springs, Orange Grove, Eagles' Nest and several others in North Florida
(Added: Mon Nov 21 2005)
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- Dive Outpost
Dive Outpost
Cave Diving Instruction: Cave Diving Training from Beginner to Advanced. Dive Outpost, situated in the heart of Northern Florida's Cave Diving Country, offers a full range of cave diving services and facilities for the beginner to the advanced cave diver, with spacious classroom facilities for the instructor. The Dive Shop offers a wide selection of cave diving equipment, gear, and cave diving lights. Live Oak, Florida
(Added: Mon Nov 21 2005)
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- International Underwater Cave Rescue and Recovery
International Underwater Cave Rescue and Recovery
The mission of the IUCRR (International Underwater Cave Rescue and Recovery) is to support all Public Safety Agencies in the rescue and/or recovery of victims in an underwater environment (with an overhead obstruction such as caves, caverns, mine shafts, etc.). High Springs, Florida
(Added: Mon Nov 21 2005)
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- National Association for Cave Diving
National Association for Cave Diving
The NACD was established in 1968 for the purpose of achieving safer cave diving through training and education. As a pioneer in cave training, education, exploration and research, the NACD has the following goals: To establish and maintain current guidelines in the form of physical and psychological standards, as well as equipment and techniques necessary for safe cave diving. To encourage education and distribution of safe cave diving information throughout the facilities of the organization and to provide a program of education and advanced training essential for safe cave diving. To achieve closer cooperation and understanding among members of the cave and recreational diving communities (and the general public) so they may work together toward the common goal of increasing safety in cavern and cave diving. To explore underwater caves and to encourage education and distribution of information to government, private industry and the general public. Macon, Georgia
(Added: Mon Feb 09 2015)
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Sailing Scuttlebutt
World on Water Video
Learning Center